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Red thread - a simple amulet against damage and the evil eye

The evil eye, damage, slander, slander - all this can cause irreparable damage to a person's aura and attract bad weather into his life. The amulet red thread is rooted in the Slavic nodular magic - nauzy. A properly tied thread on the left wrist will protect against negative energy, which will help preserve health.

Why is the red thread worn on the hand

The amulet Slavic red thread is tied into 7 knots on its own or with the help of a loved one.

    If tied on the left hand. That negative energy will not be able to hit the human aura.

    If tied on the right hand, luck and prosperity are attracted to life.

    When used during illness, it leads to a speedy recovery and relief of the condition.

    By tying a baby, you will protect him from an evil eye, from damage and negative energy of ill-wishers. Protects from envy and malice.

A red thread bracelet can be woven or knitted in any pattern. The main condition for a protective amulet is 7 knots tied on it.

Among the Slavs, the red thread itself is considered a talisman against the evil eye and protection from dark forces. This is reflected in embroidery. All protective amulets and patterns are made in red.

It is allowed to tie a thread only to a person who sincerely wishes you happiness, self-tying is also allowed.

The red thread as an amulet is used in various teachings, including being reflected in the Bible. Now it is fashionable to wear a red thread from Israel, which are sold in abundance in every city.

What color can be a talisman

A protective talisman can be made not only from a red thread. Magic power changes depending on the color.

    Red color protects from evil thoughts and words;

    orange from the evil eye, envy, damage;

    green attracts good luck and prosperity, protects against deception;

    blue and blue develop an intuitive sense;

    purple keeps from accidents;

    white promotes learning and develops curiosity.

The amulet can be woven from one or different colors. It is best to use 3 threads twisted into one, which helps to restore wasted energy. And the color of the selected components will have the desired impact on life.

How long to wear a talisman

When tying knots for the fulfillment of desires, it is important to imagine what you want. It is especially good to visualize everything to the smallest detail.

Wool itself is considered therapeutic due to the light static charge that occurs during friction, there is a slight massage effect at the cellular level, which leads to a decrease in pain during sprains and joint pains.

You can wear such an amulet indefinitely, as long as you feel the need for it.

What to do if the amulet is broken

It is believed that having protected a person from negativity, the talisman will surely break. The protective amulet should be thanked for its service and given over to the cleansing fire. Then you can tie a new thread or weave (tie) a bracelet.

If you buy a red thread as a talisman, keep in mind that it is not durable.

Can a child wear

Slavic nauzes are used to protect the baby. When tying a knot on health, you can read a plot. Also, the child can wear any red thread, it will protect from the evil eye.

The main condition in a protective thread is isolation. If there are decorations or additional symbols on the thread or bracelet, they should not interrupt the thread, it is more correct to put it on top.

How to make a charm with your own hands

The implementation of the amulet is quite simple and suitable for everyone. Regardless of whether you are going to weave a bracelet or just tie a knot, it is important to clear your thoughts of negativity. During the sacrament, you can read a prayer or a conspiracy for health or success.

How to make nauz “to health”, the main component of a happy life, see the step-by-step master class.