Home / Defacement and evil eye / One hemisphere does not work in a child. We develop the right hemisphere of the brain

One hemisphere does not work in a child. We develop the right hemisphere of the brain

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The fact that the human brain is divided into right and left parts, and for which each of them is responsible, was known long ago. But detailed studies in this direction began to be conducted relatively recently by historical standards. And until now, the usual facts began to shine in a completely different light. But first things first.

This world’s bestseller offers parents an age-appropriate strategy for managing everyday obstacles. He will show you how to cultivate a healthy emotional and intellectual development of children so that they can lead a balanced and meaningful life full of deep relationships. The authors, thanks to the knowledge of neuroscience, offer a revolutionary approach based on twelve key strategies and representing readers with the latest scientific knowledge about how the brain is “involved” and how it works.

Our “stepping brain”, which solves and balances emotions, passes through twenty to thirty years. Especially young children tend to suppress the right hemisphere with their emotions according to the logic of the left hemisphere of the brain. It is therefore not surprising that children demonstrate rage, percussion or shaking silently. By applying these discoveries in your everyday parental situations, you can turn any explosion, quarrel, or fear into an opportunity to integrate the child’s brain and support its growth. Facilitate educational processes, put a sample of dialogues of specific situations of comic figures, and several pages devoted directly to older children, where self-describing vivid images can read how the brain actually works this situation.

Left - right, or Changing the Guard

A little about the work of the brain. Scientists have proven that the right brain is responsible for the synthesis and creativity, and the left - for analysis and logical thinking. The last millennia, the emphasis in the development of children was placed mainly on the left hemisphere. At that period of time it was fully justified: the ancient man had to understand the nature of things deeper than the hallucinations of a shaman who ate the agaric mushroom offer.

Daniel J. Siegel is a specialist in neuropsychology and author of the best-selling book Internal Surveillance, Tina Payne Bryson is a specialist in parenting. The authors reject outdated models of good and bad parenthood and, instead of offering us a view through the viewfinder of the science of view of the influence of parents on children's brain development. Their amazing method transforms everyday interactions into valuable moments of brain formation. Other articles in the section Herbs and Spices.

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And now, by inertia, most parents teach their offspring according to programs that develop the left, logical hemisphere. And they almost completely forget about the same importance of the right, believing that it is absolutely not necessary to fly in the clouds and build castles in the air in life. In principle, it is. But this process has a downside: modern children grow up very early and even grow old in this mental plane.

"This book presents ideas for parents and teachers about how to make all the parts of a healthy baby brain together." "Parent for parents." The book is loaded with strategies for teaching happy and mentally resilient children. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson together created a masterful and very readable guide to support the development of emotional intelligence in children. This book should be read by all who care for children - or have such a child. - Daniel Goleman, author of the book Emotional Intelligence.

This studied, sensitive and fun book is full of fresh ideas based on the latest research in neuroscience. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied and reproduced for distribution in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. edition. For Muddy and Alex: Thank you for everything that you have taught me over the years, and for the honor of being your father.

A disabled or almost completely suppressed imagination creates a gray cog in the global mechanism instead of a creative personality. This can be compared to if a person went to the gym and trained only one half of the body. How this ends, it is not difficult to guess. But in training, this pathology, unfortunately, has long become the norm.

Survive and benefit 9 Do you know what it looks like? These days, when you need to make raisins out of your nostrils, it seems to you that you can hope that you will all survive. But when it comes to your children, you are much higher than just surviving. Of course, you want to overcome unpleasant moments of anger in a stuffy restaurant. But regardless of whether you are a parent or other committed guardian in a child’s life, your main goal is to raise children for the benefit of. If you want to enjoy a meaningful relationship, to be kind and compassionate to their well-being at school, know how to work and behave responsibly, and that they feel good about who they are.

From real life, you can give an example: in the USA, scientists tracked children with very high IQ, and when these children grew up, they were put together in one group and set tasks for fundamental developments in various industries, but this idea suffered a complete collapse. And the secret is simple and complex at the same time: the left hemisphere of the brain can only work with already known information and will never replace the right, the creative. What was not before is not available to him.

For all these years we have met thousands of parents. When we ask them what matters most, they are almost always at the top of the list. goals in one or another version. They want to experience difficult moments of parenthood and at the same time want their children and family to benefit. We are also parents, and in our own families we are looking for the same. In those rare, quieter, more subtle moments, we take care of the food for the mind. their children, we try to develop their ability to admire, we help them reach their potential in all aspects of life.

However, with the development of the information age, the situation began to change for the better. And pedagogy and psychology specialists began to devote more and more attention to the development of the functions of the right hemisphere in children. A breakthrough can be considered the introduction of the scale of the so-called emotional intelligence - EI (Emotial Intelligence). Not the last example in this respect were people who achieved success in terms of scientific discoveries in various fields.

What functions do you think you should develop and take into adulthood? You probably want them to be happy, independent and successful. You want them to enjoy interpersonal relationships that will fulfill them and live a life of meaning and meaning. Now think about the percentage of your time spent on the intentional development of these functions in your children.

If you are like most parents feel about being afraid that if you don’t spend too much time trying to just survive a day, building experiences that will help your children develop - today and in the future - you don’t have enough. You may even be comparing yourself with an ideal parent who never fights for simple survival; who seems to spend every waking moment helping his children flourish. Especially when we have the familiar feeling that we spend most of our days in survival mode, when our eyes and red faces bloom at the end of their birthdays, and we shout: If you worship the bow and arrow again, all gifts will end! If you know something, we have a great message for you: moments that you are just trying to survive are really great opportunities to help your child.

Tame Inspiration, or Find Your Balance

Doing the same thing in the hope of getting a different result is a sure sign of schizophrenia, but this is exactly the way most people do when it comes to the upbringing and development of their children. And, remarkably, with the best of intentions. The modern training system has been developed specifically for the development of the left hemisphere of the brain. But if you want your child to have better indicators than the average child, then look for appropriate approaches.

For a while, you may feel that meaningful, loving moments are far from the classic parental disasters. But they may be close. When a child behaves rudely and warns you when the principal invites you to find a wall destroyed by wax: these are moments of survival, no doubt. But at the same time there are opportunities, even gifts, because every moment of survival is also a moment of promise, when the most important, most important parental work can occur. Imagine, for example, any situation you often face.

As already mentioned, the left hemisphere works only with the already known. Functions of the right - work with the unknown. There is a hypothesis that all solutions already exist in a virtual information bank of the Universe. And our brain is a supercomputer that can connect to this bank and choose the best option. For this, the right hemisphere is responsible for children and adults. Those. right deals with the fundamental developments. And the left - applied, as well as the final release of the "finished product" in life.

Perhaps your children fight for the third time in three minutes. Instead of energetically interrupting an argument and sending gladiators to your rooms, you can use it as an opportunity to learn: listen carefully and look at the other’s point of view; a clear and polite expression of his wishes and needs; about compromise, sacrifice, negotiation and forgiveness. We know: in the midst of the moment it is not easy to imagine. On this, dividing children into different places, when they argue, nothing happens. This is a good survival technique, and in some situations this may be the best solution.

The connection process usually takes place spontaneously and is called inspiration. Previously it was believed that it is absolutely impossible to tame it, that it comes when it pleases. But in the 21st century, it became clear that inspiration is nothing other than the state of harmony of the soul and mind. However, for those who decide to fully train, in the early stages, logic and analysis will need to be turned off or redirected to another direction.

But we can do much more than just conflict and just break the bustle. We can turn experience into a lesson that will not only develop the child’s brain, but also his communication skills and character. Over time, each of the brothers and sisters grows and becomes more successful in managing conflicts without parental supervision. And this is just one way to help your children. This approach to survival and survival has one big advantage: you don’t need to spend extra time developing your children.

You can use all the interactions — these stressful and evil, as well as the wonderful dear ones — as opportunities to help children turn into responsible, kind, competent people that you want them to have. This is a whole book about using everyday moments with children to maximize their potential.

But do not go to extremes. People with too developed right hemisphere to the detriment of the left are usually mentally ill.
  They live in their own virtual world by their own laws. Creative people who live among us often have a reputation as eccentrics, which does not prevent them from creating masterpieces.

Businessmen who have succeeded in achieving success and recognition, especially in the field of innovation, are the most ideal example of the balance and development of both hemispheres of the brain. They themselves and bosses, and performers. And the bulk of their time is spent not on monotonous work, but on thinking about what can be improved, or, even better, how to create something that was not there before. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sergey Brin, Ilon Musk - this list goes on and on.

The following chapters will offer you an antidote to all parenting and academic approaches that will pay too much attention to achievement, achievement, and perfection at all costs. Having survived and thrived 11, we will focus on how you can help your children to be more self-confident, more resilient and strong in symbiosis with the whole world. The answer is simple: you just need to understand a few basic facts about the young brain that you are helping to grow and develop. It is about this book. How to work with this book We wrote this book for you, whether you are a parent, grandfather, grandmother, teacher, psychotherapist or other significant person in a child's life.

From the generator of ideas to always the right choice, or looking ahead

Developing the right brain in children, over time, parents come to the conclusion that the development of the epiphysis, or pineal gland, has an even greater effect. And if the first is responsible for creativity in general, the development of the second will provide an opportunity to always choose the most advantageous option of all. Imagine what heights can be achieved, always knowing, figuratively speaking, under what glass the ball. This is what is commonly called intuition. For training the pineal gland, many authors have developed various systems of exercises that are aimed at the same goal.

All the time we will use the term "parent", but we mean everyone who plays a vital role in the upbringing, support and care of a child. Our goal is to teach you how to use your daily interactions with your child as an opportunity, so that both you and the children you care for help survive and thrive. Most of the reading can be easily adapted to adolescents with little creative potential, but this book is intended primarily for children under the age of 12 years, paying particular attention to children and school children and the age before puberty.

Minimum program

The efficiency of the brain is restored faster if it switches from one job to another after a certain period of time. All the exercises described below for appropriate development can be applied both as a separate program and in short brain workouts.

  • Massage the ears.

On the ear there are many points that directly affect the brain. At a deeper level, masters of acupuncture use this, but ordinary rubbing is enough for non-specialists. Use your thumb and forefinger to start with kneading the earlobes, as if trying the dough for hardness. Then, with the base of your palm, rub your ears inside and out. This is considered a warm-up to basic exercises.

On the following pages we will introduce you to the perspective of an integrated brain. and we will offer you a variety of strategies that will help your children be happier, healthier, and more self-sufficient. In the first chapter, you will learn about the concept of parenting, which takes care of the brain of a child and presents you with a simple but powerful concept of integration, which is the basis of our whole integration approach. The third chapter emphasizes the importance of the interconnection of the instinctive "earthly brain" with the more thoughtful "patrol brain" responsible for decision-making, personal insight, sympathy and morality.

  • Rings.

Make a ring by connecting your thumb and forefinger. Then medium with large, nameless, pinky and in reverse order. Start slowly, gradually increasing speed. First, the exercise is done with one hand low speed, forward and reverse. Then the other hand is exactly the same. Then immediately two in both directions.

The fourth chapter explains how you can make it easier for your child to deal with the painful moments of the past; how to shed light on understanding so that the child can resolve these bitter memories in a non-violent, conscious and conscious way alone. The fifth chapter will help you teach children that they have the ability and ability to stop and think. over their mental state. When they can, they will learn to make decisions that will allow them to control how they feel and how they react to the world around them.

  • Fist-edge-palm.

Exercise is performed at the table. Three hand positions are shown on the table top, which alternate in turn. The first is a hand assembled into a fist, the second is a palm perpendicular to the table top (edge), and the third is a palm straightened on the plane of the table. First, together with the mentor, the child should slowly make 8-10 repetitions with one hand, then with the other, then with two at once. It is allowed that the kid helped himself with the words-commands (fist-edge-palm) out loud or silently to himself.

  • Lezginka or ladder.

The left hand is assembled into a fist and turned to the chest (fingers to the body), the thumb is raised up. The palm of the right hand is stretched out in a horizontal position so that its little finger touches the thumb of the left. Then the position of the hands changes. Start slowly, then accelerate the pace. Make from 6 to 10 repetitions.

  • Ear nose

With the thumb and forefinger of your left hand, take the tip of the nose, with the same fingers of the right hand, hold the left ear. Change of position (right - for the nose, left - for the right ear), etc.

Each shift occurs through the clap of the hands. This exercise is considered a task of increased complexity.

  • Snake, or Fool the brain.

Hands are crossed crosswise with palms to each other, fingers are gathered into a lock. Then the hands turn to themselves, i.e. fingers look up. The task is to move the finger that the trainer will indicate. Initially, the child is confused about where the left and where the right, but then usually quickly understands what's what.

  • Mirror and symmetrical drawing.

Or drawing in two hands. Put a blank piece of paper and two pencils of any color in front of the kid. The task is to learn how to draw with both hands first symmetrical drawings, and then asymmetrical, in a “mirror” order.

The effect of the above exercises will be only if they are performed systemically. The result in children will be an improvement in memory, attention, speech will become clearer, spatial imagination, hand motor skills will develop. But the main thing is to reduce fatigue and increase self-discipline and self-control.

It is well known that the brain consists of two parts: left and right. They are engaged in different affairs. And at the same time, someone has a better left side, someone has a right, and the happiest have both. Naturally, the latter win, using their wealth to the maximum.

The left hemisphere thinks logically. The right helps to create new things, to generate ideas, as it is now fashionable to say. However, you can be a mathematician with a well-developed left hemisphere and at the same time do not invent anything new. And you can be a creator and pour ideas to the left and right, and not one of them can be realized because of the inconsistency and illogicality of their actions. Such people are also found. And they lack only one thing: work on perfecting their brain, bringing it into a harmonious state.

In the meantime, psychophysiologists have long developed a system of exercises for this. Well in this regard, musicians, for example, pianists. They have been made harmonious since early childhood. After all, the most important tool for brain development is hands. Working with both hands, a person develops both hemispheres.

So, let's go to the exercises. Many of them are well known to us since childhood.
  1. "Nose". With the left hand, we take the tip of the nose, and with the right hand, the opposite ear, that is, the left ear. At the same time, let go of your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands "exactly the opposite." I tried it, it turned out better in childhood.
  2. "Mirror drawing." Put on the table a blank sheet of paper, take a pencil. Draw simultaneously with both hands mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters. When performing this exercise, you should feel the relaxation of the eyes and hands, because when both hemispheres are working simultaneously, the overall performance of the brain improves.
  3. "Ring". Alternately and very quickly, we sort through the fingers of the hands, connecting the index finger, middle, ring finger, and pinky to the ring with the thumb. At first it is possible with each hand separately, then simultaneously with both hands.

Now remember the lessons of physical education. It was not for nothing that we were forced to do exercises in which it was necessary to reach the right leg with the left hand and vice versa. They, too, develop our hemispheres, and help them work in concert.

Remarkably, neuro-linguistic programming, NLP for short, helps the brain to develop. I liked one of the NLP technique called Ambulance.

It helps to relieve emotional tension, improves performance, develops attention, thinking and hemispheric communication. To perform this exercise is difficult and interesting.

I explain the procedure. Before you is a sheet of letters of the alphabet, almost all. Under each letter the letters L, P or B are written. The upper letter is pronounced, and the lower one denotes the movement with the hands. L - the left hand rises to the left side, P - the right hand rises to the right side, B - both hands rise up. Everything is very simple, if it were not so difficult to do all this at the same time. The exercise is performed in the sequence from the first letter to the last, then from the last letter to the first. The following is recorded on the sheet.
  A B C D E





So you can develop your precious brain for the benefit of yourself. Practice on health and with pleasure! And most importantly, feel the difference between yourself and the one you have been trained!