Home / Love spells / Reincarnation of the soul: find out who you were in a past life (6 photos). Tarot spread "past lives" Fortune telling who I was in a past life

Reincarnation of the soul: find out who you were in a past life (6 photos). Tarot spread "past lives" Fortune telling who I was in a past life

  • Number of cards: 9
  • Cards used: Major and Minor Arcana
  • Fortune telling time: 30 minutes
  • Target: identify the details of your past life and understand its influence on the present.
  • Form: two rows of cards parallel to each other.

Numerous religions and philosophies, ancient and modern, recognize the concept of reincarnation. The idea is that the immortal soul lives in the world, starting a new life in another body after the death of the previous body. Even if the human mind does not have conscious memory of past lives, the soul still remembers. The Past Lives spread is very closely related to the idea of ​​reincarnation and is useful for comparing the Querent's past with his present.


The concept of reincarnation, undoubtedly very complex from a metaphysical point of view, if accepted, implies three consequences. The first consequence is that even though each person is born free of the mistakes and successes of the previous incarnation, the soul continues to grow, develop and learn, correcting its own mistakes and exceeding its own limits over and over again. The souls called “young” have only traveled a small part of the journey, since they have lived few lives, while the “ancient” souls are wiser and closer to enlightenment. The second implication is that there may be ways to bring back memories and feelings that belong to our past history. Those who believe in reincarnation claim that it is possible to restore our own memory in dreams, through meditation, hypnosis, and also with the help of the Tarot. The third consequence is that traces of the past are also present in the present incarnation. For those who believe in reincarnation, the birth of deep and mutual love at first sight is a consequence of the fact that two souls loved each other in past lives and suddenly intuitively recognized each other.

Various interpretations of the layout

The Past Lives spread can be used in two different ways, depending on the beliefs of the cartomancer and the Querent. If we accept the idea of ​​reincarnation, then the Layout can be used to study the previous lives of the Querent. If the idea of ​​reincarnation is not acceptable, then the Spread should be used as a metaphor for exploring and comparing two different periods of the Querent's life. It must be remembered how important it is for a cartomancer to have deep respect for both his own convictions and those of the Querent.

There are thus two different options for interpreting cards using the Past Lives Spread.

  • First option: The layout is used to study the nature of a past life; Only the first five cards are used.
  • Second option: The layout is used to study the nature of a past life, establishing its relationship with the present; All nine cards are used.
  • Third option: The layout is used taking into account “past lives” as a metaphor; All nine cards are used. The past life is considered not as a real embodiment, but as a closed cycle of events that took place in the Querent’s past. For example, if the Querent, after the end of one love relationship, is in a new one, you can apply the “Past Lives” Layout, analyzing the first five cards to describe the ended relationship, and the last four charts for a newly emerged romance.

Basics of the layout

The “Past Lives” layout is based on the analysis of a previous life, which is identified through a goal, an obstacle and a lesson. The idea is that the Querent had a goal in the past, that that goal was not easy to achieve, and that the Querent has learned something and grown as a person. The past life is thus compared with the present. The obvious difference is that the cycle relating to the past life is closed, while the cycle of the present life is still open to all possibilities and can be influenced by the actions and decisions of the Querent.
The layout is presented in three different versions. In the first version, the interpretation ends with an analysis of the past life without comparing it with the present. The second and third options, on the contrary, differ from each other only in interpretation.

How to prepare and lay out cards

After the cartomancer and the Querent have taken turns shuffling the deck, the Querent removes the deck twice: the first time

  • left hand (which symbolizes the past), second time
  • right (which symbolizes the future). The cartomancer then places the cards in the positions indicated on the diagram. If the first option is used, then only cards from 1 to 5 are laid out.

Fortune telling and interpretation

The cartomant prepares for the interpretation of the Arcana in each position, keeping in mind their corresponding meanings. After finishing the interpretation of all the cards, the cartomancer summarizes the entire interpretation, known as Synthesis.

1 Past life

This card represents the Querent's previous incarnation and, in particular, a quality that can be considered his defining characteristic in the past. In the first and second versions, this card also indicates whether the Querent was a man or a woman in a previous life. Opening the card, the cartomant thinks: “This is who the Querent was in a past life.”

2 Past Life Purpose

This card represents the Querent's greatest hope in a previous life, or what he wanted to achieve. Opening this card, the cartomancer thinks: “This was the Querent’s goal.”

3 Obstacle to past life

This card symbolizes an obstacle in the implementation of the task that the Querent set for himself in a past life. Opening it, the cartomancer thinks: “This is what the Querent constantly fought with.”

4 Life Lesson

This card symbolizes the life lesson that the Querent received in a previous incarnation. Opening it, the cartomancer thinks: “Here is a message from a past life.”

5 Conclusion

This card speaks of the result that the Querent has achieved. Opening it, the cartomator thinks: “This card will tell me whether the Querent managed to achieve the goals set in a past life.” In the first and second options, the card can also indicate how the previous incarnation of the Querent ended.

6 New mission

This card represents the Querent's new mission: what the Querent has decided to discover for himself in his present incarnation. Opening it, the cartomancer thinks: “This card will tell me why the Querent reincarnated again.”

7 Current goal

This card symbolizes the Querent's current goal in the present, or what the current incarnation will teach the Querent. Opening it, the cartomant thinks: “This is the lesson that the Querent is destined to receive in his current incarnation.”

8 Current obstacle

This card speaks of an obstacle that the Querent is struggling with in the present, or a situation or idea that is constantly preventing progress. When opening a card, the cartomancer thinks: “This is what the Querent is currently struggling with.”

9 Current incarnation

This card conveys the current incarnation of the Queren through some quality or distinctive feature that can accurately characterize him, just as card 1 does in relation to his past. Opening this card, the cartomancer thinks: “This is who the Querent is at the present time.”

Synthesis of Tarot Spread "Past Lives"

The synthesis of interpretation can be very different depending on which version of the Alignment the cartomator uses.

First option

The purpose of fortune telling is to reveal information about the Querent's past life. The querent was not the same person as he is at the present time, but in his present incarnation he, however, has much in common with him. This can be seen on the first map. In a past life, there were two constant components: a goal towards which the Querent tried to move and which can be read from the second card, as well as an obstacle or often encountered difficulty that the Querent tried to overcome throughout his life and which is indicated by the third card. Often this card indicates a flaw in the Querent, which may also be present in the present life, unless the obstacle mentioned above has been overcome. However, during his past life, the Querent, thanks to the constant conflict of goals and obstacles that he was forced to face, grew above himself and learned something important that became the source of his confidence in his current incarnation. This is indicated by the fourth card. The fifth card, on the contrary, represents the completion of the Querent’s life, its end and a new beginning, and also reminds that the last cycle has already exhausted itself, and the new cycle promises other difficulties and goals.

Second option

The task of fortune telling is to compare the past and present life of the Querent. Up to the 5th card, the interpretation is absolutely identical to the interpretation in the first option. Cards from 5 to 9 follow almost a mirror image of the previous ones, but they relate to the current situation.

There are, however, some differences. For the "Conclusion" card there is no correspondence in the current life, since it refers to a closed and completed cycle, while the current cycle is still in progress. Cards 4 and 6 should be considered mirror cards, keeping in mind, however, that while the life lesson has already been learned, the mission is still possible and can be realized on occasion. In this case, the Synthesis should be based on a comparison of the past and the present. Cards can indicate a connection between the past and the present, or a fall after which the Querent started everything from scratch.

Third option

The purpose of fortune telling is to present two parallel situations from the life of the Querent - past and present - in interconnection. The main idea of ​​the Synthesis is that we need to learn from the past. The past has left wounds in the Querent’s soul, probably not yet healed, which, in turn, give rise to doubts, fears and uncertainty. The querent, however, has learned a lesson and gained experience that can be translated into strength, confidence, ability, prudence. Comparing the past and present can help the Querent leave old wounds behind. For example, if a relationship ended badly, this does not mean that a new relationship should end the same way, because the people and circumstances are different. The querent must learn to benefit from his own experience and from what he has learned. For example, in a new relationship, the Querent may pay attention to not repeating the mistakes made with the previous partner.

Fortune telling example

For this fortune telling, the Medieval Tarot deck will be used, and the interpretation will relate to the Third Option of the Layout.

A querent is a man who married at a very young age, but then got divorced, and is now planning to marry again. The Cartomancer uses a Past Lives Spread to relate the first marriage to the second.

1 Six of Pentacles is a past life

And in previous relationships, the Querent was too focused on giving and receiving. His spontaneity and generosity were tempered by his need for every thing to be fair and impartial, to the point where he could become insensitive or irresponsible.

2 Five of Wands is a past life goal

In past relationships, the Querent's goal seemed very precise, but it probably did not depend entirely on feelings. Perhaps, with the help of his wife, he wanted to recreate the relationship of his parents, or perhaps, due to rejection, he wanted its complete opposite.

3 Ace of Swords is an obstacle in a past life

Even in the emotional aspect, the Querent acted rationally and logically, taking into account give and take. Throughout his past relationships, the Querent did not allow his heart to guide him, even in his own feelings.

4 Knight of Wands is a life lesson

Past relationships showed the Querent that every romantic story is a journey for two. The most beautiful things and memories that he had were not only about him, but were shared with each other, desired and claimed by both.

5 Page of Pentacles is the conclusion

The past romance ended when the dreams and hopes of both partners ceased to be focused on their relationship. They continued to share with each other the most prosaic moments of their life together, leaving, however, the most lively and inspiring only for themselves.

6 Page of Swords is a new mission

In this new relationship, the Querent must be aware that his partner may be stronger and more skillful than himself. He, too, has his own past, and the Querent must be willing to compromise and learn from his partner, and not just teach him. From this it follows that love is constant knowledge.

7 Six of Swords is the current goal

This relationship will also be a journey. Despite the fact that it is burdened by the shadows of the past hanging over both partners, this journey must be made together and in the same direction, in an atmosphere of support and mutual assistance in the most difficult moments.

8 The Hermit Is the Current Obstacle

This card is the only Major Arcana in the Spread and therefore deserves special attention. The true obstacle for the Querent is that he is accustomed to keeping all the most important things to himself, maintaining rather superficial relationships with others. Now that he is about to get married, he must overcome this reticence and get used to sharing his deepest feelings with his partner, gradually revealing himself more and more.

9 Eight of Swords is the current incarnation

The current incarnation of the Querent is characterized by a conflict between limitations and possibilities, or between what is already part of the Querent's personality and what can still be changed. It is necessary to understand which qualities the Querent can change, and which are an integral part of his way of being and must be accepted. The querent must pay attention to understanding his own contradictions and not allow them to guide his actions.


When comparing the Querent's past and present, it becomes apparent that in the past there was more passion and more energy in the Querent's emotional life. The querent, being perhaps too young, tried to restrain this deep emotionality, however, going to the other extreme. By rationalizing and subjecting every thing to detailed analysis, he practically destroyed his own spontaneity. When the feelings of both partners cooled, the relationship collapsed.

At present, the opposite situation seems to be observed. The querent, apparently, is behaving too reservedly. His own memories can help him change his view of the upcoming wedding, presenting it not as an end point, but as the beginning of a journey. Thus, he must make the journey with a partner, given that it is likely that the partner will be his guide.

The theory of past life and that our souls go through reincarnation has been around for about 3,000 years. Who was I in a past life? Is there life after life? Discussions on these issues can be found in the treatises of ancient Greece, India and the Celtic Druids. Millions of people believe that their spirit exists not only for seven, eight or nine decades of life on Earth (depending on your luck), but also that we have lived before and that we will live again.

Those who believe in past lives suggest that the key to the solution may lie in various complex aspects: physical, emotional, intellectual, psychological and personal. The main ones are deja vu, mystical memories, spiritual kinship to a foreign culture, uncontrollable habits, inexplicable pain, moles, dreams and fears. All of these phenomena may indicate what your subconscious is hiding.

Despite the large number of people who believe in reincarnation, only 0.3% are able to regain their memories. When answering questions, they use their subconscious and past life experiences.

Who were you in a past life?

Do you want to know who a person was in a past life? How did he live? What did you do? Below you will find a free online test based on the research of the English scientist, archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter, who found the tomb of Tutankhamun. He received knowledge when he was very young from his grandfather, who kept the ancient sacraments. Howard studied the history of ancient countries and civilizations, and his parents were engaged in spiritualism and numerology.

Follow the clues that will guide you through the ancient tables and help you discover the goals and objectives of a person’s previous incarnation and present life. Despite the fact that these maps and tables are somewhat simplified, they are all based on knowledge that allowed the ancient adepts to command life and death.

In various cultures around the world, there are many beliefs about reincarnation (life after death). Strange dreams, amazing coincidences can tell about your past life, and even you yourself can remember it while in a state of hypnosis. At such sessions, some people begin to speak in a language unknown to them, call themselves by someone else's name, speak on behalf of a different gender, and tell amazing details of the life of a person who has already died.

What is known about reincarnation

Psychologists say that children most often remember their past lives. A child can describe things he has never seen before with amazing accuracy. Poor child from India talks about his noble family in a rich city, and when a poor man is brought to this family, he names facts that only this family could know about.

If for some reason you are not ready to go to a hypnosis session, you do not have dreams about a mysterious past (or these dreams are too confusing), then use the methods below to find out about the number of lives you have lived, your incarnations and much more.

Fortune telling using numerology- an effective way to calculate the details of a past life, from gender to date of death. You can calculate reincarnation by date of birth.

Your profession in a past life

To find out about your past incarnation, you need to sum up all the numbers of your date of birth. Let's take the date: October 15, 1998: 1+5+1+0+1+9+9+9=35. Next, find the resulting number in the list below, and you will find out who you were before you managed to be reborn:

Gender and country of residence

The table will help us determine the gender, given below. Find your symbol corresponding to the year of your birth and the last digit of this year. A person with a date of birth of 10/15/1999 will have the symbol V. Below we look for our symbol in the male and female table. In this case, we need to find the month (October) and look for the sign V in both tables. The person born under this date was a woman.

Don’t be upset if you didn’t find your sign in the first table, it will definitely be found in the second.

With the help of numerology, you can also find out the place where your past life took place. Once you find your sign, pay attention to what “type symbol” it is under. We look for it in the table below, and next to it we find our birthday. To the side of the date is a place. In our example, it corresponds to the number 36. This number will tell you where you lived in a past life.

Date of death

Numerology will also answer the question about the date of your death. Skeptics believe that, knowing the date of his death, a person will engage in self-hypnosis and in every possible way “force” the prediction to come true. However, at your own peril and risk, you can independently calculate the date of your death. To do this, you need to add the date, month and year of birth (as we calculated at the very beginning) and bring it to a single digit number. For example, 10/15/1999 is 1+5+1+0+1+9+9 +9 =35, we reduce it to an unambiguous form: 3+5=8, look for this number below and read the description.

To get an answer to the question: “Who was I in a past life?” you need to take a short test. With its help, you will find out what you did in your previous reincarnation and understand what you are working on now.

The easiest way to find out who you were in a past life is a quick numerology calculation based on your date of birth. You need to know the day, month and year in which the person was born.

  • sum all the digits of the date of birth: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28;
  • add up the numbers of the resulting value: 2+8=10;
  • continue adding until you get a prime number: 1+0=1.

After this, look at the value of the resulting number:

  1. Unit. Your activities were related to creativity and art. In a past life, you could have been either an unrecognized artist or a famous writer. But the likelihood that you lived in material abundance is highest. However, creative pursuits were more of a hobby, and you made a living from something related to applied work - construction, for example.
  2. Two. The number of politicians or influential people with a broad soul. In your past life, you sought to make the lives of many people better, happier and safer. The second interpretation is the activity of an actor or dancer. The scene attracted you, but it could only be a hobby.
  3. Troika. Your past life was associated with public speaking or with participation in hostilities. These are either the professions of a writer, speaker, or military positions. It is possible that you were attracted to everything magical, you sought to learn esoteric knowledge.
  4. Four. In a past life, your purpose and meaning in life was to study the exact sciences. High intelligence coupled with excellent intuition guaranteed success in the field of science or invention. It is quite possible that you were one of the great scientists. But they never learned how to make money - this is the task of the current incarnation.
  5. Five. Your activities in your previous incarnation were closely related to the law. You defended the rights and interests of people in court. But they could also be a merchant, quite wealthy.
  6. Six. In your past life, you devoted most of your time to spiritual development and serving people, did charity work and selflessly helped those in need. It is possible that they were a church minister or a doctor. They received good money, most of which was given to donations.
  7. Seven - the number of scientists passionate about science is limitless. You hardly had a family, because you devoted all your time to intellectual development and inventions. At the same time, they loved a luxurious life and strived for it in every possible way.
  8. An Eight indicates that in a past life you were obsessed with your career. They were ready to achieve their goals by any means, even illegal and immoral. Therefore, in the current incarnation you will have to work off many karmic debts.
  9. Nine. Most likely, in a past life you were a woman close to the powers that be. It is possible that they were engaged in art, creativity, or were a fashion designer. They loved beauty in all its forms, strived to improve and decorate everything around them, and could do it for free.

This calculation method is quite approximate. A more accurate answer can be obtained with the help of special esoteric practices carried out by specialists in the relevant field.

How to find out gender and country of residence

This method of calculation is more complex. With its help, you can determine your gender and place of residence in your previous earthly incarnation. Prepare a piece of paper, a pen and start calculating.

In this table, find your letter: in the left column the first three digits of the year of birth, in the top line - the last.

Then write down the resulting data and find your birth number in the following table - remember the planet to which it corresponds.

And in the last table, find your value in accordance with those obtained in the previous calculations:

Here you will find your country where you lived in your past life:

Definition of profession

There is no need to calculate anything else - use the previous calculations. You will need to find your profession letter and number in the table. For example, if you have BIV, then in a past life you were a postman, messenger, navigator, caravan guide, charioteer, or traveling merchant.

It is very interesting to analyze your occupation now and compare it with the profession of the past. You can come to unexpected conclusions and find similarities.

Watch the video

Reincarnation by date of birth, based on the Pythagorean tables.

What does the knowledge of reincarnation give us?

Suppose we find out where and when we were born in our previous incarnations. Why do we need this? What does this give us? It would seem that this knowledge is completely useless for our present life. But actually it is not.

The first thing that the doctrine of reincarnation gives us is getting rid of the fear of death. Death turns for us from a scarecrow, devouring and absorbing, from eternal non-existence, into a door open for our transition to other worlds. Non-existence is canceled, and knowledge comes about the continuation of life in another form, on other levels, in other worlds.

We stop asking ourselves why we are beaten so much in this life, why we are made to suffer so much. We have no doubt about the injustice of the Lord and the law of the Universe. We receive a powerful incentive to live with dignity.

Seneca believed that “life is not good or evil in itself, but only an arena for good and evil.” He also owns the saying: “It doesn’t matter when to die - sooner or later. Whoever lives is at the mercy of fate; He who is not afraid of death has escaped its power.”

The death of a person (if we understand it as an irreversible process of the end of any type of existence) turns a person’s life with his searches, efforts and aspirations into a meaningless path to nowhere. Life is seen completely differently by a person who has received information about the existence of higher worlds, in which the soul continues its life after the death of the body and where everything that we have achieved in our spiritual development is preserved and used. Belief in the immortality of the soul and the existence of higher worlds instantly removes many questions, freeing a person from the heavy oppression of the meaninglessness of his existence.

385. Guest, 2019-04-20 12:32:03