Home / Signs / What a white dove on the windowsill. Dove flew into the house or beats out the window

What a white dove on the windowsill. Dove flew into the house or beats out the window

Many of us are superstitious. And even those who, it seems, do not believe in omens, casually knock on wood, so as not to jinx it, telling about the planned successful business, or turn off when they see a black cat. And this is not surprising: after all, initially people always attached a mystical significance to natural phenomena and other ambiguous events. Well, the call of the ancestors, so to speak, is great ... Let's find out what the omen means - the pigeon is knocking on the window.

Pro birds take a lot. Many believe that seeing a dead bird, especially a pigeon, is due to the death of someone you know. But after all, these stupid creatures are always throwing themselves under the car, can anyone who sees the unfortunate feathered “pedestrian” face terrible news?

It turns out that everything also depends on the slightest nuances. If you really really want to believe, like our ancestors, in every such “sign”, then read below what is known about the signs with pigeons.

Signs and superstitions about pigeons

  • If the window was wide open, then there is nothing to be afraid of - the bird didn’t miss the big mind - they also crash into people (really, really!).
  • Or else this situation - many lure pigeons right on their windowsill. At some point, the bravest of birds can simply afford to be superfluous. After all, bread crumbs something like.
  • The pigeon beats out the window. Wow! But it is already possible to pay attention to this, if the previous paragraph is not about you. If the bird knocks once and flew away, you will just receive a letter or some news. And it can also be a warning: what sensations does this event cause you? Perhaps you were going to go somewhere, and after that you already feel that it is better to refrain from traveling?
  • The pigeon did not just beat, but knocked so hard that it fell, perhaps even died. It is here that you should be very wary and ring up all close relatives and friends, especially those who are currently ill. Well, or those who immediately thought. After all, omens, in fact, are based on sensations and intuition. And such a sign may mean that a great misfortune happened to someone from the family.
  • A pigeon hit the window and flew home — which could mean a disaster in the future that you cannot prevent.

  • When the pigeon just flew into the house, there is nothing to be afraid of, and if you are inclined to believe that this is not just so, wait for news from distant friends or relatives.
  • Also, this sign means that someone from their recently deceased relatives wants to tell you something, to convey, to remind. In this case, be sure to remember what the deceased told you about, you may have asked to do something, to fulfill his last will, and you just forgot about it. Or wants to remind you of the dream in which you saw him.
  • According to other sources, the soul of the deceased invites the beloved person to him through the bird. Be careful, maybe you pay too much attention to the topic of death, think about it, and you yourself introduce yourself into the state through which your body strives for self-destruction.
  • Pigeons in a dream are not always unfortunate. Depending on the situation, the appearance in the dream of this bird can mean different things - from good news to the birth of a baby. Although breaking into glass, he, in any case, warns of illness or distress. If the pigeon was injured, on the last gasp - to the loss of a loved one (not to death, but to the loss - that is, to parting!).
  • There is also such a nuance - if a bird that has flown in is holding something in its beak, this is a positive and joyful sign. It turns out, the bird flew to build a nest, and flew into your home! This could mean a wedding - the creation of a family "nest" or the birth of a baby.
  • Another sign associated with a pigeon, which is circling around the house, with sometimes knocking on the same window. He kind of warns the girl who lives there: “Wait for the suitors!”. Probably soon someone will make you an offer! This is especially true of white pigeons.

  • It happens that pigeons sit under the roof for a long time, while choosing the window sill of the upper floor. It is they who feel the weather - soon it will be replaced!
  • Pigeons have built a nest under your roof (meaning a private house) - this is not just because the pigeon feels the biofield and energy of people, which means you have a favorable place with positive energy, and there will be peace and harmony in your family.
  • Another sign says that you should not rush to swear at a pigeon who has spoiled you - this is for money! Or to the new monetary work. Rejoice!
  • Pigeons are sitting on your balcony, and it is also good for a long time. Once this place was chosen, it means that it is positive and good.

  • Young at a wedding like to let doves go to the sky, but they do not always attach importance to this. After all, pigeons will always show whether the spouses will be happy or not. Pigeons scattered - and you will disperse, run away, scatter ... And flew side by side - it means that the feelings are strong, real, for many years!

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There are about a dozen folk signs, one way or another connected with the pigeon.

The symbolism of the pigeon is ancient and known from pre-Christian times, when the pigeon was a sacrificial bird. According to the biblical texts, a dove with an olive branch in its beak informed Noah of the end of the Flood, marked the reconciliation of the elements and the forgiveness of humanity by the Lord. From the time of the New Testament, the dove was a symbol and image of the Holy Spirit in religious painting. In ancient Egypt, the pigeon was used as a postal bird, in Babylonian-Assyrian culture it was depicted in the hands of Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, and personified birth and fertility.

So, dove as a symbol carries the following meanings:

  • news, news;
  • personification of the spirit of man;
  • a sign of purity, infallibility, divinity;
  • sign of growth, fertilization, fertility.

It can be concluded that man has always considered a pigeon to be a sacred bird. So, the situations and actions associated with it were given a special meaning.

Omen Dove - the most common cases

Dove flew into the house or beats out the window

The pigeon flew into the house or beats into the window glass: the traditional meaning is the news of the imminent death in the house or news for the guests. Another, more powerful one is connected with this belief: the spirit of a deceased person puts on the body of a pigeon. In the form of a dove, the spirit ascends, leaves this world, but can also return to earth in order to fulfill a certain mission, for example, to bring the message to its relatives. In addition, it is believed that the soul of a dead person, homesick for his family, can take on the appearance of a pigeon and return home for a while.

Pigeon droppings, pigeon shat

Pigeon droppings on clothing, the body of a person, his car is considered a sign of quick enrichment, obtaining material values. This is a very common and strong sign in which the vast majority of people believe.

Dove settled next to you - on the balcony or attic

Dove settled in your attic, next to you. This sign means the safety of your home from both energy and physical, material points of view. It is believed that pigeons acutely feel the negative and danger to life.

A sign to release pigeons at a wedding

During the marriage, pigeons are released as a sign of loyalty and a long, happy life together for the newlyweds. This sign is connected with the fact that pigeons choose a couple once and for a lifetime, build a nest together and raise chicks.

Pigeons can not harm or kill them

Pigeons cannot be harmed or killed. This belief is related to the previous ones: the pigeon is the bird of God, the personification of purity and the souls of the dead.

In conclusion, a pigeon is a strong, positively colored and ancient omen, living in many cultures, among people of all ages and worldviews.

Do you know other signs with pigeons?

If you know other signs, in which there is a symbol of a pigeon, share in the comments. We will surely take into account your opinion and add a sign to the list.

Looking at the pigeon, people see a beautiful proud bird. No one in thought arises to think about the creation of pernevat bad. But after seeing the pigeon hit the window, the majority opinion instantly changes.

Superstitious people believe that this is a bad omen, bringing death to the house. But before you panic, you should understand a little about all the intricacies of the appearance of this bird behind glass.

Pigeon hit the window

If you notice that the feathered hit the window and does not fly away, you should not make hasty conclusions and with fear to drive the bird away. You should pay attention to the different nuances and then you can find out what the feathered creature wants to tell you about.

The appearance of a pigeon behind the glass, followed by a blow to it, may be an accident. It is possible that the bird did not notice the transparent glass and crashed into it on the fly. It means absolutely nothing.

Well, if the blow was not accidental, and the bird deliberately beats several times through your window, then it is a harbinger of the death of a loved one.

If grief happened recently in your house and someone close died, and a few days later a pigeon appeared in the window and knocked, then this may mean that the spirit of the deceased missed his relatives and, having incarnated as a heavenly bird, flew to see him for the last time.

If the pigeon knocked on the window, and then flew into the house and held a flower or a sprig in its beak, then this indicates a soon good news. In gratitude, you should let the bird go outside and pour crumbs to it.

What does a bird look like

If a pigeon hit the window, you need to pay attention to its appearance and color.

Small details may also affect the interpretation of omens.

  • If a dark-colored pigeon struck once and flew away, this heralds unpleasant news. If, after the strike, he remained on the windowsill and knocked, this means that you will have news of the death of someone you know.
  • A sick, battered pigeon beats into the glass, which means that it is a harbinger of the death of a close and dear person.
  • The harbinger of amazing news is a sign when a pigeon of an unusual breed or color is beating, or knocking on glass. If such a bird sits on the frame and knocks on glass, then soon you will learn interesting news.
  • In case the pigeon hit the glass and lost a lot of feathers, then he who saw it would have to endure a great disappointment and regret about what happened in his life.
  • Traces of blood remained at the site of the impact of the birds — nothing good can be expected. Death knocks at the door and she will take a loved one.

Times of Day

The time in which you saw the bird outside your window also makes its own adjustments to the interpretation of omens.

  • If the pigeon beats on the glass in the dark when the inhabitants of the house are asleep, then this means that news from distant relatives will come.
  • If a bird knocks and rushes along your window at dusk, then this is a precursor to the appearance of envious people who will surely take bad action against the inhabitants of the house.
  • A good omen if in the morning a pigeon woke you up with a thud about glass. This means good news awaits you.
  • If the bird strikes the glass after dinner, the message will be bad and will not bring joy.

Who saw

Also, the sign can be interpreted differently depending on the circumstances prevailing in the house and on who saw the bird.

In the house in which there is a sick person, the appearance of a pigeon in the window opening means a quick death. The sufferer will have to travel to the beautiful world, to which a beautiful bird has flown to accompany him.

A pigeon hit the window and a pregnant woman saw it - the omen is interpreted in favor of an early birth. It is necessary to prepare, as in the near future the long-awaited baby will be born.

A pigeon that flew to the window on the eve of a wedding or another equally important event is a harbinger of strong experiences. To make them a simple excitement before a joyful event, you should cajole the bird and treat the pigeon with bread crumbs. In this case, it will be a good omen.

If a girl, having heard a knock at the window, saw on a window sill cooing pigeons, this means that she will soon be married.

Pigeon hit the car window

Cars appeared relatively recently. Therefore, almost no interpretation of omens when the pigeon beats on the glass of the machine. But do not treat this carelessly. Just in case, be careful on the road, avoid recklessness and follow the rules of the road.

If a pigeon hit your window and the interpretation does not bode well, you can try to buy it off by feeding the bird with grain or bread crumbs. By capturing the feathered creature, you will be able to drive away the oncoming disaster.

Some people believe that the omen will come true only among those who believe in it. Maybe this is the truth. After waiting for trouble, we like to lure them.

Therefore, you should not worry much if you suddenly saw a pigeon hit the window. Try to pay him off and believe that the trouble will pass you by.