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What fortune-telling is possible on the old new year. Divination under the old new year

There are many examples of fortune telling on the Old New Year. There are simple options for impressionable persons, and there are for those who are ready to come into contact with the other world more closely. They say that you can really predict the fate, and many believe that this is just innocent entertainment. Like it or not - you decide. Just remember that you need to believe only in happiness - and it will surely come in spite of any results of divination.

Guessing on dumplings for the Old New Year

A long tradition of fortune-telling on the dumplings for the Old New Year. Dumplings are cooked and invited to treat relatives and friends. The secret of this ritual is in the filling. It is New Year's dumplings stuffed, in addition to traditional for potatoes or cottage cheese, also with various small items, and more recently with small notes. During the feast there is a New Year fortune telling. From what came to the consumer, we can assume what exactly is waiting for him in the coming year.

For example, a coin - to a salary increase, a key - to move to a new apartment, sugar - to a “sweet” life, a peppercorn - to adventure. Interestingly, in different cities, and sometimes even in neighboring apartments, the same items found in dumplings are interpreted differently. If in one company the beans in the dumpling promise a satisfying and comfortable life in the new year, in another house such a find is a prediction of failure - “stay on the beans”. Perhaps, this is how the creativity of the people, inexhaustible to fiction, manifests itself.

Divination by a mirror

Girls love tell fortunes with a mirror  and evoke the image of the future groom. A girl should sit between two mirrors in complete darkness, then light and start peering at their reflections in order to see the image of the groom. The best time for this is considered to be midnight.

Divination for the Old New Year for marriage

Common and such divination about who will be married first and in what order. To do this, the girls cut off the same length of thread and at the same time set fire to them. That girl, whose thread is burning out faster, will be the first to get married. In the event that the thread immediately went out or did not burn out to the middle, it is believed that the girl will never marry.

Guessing on what kind of life this year will be

A wash is taken, it is necessary to pour water into it. On the five leaves you need to write: sweet life, bitter life, happy life, happy life, rich life. And these papers must be pasted on top in a circle of basin. In this basin, the girls launch ships (each their own), made from the shell (halves) of a walnut. And to which leaf he will swim, such a life will be with the girl.

Christmas divination on a chain

The fortunes of the Old New Year are in many ways similar to the usual Christmas divination, however there are also those that are considered to be designed specifically for this day. For example, one of the most ancient fortune telling suggests revealing the secret of your future with the help of a chain. It should be carried out immediately after midnight and always alone. You need to take a silver or gold chain with your right hand, crumple it up, and then throw it on a flat hard surface, for example, on a table. After that, they look what shape was formed.

For example, if the chain is in the shape of a circle, it symbolizes that the girl will have many difficulties in the next year and she will have to make a lot of efforts to overcome them. Oval means almost the same, but in a somewhat softer form. If the chain has formed a straight line, it is recommended to start new business - in all of them, luck will follow. Triangles and rectangles are also signs of quick success.

The figure, resembling a bow in its outlines, foreshadows success in love - a romantic date or a quick wedding, depending on whether the girl already has a bridegroom or beloved. If the chain lays down on the table in the form of a letter - this is a new relationship, and it is on this letter that the name of the gentleman will begin. The snake warns about deceit and the fact that you can not trust everyone, even among loved ones. And if the chain is knotted, then the year will not be easy in all respects.

Vorozhba on the croup

Another easy guessing for execution was “large” or “rice”, for which it was required to take a cup of cereal (rice) and say “Tell me, fate, what should I expect: good or evil,” make a wish. At the same time, simultaneously with making wishes, it is necessary to pour the rice out of the cup on the table. As soon as the grains are on the tabletop, you need to choose from the scattered grains black or bad and count them. The final odd number of selected grains will indicate that the desire does not come true, and even - that it will come true one way or another.

Divination for the Old New Year in the name of the betro

With the help of fortune telling you can find out the name of your future betrothed. To do this, on the evening on various small sheets of paper write various male names and put them under the pillow. In the morning, when they wake up, they take out the first piece of paper: what name is indicated on it will call the future husband.

Did not believe astrologers as long as
  until I talked to the fortuneteller.

The strongest and most dangerous divinations are performed at midnight. Therefore, the office is not suitable for their conduct. If possible, complete all work cases so that thoughts about work do not distract you from the upcoming, part of the way walk home on foot in order to tune in to the peaceful mood, have dinner and start.

Divination for the Old New Year with the calling of a dream about a betrayed

They write the name of the young man on a piece of paper, kiss this word with painted lips (to leave a mark), put it on a small mirror and hide it under the pillow. You can put three bay leaves under the pillow. On one write “Ananias”, on the other - “Azariy”, on the third - “Michael” and say the spell: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the window sill, who dreams of me, let me dream in a dream”.

Divination for the Old New Year on the night from Monday to Tuesday

A sprig of spruce is taken, placed at the head of the bed at night. At the same time they say: “I go to bed on Monday, put a fir-tree at the head of the bed, dream about me who thinks of me.” Who dreams, that and loves you.

Guessing on the Old New Year on the night from Thursday to Friday

Going to bed, they say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is one and I, young, one. I lie on the mountains of Zion, three angels in my head: one sees, the other will say, the third will indicate the fate. ”

Guessing on the groom on the Old New Year

Guessing girls, if they go to bed where they have never been before. Before going to sleep they say: “In a new place, dream about the bridegroom.” In the dream you will see your fiance.

Divination on the cards for the Old New Year

Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: "Who is my betrothed, who is my disguise, he will dream me in a dream." If you dream of a peak king - the bridegroom will be an old man and a jealous one, the king of red means young and rich, the cross - wait for the matchmakers from the military or a businessman, and the diamonds - from the desired.

Divination wax on the old New Year

They heat the wax in a mug, pour the milk in a saucer and place it at the threshold of an apartment or house. The following words will be said: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax." With the last words poured melted wax into the milk and carefully observe what is happening.

Frozen cross  foreshadows some diseases in the new year. If a cross  it only seems that in the coming year financial affairs will not go too well, and in personal life they will get in trouble, but not too serious.

If it blooms flower  - get married, get married or find a loved one.

If it appears the beast, be careful: you will have some kind of enemy.

If the wax flows stripes, you will have roads, travels, and will lie asterisks  - wait for good luck in the service, in school.

If formed human figureyou will find a friend.

Divination with a cat for the Old New Year

Make a wish, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, the wish will come true. If the right - is not destined.

Guessing hair for the Old New Year

At midnight, water is poured into a bowl and a pinch of ash, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt are added. All is thoroughly mixed, and when she “calms down”, two hairs are thrown at her: one is hers and the other is a loved one. A bowl is left until morning.

If in the morning the hair is intertwined with each other, then the wedding will happen soon. If the hair is at some distance from each other, then the time of separation is close.

Sunken hair predicts a serious illness, and possibly the death of the person to whom it belongs.

Divination with a mirror for the Old New Year

A fortune-telling with a mirror on the Christmas eve was considered the most faithful, but at the same time the most dangerous, during which the fortune-telling girl or woman was often deprived of feelings.

The fact is that a mirror, according to ancient beliefs, is a boundary separating the real world and the world of spirits. There are many signs and customs associated with this. For example, in one of them, a broken mirror certainly promises an early misfortune. Misfortune will happen even if you look in the mirror during a thunderstorm. By the way, most of the "thin" will be connected with the reflection in the mirror. A woman was strictly forbidden to look at him in those moments of her life, when she could most easily break the invisible boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead: during pregnancy, after childbirth and the entire postpartum period, when she was considered “unclean”.

The soul of the mirror, its inhabitant and sovereign is called Mirror. She lives in the world of reflections, which changes every time with the reflected picture. Mirrors are invisible to no one, it generally does not have a certain appearance: what Mirrors sees in front of it, and it takes on this form. Mirror is tied to her habitat just as tightly as a brownie: she loves to look at familiar faces, familiar objects. When everyone is asleep, sleepless Mirrors sometimes amuse themselves by showing everything to herself that she remembered during the day, so knowledgeable people do not advise looking at the mirror at night: you never know what can be seen there! Mirror lives in the other world, and therefore knows the future. She is willing to predict him, but there are too many prohibitions for her, and therefore Mirrors can only open the betrothed girl on the night of Christmas divination or predict the fate of the baby ... than scare him, if not to death, then surely to the weeping. Therefore it is impossible in any case to show the child in the mirror. If someone dies in the house, Mirror is terribly worried, grieves and invites the disappeared person to himself: shows his face in the mirror, as if luring him to him. The soul of the dead man, who for the first three days does not leave his former home, is also not averse to revealing his appearance and reflecting himself in the mirror. No chance to see this can any other inhabitant of the house. Here it is difficult not to die from fear! Therefore, it is customary to hang a mirror with a handkerchief when a dead person is in the house.

Mirror does not like evil forces and doesn’t want to take on its appearance, which is why the brownies, kikimora, vostruha, namyny and other evil creatures, as well as ghosts in the mirror are not reflected. If this happens, it means that Mirror is spoiled by an evil sorcerer, fell into his full power and became hostile to people. If there are several mirrors in the rooms, the rulers of their jealous owners to each other and strive to spoil their rival, sending damage to her to her supernatural, unknown to people manners. Then the mirrors fade, crack, distort the image.

The biggest joy for Mirror is when her mirror blows up the sunbeams. In that brief moment, while the sun looks in the mirror, its inhabitant leaves her own limits, breaks free into our world and, having become part of the daylight, manages to look at the immense distances of the earth and the Universe, and then returns to her mirror refreshed, renewed and happy

Currently, the production technology of mirrors has changed: instead of silver coating, lead is used, which has a very short “memory” and as a result is less aggressive. Although, until now, old people do not recommend bringing a newborn to the mirror for fear that his weak soul may split up and the child will turn into an evil sorcerer or a bloodthirsty vampire.

However, the mirror can serve as a powerful talisman. The evil spirit reflected in it immediately loses its magical power and loses its ability to harm people forever.

Guessing with a mirror is best in a bath, an unclean place, and at midnight, when the border, indicated by a mirror, is the most permeable. Guessing should be completely alone in the room, dissolve the hair and take off the belt, if there is one.

On the table you need to put two cutlery, a mirror and a candle. Then the fortuneteller should sit down in front of the mirror and say: “He is condemned, mummers, come to dine with me.”

At exactly midnight, she sees a man peering over her shoulder. After the fortunate one examines his face, she must quickly pronounce the warding spell: “Chur this place!”. After these words, the image of a man will disappear, and the divine will be out of danger.

A kind of divination is a rite with two mirrors, who are facing each other so that they repeat their reflections. One of the mirrors should be put on the table with two candles on each side. At midnight, light candles, undress, sit on a chair between the mirrors and carefully look at your reflection. If the mirrors are set correctly, then the reflections form a long gallery in which the image of the contracted should appear.

Guessing love for the old New Year

This fortune-telling for lonely, but passionately willing to meet true love. At midnight, walk up to the nearest church and walk around it 12 times. It is believed that this ritual destroys loneliness and contributes to the emergence of a new love.

  - This is the age-old tradition of our people. Our mothers, grandmothers
  and great-grandmothers were looking forward to this holiday, to tell fortunes and lift the veil in the future. Let's go along with the site as guessing at the Old New Year

Fortune telling

The most simple fortune telling. To do this, you should pour cereals into the jar, preferably large (rice, buckwheat, barley), cover with your left hand, make a wish and pull out a few grains. If the number of grains is even, the desire will come true, and if not even it will not come true.

Divination on the card king

Before going to bed put under the pillow of four kings. In the morning, without looking, pull out one of them. The king of hearts - and the rich bridegroom, the peak - the old and the jealous, the diamonds - the favorite, the club - the military.

Guessing on dumplings

For this, the hostess cooks dumplings with potatoes. In a few dumplings you need to put "surprises" - a ring, a coin, a ring and more. Think up these surprises yourself and make sense of each of them. Cooking dumplings, all together sit at the table and eat dumplings. To whom some surprise will fall - then it is waiting for him in the coming year.

Ring - marriage, a ring and a coin - wealth. But approach this fortune telling with caution - they do not grow a second time!

Guessing the name of the groom

Divination is also the simplest, especially in a metropolis, where there are many people on the streets and at night. Come to any man and ask his name. This name will be the name of the future groom.

Divination by a ring

Unmarried girls roll the ring on the floor. The one whose supply was successful, and the ring will roll to the door, will soon be married.

Divination by burning paper

This fortune telling is akin to fortune telling - that is, it depends on the interpreter’s fantasy. For this fortune telling, prepare a wide plate on which to place a crumpled sheet of paper (preferably a newspaper sheet). Light a candle and place a plate so that its shadow is on the wall; light the paper.

In the process of burning paper will unfold, shrink and cast fancy on the wall. These shadows determine the future.

Here summer flashed like lightning and autumn came into its own. It is rainy, dank, I want to get wrapped up in a blanket, snuggle up to my beloved, take a mug of hot, fragrant tea and do nothing at all, go nowhere ... Autumn depression will be interrupted for a short while in sunny Indian summer, and not far from the first snow and severe frost . Hurry new year! When the snow creaks under your feet, New Year's songs are heard everywhere, everything shines, sparkles, there is a big Christmas tree in the square! Congratulations, fun, gifts, and, of course, fortune telling! Yes, it is not necessary to wait for Christmas, because starting from December 25, you can slightly lift the veil of a mysterious future. What are they, simple divination in the New Year?

Let's start with the fact that every fortune-telling is most likely to predict the truth, if you take it seriously. Divination love silence and complete immersion. Therefore, if your New Year's Eve is held in the company of a noisy company, put them off for Christmas, for example. Or Old New Year. It is also believed that the presence of a cat increases the likelihood that the predictions will be correct. The main thing to believe, then everything will turn out.

But here it is important at the same time and not to bend the stick. If the result does not suit you, do not believe in fortune telling, and that's it. That's when you should treat it as fun. By the way, even professional fortune-tellers (if such phrases are appropriate here) sometimes admit that it is precisely today that the cards (or otherworldly forces) do not want to talk to us. They do not want - and that's it.

If you suddenly discover in yourself the ability to REALLY look into the future, if your predictions start to come true ... Stop! They say that excessive enthusiasm for this kind of things is fraught with the fact that the future can be miscalculated ... In other words, maybe it was just as you saw, if you did not constantly interfere in it. That is why you should not get involved in trips to various fortunetellers and astrologers.

There are some divinations that we deliberately did not describe in this article, because they can scare the faint of heart in earnest, but for what? For example, when two mirrors are placed opposite each other, a mirror corridor is formed, all of this is all alone, silence and darkness under the dim light of a candle. A normal person can know what to put up if he stares down this corridor for a long time, but what can we say about the faint of heart? So any guessing should not be to the detriment!

And the last. During the New Year holidays, any fortune-telling that you personally know will do. It can be fortune-telling on cards or using various objects - it does not matter. The bottom line is that this period is considered open to otherworldly forces, and they are ready to tell us about the future.

There are many ways to tell fortunes, you should even pay attention to what dream you will have on New Year's Eve. It is believed that he will determine your future for the coming year.

  1. Very simple and accessible divination. Melt some wax and quickly pour it into a cup of cold water. Take a close look at the figure that you have turned out: it is she who will determine your future for the coming year. It can be standard figures: the heart is for love, the little ring is for the wedding, the dog is a new friend. Or maybe you will see a figure there that matters only to you? Then the interpretation will be individual! The main thing is to show imagination and imagination.
  2. In the dark it is necessary to light a candle, take the dish, turned upside down, put a piece of paper on it and light it with the help of a candle. The paper should burn to the ground. Then take the dish carefully so that the shape of the ashes does not change, bring it to the wall so that the light from the candle falls on it and casts a shadow. What you see in this shadow will happen to you in the coming year. Again, unlimited imagination to help you!
  3. In the age of technology, you can easily use these same technologies for divination! For example, looking at your phone, concentrate and ask the question that concerns you so that you can answer “Yes” or “No”. Pay attention to who will call first after this. If a man, then the answer to your question is "Yes", if a woman, then "No". It remains to hope that in this age of technology it will not be any automatic call with a message about the arrival of a taxi, for example. Although here you can turn on the imagination: let the voice and recorded, but it also belongs to a man or a woman!

Divination on the night of the New Year for the fulfillment of desires

They say the most cherished dreams and desires come true. The main thing is to guess correctly! It must be something bright, not material and from the bottom of the heart desired.

  1. There is such a method: it is necessary to stock up in advance with a pen, piece of paper, a lighter, a saucer (which is not a pity), a glass of champagne, and, accordingly, champagne itself. When the President’s speech is over, one person should already be ready to instantly open the champagne and fill the glasses. Everyone writes a wish on a piece of paper (think over the wording beforehand - briefly and clearly!), Burns it and pours the ashes into your glass and drinks champagne. All these actions must be done while the chimes beat off 12 times. New Year's Eve is full of miracles, and much of the thought will surely become a reality.
  2. You need to pour a handful of rice or any other cereal on the table and make a wish. Put a wet palm on the rice and press firmly. Gently raise your hand and turn it over - calculate how many grains stuck to it - an even number will mean that the desire is surely fulfilled.
  3. We must take two glasses, one of which is filled with water to the brim. Make a wish and quickly pour water from one glass to another. This can be done only once, without any prior training. Spilled a whole puddle? Hence, the desire to come true is not destined. But if only a little bit of it spilled by, no more than three droplets, it means that it will soon be fulfilled!
  4. Pour into a large bowl of water, run into it leaves with your desires. A hot candle is placed in the middle of the bowl, which sooner or later will set fire to one of the pieces of paper - the desire written on it will come true in the coming year.

Love divination in the New Year

Well, what girl would not want to look into the face of his betrothed, even with one eye? So why not try to look, especially since it is so easy to do! We present several ways at once, choose any - and go ahead!

  1. You can take a few pieces of paper and write male names on each of them. Put the papers under the pillow and pull out one of them at random in the morning. So you can find out the name of your betrothed.
  2. Each unmarried girl takes a thread, they should all be the same length between them. The filaments are set on fire at the same time, whose fast it burns out - that will be the first happy bride.
  3. We must take a box of matches, stick on the sides of the match and set fire to them. When they burn out, look, whether they bowed or opposite, turned away from each other. So are you and your beloved: either you will be together or the separation ahead.
  4. To find out the name of your future second half, you just have to go out and ask the first person of the opposite sex to ask what his name is. Do not hesitate, it's New Year's Eve, a time of smiles and greetings!

Divination for the betrothed in the old New Year

If you did not have time to tell fortunes for the New Year, it does not matter: Old New Year is ahead, and they say that it is on the night of January 13-14 that the most faithful divination. Divination in the Old New Year may be the same as on New Year's Eve. Practically all the fortune-telling on the betrothed lies in the fact that certain objects are put under the pillow, or certain actions are performed, in order to have that one and only, sometimes actions are accompanied by certain words:

  1. If suddenly you have a broom, do not rush to throw it out! At least until the New Year 2017. Break off a few twigs from it and lay a bridge out of them, put it under the pillow and say before going to bed: “My condemned mumbler, take me across the bridge.”
  2. You can simply put bread and scissors under the pillow. But be careful, do not hurt yourself in a dream!

In all cases in the dream the future spouse must come. And if you do not come, do not despair, let it be better to surprise! Nowhere he will not go away from you!

Christmas fortune telling for the future

To guess the future in the New Year is easy. And who is not interested in what fate has prepared in the coming year? Will there be happiness, success and recognition, or will trouble, financial difficulties and a gap come? Will they offer a new job, and, maybe, they will offer to get a family? Or does the long road to the sea shine? Here are two simple ways for those who are interested in these and many other questions.

  1. It is necessary to take three opaque glasses, and fill them with half water, in one pour a pinch of salt, in the other - sugar, in the third crumble bread. Guessing with closed eyes chooses one of the glasses (of course, before these they must be confused with each other), salt means tears, sugar - happiness, bread crumbs - financial well-being. You can add a fourth glass with a wedding ring - it will mean engagement or wedding.
  2. Divination is suitable for those who have developed imagination. Take a medium sized mirror and dab it well with water. While the clock strikes twelve, take it to the balcony (or to the street, if you have a private house - the point is to have a hard frost) and leave it for a while. When patterns appear, it is necessary to bring a mirror into the house and carefully study them. You will see circles, so next year will promise you wealth, a spruce branch - you will work tirelessly, triangles - success and luck will accompany all affairs, but squares promise difficulties in life. Of course, with such changes in the weather that are occurring recently in our lane, it may well rain for the New 2017, but let's hope that the snow and frost will come hand in hand as it should be.

Let's sum up

Now you know that in addition to all sorts of games, contests and festivals you can occupy yourself with divinations for the New Year, because in the New Year everything that we so passionately desire comes true!

We have dismantled many ways of divination for the New Year, both for love and for the future and for the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. This is a great pastime, interesting and alluring. Until 2017 is so far away, so you have time to explore all sorts of methods of divination and choose some of the most suitable for you.

Guessing about the future in the New Year is most popular among young girls, who are still unclear how their lives will turn out and what this or that relationship will lead to. And so I would like to know! But let's agree: we believe only good, and we don’t pay any attention to bad results! Still, you should not take divination for a guide to action. Come true is what we ourselves want, because thoughts are material, and, therefore, we must think only about the good!

Video " How to make a wish for the New Year? "

According to a long tradition, from Christmas (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19), Sviatkas last - days when folk festivals take place, young people gather in the company and have fun, guys look out and choose brides for themselves, and girls are allowed to guess. It is believed that fortune telling in any of these days will be truthful, but they especially love to look into the future for Old New Year.

At the same time, not only unmarried girls, but also young married women want to know their fate. Guessing at Christmas time is best after sunset. During fortune-telling, there should be no cats, dogs and other domestic animals, because they can prevent the spirits from giving true answers to your questions. If you decide to use fortune telling in which you will need candles, then it is best to buy them in a temple or church.

In this case, you will be reliably protected from dark otherworldly forces that can no longer harm you or play a trick on you, giving false answers.

Guessing at Christmas time is best after sunset. During fortune-telling, there should be no cats, dogs and other domestic animals, because they can prevent the spirits from giving true answers to your questions. If you decide to use fortune telling in which you will need candles, then it is best to buy them in a temple or church.

Candle Flame Guessing for the Old New Year

On the eve of the New Year holidays buy a white candle. On a festive night, put it in a room where there are no drafts. Light it and watch the flame for 10-15 minutes.

If the flame is quiet and even, then the year will pass quietly and without shocks.

If the flame is bright, but flashes frequently, then in general everything will be fine, except for minor minor problems.

If the burning of a candle is accompanied by distinct crackles, it means that the coming year will be spent in stormy affairs, merry companies with lots of funny adventures.

If the flame burns dimly - get ready for a boring life filled with petty vanity.

If the flame burns yellow clearly, there will be a lot of joy.

Christmas divination

In general, all fortune-telling, which is called Yule-telling, is suitable for Old New.

Guessing in a glass

For this fortune telling, they took 4 glasses, which were half filled with water. Salt was put into one, sugar into the third, into the third ring, and into the fourth — nothing. One girl stood behind the one who wondered. In her hands on a tray, she held glasses, moved them, so that the guesser did not know where she was standing. Then the girl, who was behind her, drove a finger along the glasses and asked: this glass, this, this ... And so, until the fortuneteller stopped her. Water from the selected glass, you had to try. Water pointed to events in the coming year:

Salty - sadness

Sweet - success, happiness

Fresh - the usual year

Ring - a wedding or a meeting with a betrothal

Divination on the King of Diamonds

This is a dream fortune telling, and you should know the person you are guessing at, that is, it must be a concrete, not an abstract person. Take out of the new deck of the king of diamonds and guess at him a person. Put the king under the pillow. The fact that you dream from January 13 to 14 will be the answer to how this person treats you.

As a variant of this fortune telling, there are four kings under the pillow. Here you should also know these people, the one who dreams of you this night is your betrothed. Well, or, at least, you will be connected with him by love relationships.

Appeal to the house at Christmas time

On Christmas days, you can turn to the house’s answer for the answer, and if you approach this seriously, the homemaker will give you the true answer to any of your questions. To find out from the brownie about the future in Vasilyev evening (January 13), pour a little fresh milk in a saucer and place it in front of the front door. After that, take the candle purchased in the church beforehand and melt the wax from it. Politely address the house person, uttering conspiracy words over milk:

"Brownie, my master,
Come under the threshold
Drink some milk
Eat wax. "

After saying the last word pour in a saucer with milk wax from a candle. Wax figure, frozen on the surface of the milk will predict your fate. Horseshoe promises prosperity, a star - receiving long-awaited news and good luck in business, a cross - a serious illness or a funeral, a flower - love or a wedding, a certain animal - the appearance of an enemy, etc. .