Home / Numerology / Life position happens. The vital position of the individual. Examples of active life positions. OK-site, personal changes.

Life position happens. The vital position of the individual. Examples of active life positions. OK-site, personal changes.

An active life position is the key to success for an individual in any endeavor. And it arises because of the perception of a static world, if you see it, so to speak, “from the right angle”, you will not notice how you will gain an active life position, and only success will follow you in everything, and no one will pay attention to failures. will turn. What does the active life position of a person mean and how is it formed? Let's try to figure it out.

The value most appreciated by members of developed societies is the physical and mental health of the body. If in other cases spiritual values ​​took precedence, today these are those bodies. One of the greatest aspirations of the members of our society is to avoid physical and mental decline. One of the priorities is to improve cognitive well-being, prevent dementia, and preserve health for as long as possible, despite physical ailments. And an effective way to achieve these goals is healthy eating habits.

In a social welfare society, people are increasingly aware that one of the most important factors that can affect their health is diet. Current statistics show that health is a serious problem in developed societies. There is a growing interest in nutrition and healthy eating habits, and when purchasing health is one of the main reasons to consider when choosing food. This increases the consumption of foods that are considered healthy and healthy.

What is an active life position?

In order to better and easier to understand what the active life position of a person is, let us give a simple life example. The elections for the governor of your city were held, a completely new person was elected who had not held this position before. Within a month, you noticed that new horizontal bars were placed in your yard, sandbox, swings, everything is bright and in good order. A few weeks later you saw that the lawns on the streets were prettier, the trees along the road were trimmed or cut down, and a new kindergarten opened near your house.

Caring for a healthy diet has been constant throughout human history. People have always known that good nutrition is important for their lives, because it has a direct impact on the maintenance and restoration of health. There are many aspects that influence the purchase and choice of foods that people make. But in semi-structured interviews and surveys that we conducted on food, health - along with costs, taste, convenience, etc. - is defining. We have found that the population is starting to accept the ideal of a “balanced and variegated diet” in which it wants to educate members of the consumer society.

All this suggests that the governor met expectations and expectations, he did and continues to do for the city all that he can, spending money on a good cause. He still has many interesting ideas in store, so after six months a beautiful alley appeared in an overgrown urban forest. He leads an active life, improving his city. It is this constant inexhaustible stock of new ideas, the manifestation of knowledge of human morals and skills to use its power and speaks of an active life position.

It seems that recent research on eating habits is similar: there is indeed a tendency towards a healthier diet. But in the field work, which we carried out with the consumption of functional or enriched products, a new aspect is found in the choice of food products: food should contribute to an increase in the quality of life, that is, to live more than years of life and give more life to years. They continue to buy healthy, pleasant, enjoyable products, adapted to individual needs, but, above all, bring additional health benefits.

How to become an active person

When submitting a resume, many people wonder: what does an employer mean by life activity, what do I need to write / answer? When you are asked if you have an active life position, this is simply a rephrased question: “Will you give us ideas for business or live from paycheck to paycheck?” Of course, few people would like the second option, therefore forming an active life position is very important .

Types of communication in transactional analysis

Foods of a moderate diet in size of rations, varied in the food group and balanced in the amount of each and every one of the nutrients that the body needs, should provide not only the energy and nutrients that the body needs, but also that should have preventive and curative powers. Even without realizing it, members of a developed society are moving from dietary habits to diet, from buying and eating foods to nutrients, from taking care of healthy food to eating and from the ideal of healthy eating To an optimal diet.

In fact, just wake up in the morning and suddenly understand that you have become active is impossible. Active life position is characterized by your actions, thoughts, ideas. People who exactly have an active life position correspond to its structural components:

  1. Regulatory and evaluative approach to their own actions - a person does not do anything suddenly or randomly, his actions are thought out and evaluated, the possible consequences are rolled in the head more than once. If you learn to soberly and firmly assess your actions and draw up a plan for future work, then you will never be daring, and you will always keep yourself among your most respected and reliable colleagues or friends in the whole company;
  2. Motivational incentive approach. A solid assessment and plan alone are not enough if you do not want to do this or that job. There must be some kind of motivation for your actions, for example, you want to reach the head of the department, get a big salary and buy or build a house in the suburbs, as you always dreamed of, but you should like the work itself, otherwise there will be no motivation for action;
  3. Practical approach - this phase is manifested directly in the work. You are not lazy to carry out orders, offer something new for the project, know how to defend your opinion if someone doubts, but you are not an ardent fanatic and clearly assess your capabilities and objectives. Here, the previous two points were also gathered, since without them all of the above described cannot be done.

Consumer tastes change slowly, focusing on the consumption of products that appease a higher quality lifestyle. The inclusion of new products in the shopping cart is responsible not only for a lifestyle that is vital, but also for a new social and cultural approach to food. This is a slow but irreversible process of change, and the challenge is to create new ideas that determine the behavior of people in food. It makes no sense to criticize the changes that occur, if at the same time there are no real and realistic proposals.

As a result of your work on yourself, you will become more responsible, cheerful, to present ideas, resourceful and reliable among colleagues, you will be able to work in a team.

Most often, women are concerned about cultivating an active life position in themselves, and for good reason it is very important for the beautiful half to maintain order in the family, to keep themselves clean and beautiful, and in general to be happy without committing stupid acts. A happy woman, as you know, can not not like and not be beautiful.

Types of passive life position

This will help determine future nutritional action plans to improve the nutritional status of the population by instilling adequate dietary habits in consumers. To achieve this, we need to know new cultural factors that lead to significant changes in eating habits and contribute to the emergence of a new food culture. One of the most determining factors is the new way of life, which is gradually adopted by members of the advanced societies.

Habits and lifestyle. The “habit of eating” category was a classic concept in food anthropology. It was introduced and used by pioneers such as Richard, Guth, Mead, Passin, Bennett, Douglas, etc. Who understand them as behaviors of food deeply rooted in the life forms of members of culture. They use this concept to describe and understand ways of routine and spontaneous behavior, which determine the choice of foods that are consumed daily by members of a social group and, therefore, correspond to their eating habits.

The word "position" is many-valued. This is a definite posture; and the location of the animate or inanimate object; place prepared for combat; finally, the so-called point of view, the opinion on which human behavior depends.

Their analysis and interpretations were extremely useful, because at a time when new eating habits resulting from the industrialization of food products began to consolidate, they allowed us to develop healthy nutritional recommendations for the population. And, above all, they were relevant contributions, as they showed the importance of sociocultural factors. He began to realize that eating habits are an integral part of popular culture.

Eating habits can be described as common patterns of food consumption. They tend to choose and consume certain foods and exclude others. It includes a set of skills that play the role of decision-making mechanisms, which organize and direct ordinary behavior and, therefore, our behavior in food: what we eat and how we eat it, that is, daily food intake. In this area, they were defined as “the line of conduct by which the set of food products present in diets consumed by a group of people is selected, used and consumed”.

To the latter definition, the “life position” combination often used in psychology is very close. The life position of an individual is an understanding of its meaning in life, an attitude to circumstances and realities that lays the foundation for behavior and determines the motives of activity.. It finds expression in various forms: beliefs, values, ideals, principles ...

OK-site, personal changes

They are the basis of the type of behavior in food, in which genetic and cultural traits are creatively combined, the way of behavior in which biological, social and affective motifs converge in unitary synthesis. They include a set of routine behavioral rules that govern eating behavior and whose knowledge helps us understand what we eat and why we eat what we eat.

One of the main characteristics of eating habits is its stability, that is, its resistance to change. Most adult eating habits are habits that were formed many years ago, so they are difficult to change. It is shown that even if changes in attitudes and intentions occur, they do not change. Resistance is stronger in rich societies of the West, in which autonomy and individual freedom are elevated. The concepts of independence and personal autonomy are inextricably linked with the activities of everyday life.

Life position begins to form in childhood and depends on a number of factors: heredity, upbringing, family traditions, experiences, prevailing norms in a given society ... This is not a frozen education: you can adjust your life position and change at any age, there would be a desire

But eating habits are not the same, as they are also modifiable patterns of behavior open to changes in the full potential offered by daily life. Social context is the determining factor that can cause a noticeable evolution in the habits of citizens. Well, in order to combine the individual and social dimension in understanding changes in dietary habits, we will use the lifestyle category. He orients everyday practice in different areas of life, among which the most important is consumption.

Activity or passivity

All the many life positions are usually reduced to two opposite types: active and passive. What is an active life position? This is a desire to change the social situation in which a person is, to achieve a better position in life. The passive (or, that means “adaptive”) position presupposes non-interference in the course of events, agreement with the existing, even not too satisfactory state of affairs.

In this area, he creates a symbolic order that governs the decisions of people in the selection, purchase and consumption of goods. In food consumption, it is a fertile category, because it allows public and private spheres to formulate and understand how people, through the channels offered by society, retain their own identity in their behavior. This is true in modern society, which is characterized by a tendency to individualization in decisions about what is, what has become possible thanks to the ability to acquire, as well as to choose between the amount of available food and, consequently, the ability to make decisions According to one’s own way of life.

An active life position is inherent in energetic and active people, capable of leading others. But not always their activity is directed to the blessing. There are two types of active attitude to the world.

1. Negative - energy is directed at negative actions from the point of view of generally accepted norms; a person is in conflict with society, undermines his foundations with his activity. An example of a person with such a position is the leader of a gang of criminals.

Lifestyle can be described as a set of behaviors followed by a reasonable group of people who agree on how they live, spend their money, spend their free time, etc. This is a way of life based on a specific set of behaviors that structure temporal organization, the social system of relationships, and the consumption patterns of a particular group of people. This refers to a personal way of being founded and pacified by a specific sociocultural environment in the constant process of transformation generated by the conscious action of the members who integrate it.

2. A positive view implies initiative in smoothing social contradictions, an orientation toward strengthening moral standards; People leading such a lifestyle, as a rule, are distinguished by purposefulness, responsibility, conscientiousness, and willingness to act without delay even in difficult conditions. It is believed that such behavior should be pursued as much as possible.

The structure of lifestyle is solved in the totality of practices, habits, values, attitudes, trends, consumption, life forms, etc. It can be described as an original form, individualized as each person lives in everyday life, a concrete way to follow the norms of his group, class and the global society to which they belong. It was defined as a combination of more or less integrated practices that a person accepts not only because they satisfy utilitarian needs, but because they give a concrete form to a certain category of self-identity.

The manifestation of the conformist position is also heterogeneous. It may include four forms of behavior:

  • Obedience is strict adherence to prescribed norms without being critical of them.
  • Absolute inaction - the name says it all: the best way to solve a problem is to wait until it passes.
  • Destructive strategy - a person redirects all accumulated discontent to third parties, making them guilty, instead of analyzing the situation and charting ways to change it.
  • Excitement is an intense, but highly unconstructive, chaotic activity, replacing attempts to find a solution to a problem.

Although only the first two types can be called passive in the literal sense of the word, the activity that a person manifests in the third and fourth forms - due to the wrong orientation - also does not lead to any changes in solving the problem situation. Author: Evgeny Bessonov

Comfort and pleasure

This is a unitary mode of behavior, since it connects desires and variants with a more or less ordered model. He has the ability to structure and organize largely the daily activities of members of a social group. This is a kind of norm adopted by the group, but always interpreted by the subject, which allows, prohibits or stimulates the consumption of certain goods and services. Lifestyle is a way of investing social and symbolic value in certain aspects of everyday life, and it is doubtful that food should be among these aspects.