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Slavic defenses stencils. Slavic amulets.

In ancient times, people did not know how to explain what was happening around them. To help them came myths and legends. All objects and animals were endowed with human qualities. In the opinion of our ancestors, they had a soul, had a positive or negative influence on human life and health. Special importance was attached to rituals, magic spells and symbols. They differed from one another.

To enhance the protective properties, the obverse symbols were often embroidered on clothes

To protect and acquire special qualities, the ancient Slavs used amulets of various shapes. Magic symbols served as an ornament in embroidery, decorated bracelets and necklaces. They were made for women, children, soldiers. In the form of symbols, runes and amulets, they endowed their possessor with courage and determination, filled with inner strength. Let's consider, the famous Slavic amulets, we learn what meaning, description and interpretation exists.

Common and individual Slavic amulets and amulets

Slavic amulets could be placed anywhere: in houses, on objects of everyday life, clothes, ornaments. Housed inside the hut, he protected the dwelling and every member of the family, endowing them with energy and inner strength.

Slavic zodiac consisted of 16 characters

For personal protection, amulets and amulets were used. Slavs had sixteen zodiacal signs, each had its own symbol. Nominal amulet was chosen based on the birthday of the person to whom it was intended.

Before you put on the amulet with the zodiac, it was necessary. Then his action was directed to a specific person, giving him certain qualities. Otherwise, such a charm would only harm the owner.

To charge the Slavic amulet in consideration took all the personal information of a person, considering all the individual characteristics. Important was the name given at birth. Personal talismans protected their possessor, strengthened it.

Girls embroidered protective symbols on the clothes of their beloved

When creating the Slavic wards, they were charged to give the person those qualities that he lacks or those that will be useful to him in life. Usually the amulets were given. Mothers made them for children, girls were making or embroidering on clothes for lovers. Amulets were loaded on prosperity, luck, giving courage, protection, etc.

What did the Slavic amulets and amulets do?

Amulets were made from available materials, it could be a tree of precious and simple metals. Often the material was animal bones or. Ancestors believed, if you make an amulet from a part of an animal, then its power will certainly pass to you. Such a Slavic charm protected the owner from the invisible forces of evil.

Because of its magical properties, silver has long been used to make amulets.

Folk legends and beliefs say that evil spirits do not tolerate silver, so this metal was chosen for protective wards. The material from which the amulets made, performed another important function - the definition of status. The most valuable were metal products, especially gold.

The main talismans of the Slavs and their meaning

Slavic amulets were used as a defense against evil forces and enemies, used in magical rituals and rituals. They could be intended for the protection of housing and its owners, separately for men and women. There were also nominal bracelets and amulets, which were intended for a specific person. They were chosen not by chance, and not by beauty. Each sign possessed certain magical properties, which must correspond to its master.

Among the main symbols for amulets are the following:

  • Agni;
  • Talisman of Belobog;

Agni is the main sign that was used to protect your home and sanctuary for worshiping the gods. A talisman with the fleece of Belobog was considered a protective symbol. He was placed inside the house to protect himself from evil.

Alatyr was perceived as the center of everything and the basis of the universe

Slavic wards Alatyr wore young girls. He helped to find love and soon to get married. A talisman with Veles's rune was designed for children to give wisdom, talent and clairvoyance. The Valkyrie symbol was placed on Slavic amulets for men. This is the sign of the warrior, who was supposed to defend in battle and give courage.

Other Slavic Wards and Their Significance

The main signs could be supplemented with other images that were placed not only on the charms of the Slavs, but also on personal things, military uniforms, they were painted even on their own bodies. They accompanied absolutely all events in people's lives. Such additional signs are known:

  • Thunderbolt;
  • Yarovik.

Gromovik helped men in all endeavors, gave strength

Truly male characters were Gromovik and Kolyadnik. The first defended the soldiers during the battles, the second defended in everyday life. The sign of Kolyadnik gave men strength in hard work.

Female countersigns are Makosh and Ladinets. Decorations with the image of Ladin defended the keepers of the hearth and saved from the evil evil eye. Sign Makoshi certainly wore a married girl and mother, he saved the house and family.

Oregig Odolen-Grass helped recover from many diseases and recover faster after ailments

The symbol of Odoreny-grass prevented diseases or helped to get rid of them as quickly as possible. The sign of Yarovik was placed everywhere, he was responsible for the safety of the harvest, he protected the house and cattle.

The Slavic Ward of Rhoda

Some Slavs attached special significance to certain signs. For example, the Rod is a symbol of the beginning, birth of the Earth and man. He was treated very seriously. It signified the unity of the human race, the connection between ancestors and descendants through the transfer of knowledge and wisdom that do not go beyond the gens. Sometimes it was depicted in the form of a laughing sun with numerous rays, at the end of which were balls.

Obereg Symbol of the Kind is an embodiment of the creative beginning, it bears only positive energy

"Keeps the witch from the evil eye, not allowing evil forces. A man became related to him without parting to the grave. It keeps in itself the warmth of hearts and the memory of the old covenant ... "

The protections of our ancestors conceal a deep sacral meaning. Behind them is the strength, power of the Rod, a close connection with nature, which was the shrine of the ancestors. All talismans possessed a strong protective effect. They took them on the road, used in everyday life and protected their lives, homes and families. How can Slavic amulets and their significance help us, contemporaries?

Pagan traditional amulets

Our great-grandfathers completely perceived the world around them. Paganism was based on respect and worship of nature and fear of its strength and power. To protect themselves from various misfortunes, negative influences and falling under low vibration, the Slavs came up with obezhnye symbols.

Modern Slavic amulets look exactly the same as their ancestors. The basis is taken photo of the found amulets during the archaeological excavations. Therefore, modern pagan talismans have the same strength and power.

They will also protect their owners from attacks by evil spirits, dangers, black eyes and injustice. In return carrying luck, prosperity and fortune in all matters and endeavors. To choose a pagan defending sign, first of all listen to your own feelings - take a look at the photo talismans, listen to yourself. And you immediately feel which of the amulets is "your".

Ancient Slavs divided the symbols into female and male characters.

Protection of Slavic beauties

Women were supposed to wear more amulets - after all, they were the bearers and guardians of Rod. In each Rus family, the oldest woman answered for the manufacture of magical talismans. She did them all alone and quiet. In the process of creating a sacred thing, all thoughts should be pure, and thoughts clear.

The ancient Slavic symbols were used as the basis for the magic thing. They were applied to apparel in the form of embroidery, household items and, of course, jewelry ornaments.

A powerful sacral sign that bore Slavic health and female happiness. Its importance was placed on the protection of pregnant women and safe labor. It was believed that through the baby received a strongly generic beginning. These amulets are symbols of life, fertility and prosperity.

Such a sign could also be used by Slavic men, but initially it was considered a female symbol. Ireno shore of love, revived the feelings and did not allow to break up the married couples. Rusinka through this talisman influenced the harmony, prosperity in the house, protected her Rod.

Lada the Theotokos

Lada is the goddess of youth, beauty, health and love. Protecting symbols protected the house from all mischief and evil. These amulets were intended for young girls who dreamed of family happiness.


One of the strongest sacred signs. In its significance, Slavic people laid the power over time and the course of life. This mascot could be worn by men, but in legends such a sign has always been considered as feminine. For the young girl gave a powerful defense of the whole Rod.

A protective talisman for mature, family women. Those who sacredly honor the traditions of the Roda and carry in themselves warmth and kindness. The Great Makosh takes under his protection the family, the Slavic way of life, the family hearth and all members of the family. Abundance and happiness go hand in hand with Makoshya.


In ancient traditions this name was worn by sacred grass, which possesses magical power. Such symbols were protected from attacks by demonic spells. And the Mother Earth created this grass. Amulets, meaning Oedolen-grass, guarded rusinok and their families from ill health and hvoroby.


The mascot of the newlyweds, which was given to the young bride. Young wife with his help guarded family values ​​and kept harmony and well-being in the house. protected the newlyweds from an accidental evil eye during the wedding feast and attracted favorable energy.


The strongest amulet that the patron gave to the Slavs is God of the Kind. Slavic women thanks to him, safely wore the baby and allowed a burden. These talismans guarded the newborn from the evil eye. Wore such a sign throughout life.


Sacred symbols with Rozhanitsa (goddess of fate) were intended for women who dream of children. The symbol was also suitable for pregnant women, for whom these amulets had a special significance: they guarded the newborns and helped prepare for the birth of the mother.

Any female Slavic amulets is a source of colossal power, carrying in itself kindness and care of neighbors. Those who have a warm, open and sincere soul will only strengthen the power of the talismans of talismans.

Amulets of Slavic men

Men's protective symbols first of all contributed to luck in military affairs, helped in everyday life and protected on the hunt. Wards for Slavic men were simpler than women's, and mostly worn as embroideries on shirts, bracelets, plaques and fasteners (fibulae).

The most powerful talisman was the one that was made by the hands of his wife. Many Slavs wove bracelets for their husbands from their hair - these amulets protected men in military campaigns and in everyday life. Strong magical significance was the claws and fangs of wild animals caught in the hunt.

Print of Veles

Every man who wore the sign of Veles - one of the most important Slavic Gods - fell under his protection. The wards depicted the paw of the divine Beast (bear, cow or wolf), who guarded the rus throughout his life. Any business was protected from risk and misfortune.


Symbols with fire protection, guarding against quarrels and quarrels. This talisman kept peaceful relations between the Kinds, took away the floods of invisible powerful forces and transformed them for the benefit of the owner. Helped in all endeavors and saved the Slavic dwellings from fires, saving all property.


Wards for those who accept their life as the highest good and invest much energy to become more perfect. It is a sign of the inner human fire, its foundation, essence. Dukhobor helps to cleanse physically and become stronger spiritually. He protected men from rot, disease and fatigue.

Amulet of strong warriors defending their Rod and the house from invaders and gentiles. This talisman belonged to the cult of God of thunder and lightning, angry heaven, which helped preserve traditions and family values.

Slavs-men sacredly kept the ancestral memory. They were transformers, masters of events and changes. All their amulets were passed along the line of their sons. After all, the power of the Family came from the knowledge and strength accumulated by generations.

Overwhelming dolls

In addition to sacred symbols, in Russia, amulets in the form of pupae were widely distributed. Slavic protective dolls were called upon to protect families and homes from diseases, all kinds of misfortunes and evil spirits.

Each doll was preparing for a certain event. Twisted it from the scraps of cloth and thread. Do not use scissors and needles. At the birth of the doll, it was necessary to have only a good mood, otherwise the talisman will take pessimism and harm the owners.

On the day of its manufacture, the house was cleaned cleanly, Slavic women dressed in smart clothes and in complete silence performed the sacrament, investing in each piece of their own soul. The doll was not depicted face, it was believed that through the eyes of her could penetrate the evil spirit. The symbols and meaning of the pupae were different.

The obverse mascot that the mother twisted for her pregnant daughter. It was a symbol of prosperity, fertility and health. When the baby was born, the Nurse was put in the cradle. Then my mother did not lose milk, and the baby grew healthy and strong.

Or Travnitsa-kubyshka. Amulet of health, which was intended for the sick. It was filled with medicinal, aromatic herbs (thyme, dill, oregano, lemon balm, mint, geranium). Finished dolls placed at the head of the bed sick in a warm place. Herbal odor killed germs, cleared the air and gave strength to recover.


Dolls-Crosses were made for the Trinity. They carried in themselves the symbol of the Trinity Semik - the unity of the birch, the cross and the girl. The mascot was adorned with girlish ribbons, and the cross was made of birch twigs. The cross with honor took the most prominent place in the house.


The value of this doll was designed to protect the kids. It was twisted from colorful, bright flaps. The guard was hung above the cradle. Kuvadka was the first toy that the baby saw. Dolls-Kuvadok twisted on a few pieces. The number of them was necessarily odd. It was a strong guard for a small Rusyn.

Pokonitsy dolls were made for haymaking. They were always bright and smart. After all, mowing for our ancestors has always been a holiday. The Slavs went to mow only in festive, light robes. The hands of the mascot were rewound with a red string to enhance the obverse qualities. Pokosnitsa was supposed to protect workers from wounds and cuts.


Its meaning is to call forth the future harvest. Twisted this amulet after harvesting grain. And to stand such dolls should have been in the Red corner along with the icons. It was believed that Zernovushki would bring a rich harvest the next year. It was done for young girls who dreamed of children.

Family amulets. Symbols that protect happiness in the circle of loved ones. These dolls were given to the newlyweds at the wedding. Nerazluchniki symbolized the union of the bride and groom. Brushes, which were among the talismans, meant the early appearance of the first-born. When the second and third baby was born, the brushes were added. Dolls The nerazluchniki have always been red in color - to enhance the power of the guard.


Such talismans turned the entire family on the Sylvester day early in the morning. They folded them out of multicolored patches, which were bandaged with a red thread. Each thread symbolized the sickness and lack of man and had its own name: the Dormouse, Lenea, the decrepit, Avey, Glyde, Agnee, Glukhey, Ledey, Shaking, Windy, Nemeja and Zhelteya. There were a total of 12. Then the dolls hung over the door. According to the faith of the Slavs, it was on this day that evil fevers flew into the house, and when they saw the amulets, they flew away.

Puppet wards were sacredly kept from strangers and passed on to the heirs along the line of women. Their powerful properties have been preserved in our modern days. These cute baby dolls will protect you, your home and family from dark charms, evil looks, gossip, illnesses and misfortunes.

The principle of the Slavic wards in the video:

Faith in the power of various amulets is a pagan tradition, preserved in Russia and after the arrival of the Christian religion. The ancient Slavs did not perceive the world around us the way we do it. Their world was mysterious, alive, full of magic. At the heart of any pagan religion lies the fear of the incomprehensible, mighty forces of nature.

To protect ourselves from all sorts of misfortunes, unnecessary influences, low energies, and also for the possibility of interaction with higher energies, the Slavs actively used various guard symbols. They protected people from evil spirits, diseases, injustice, brought love, luck and prosperity to their owners. Possessed Slavic amulets is not a fairy, but a divine power.

Now the tradition of having a personal amulet revives. But how to choose it correctly?

There are no strict rules. One of the main conditions is the compatibility of the person and the amulet. In their functions, the Slavs' protectors have a variety of purposes, from the protection of life and health to the disclosure of your spiritual powers. Before you start choosing the amulet, you need to know exactly what you need it for.

A factor of harmony is a rather important factor in the choice of Slavic wards. If the guard has sunk into your soul, then you have chosen what you need.

Choose Slavic wards rationally. First, read the description of each of them, choose the appropriate one for the action, and then choose the metal from which your amulet will be made.
  One can approach this question irrationally, that is, choose purely intuitively. This method of choice is suitable for those who have a well developed internal flair.
  Watch for the changes that will occur after you start using the amulet.
  But still, the main thing is that it's not the guard, but the person himself. Try to lead a correct way of life, watch your health, pay attention to the development of your consciousness, etc., and the amulet will be your faithful helper and guardian.

One of my friends told me about a story that happened once with her great-grandmother. Somehow on Easter she and her two children gathered to visit their parents who lived in a neighboring village. My husband also wanted to go with them, but he was a little sick and decided to stay at home. The woman harnessed the horse and went with the children, leaving her husband in the care of the sister-in-law. Having reached her parents' house, she did not have time to step on the threshold, as her husband came out to meet her and said: "Get ready, rather, go back." The woman was very surprised, but did not dare to contradict him, he was always so with her always severe, and then his face became simply fierce. She sat back in the cart, pressed the children to her, and they drove home. The man drove the horse, it seems, was very in a hurry. He often looked back at his wife and children and constantly kept saying: "What, have they come from me?" The woman thought that it was he who spoke after the illness. The road went through the cemetery. A woman, even one, was never afraid to pass through him, and then she was traveling with her husband, and she was surrounded by a terrible fear. Approximately in the middle of the cemetery, the husband abruptly stopped the cart and tried to grab his wife and children, but between them some invisible barrier grew. The man was very close, but could not reach them. After making several such attempts, he jumped out of the cart and ran away into the cemetery. The woman could not understand whether he was terribly laughing, fleeing, or strongly scolded, and not before that she was. She heaved a stitched horse, and she rushed away from this place. Having arrived home, the woman, hardly having translated a spirit, has entered with children in the house. And then she was waiting for the sad news - her husband passed away almost immediately after her departure.

It would all end very sad if I did not protect, guarding against the dark forces, which always carried with me my great-grandmother's great-grandmother.

How did it end? The woman insisted that such amulet was worn by all members of her family. More spirit of this man did not disturb anyone.


Do you think that the amulet is not an empty sound, and behind this lies the millennial wisdom of our ancestors?

Then the next step is to find a suitable amulet, and here it is necessary, like a knight at the crossroads, to stand and think.

We are often asked to help with the choice of the amulet in the shop "Severnaya Skazka", and we have developed a certain algorithm for choosing the amulet. I hope, he will help you, dear Slavs.


Of course, gender and age matter. We divide by age so:
  1. a baby,
  2. A schoolboy-schoolgirl,
  3. A young man-girl, pre-wedding age and all who did not create a family;
  4. An adult male adult woman, a family with children;
  5. adults who have grandchildren.
  These are natural life periods, under which the own energy changes, and, therefore, the way of energy exchange with the environment changes.

Compare the feeble sprout of an acorn that barely opened its shell - and the age-old mighty oak.
  Around the same way one can understand personal energy and the need for protection - a small, full of strength, magically brilliant baby, comprehending ways of communicating with the outside world, in need of maximum protection - and already a wise, experienced person who is at such a stage in life when inner wealth and the Soul's needs are already more valuable than the external attributes, already independent of the worries and troubles of this world. The strength and number of wards decreases with age and life stage - this is the first rule of a properly chosen amulet.

Determined, who needs a guard and what strength, we look the next step.


There were always a lot of talismans in the life of the Slavs - starting from the Motherland, which protected its sons and daughters, ending with the Slavic house and all its contents. You know that even the carved platbands are not just "beautiful", but the signs of protection from the penetration of the Navi - the black creations of the Navi world? The sign of the amulet worn by itself is its closed form. Podols and sleeves on Slavic clothes never had cuts - in order not to interrupt the circumference circle. Oberegami, except embroideries on clothes, could be hryvnia, bracelets, rings, ochelia. We also need to understand that amulets should be worn almost all the time - from closeness and belief in its protection, the power of the amulet really grows.

At this step, you need to determine "what level of protection" is being built. Of course, the strongest "shell" looks like this - to protect the head with a stitch, the temporal rings - earrings, a throat - a hryvnia - a necklace - a pendant, and the arms - bracelets. I can not help myself, although I did not want to touch my clothes-such protection suggests that a belt is worn on a Slav or Slav woman, and the hem of her clothes is covered with embroidery. Unfortunately, modern clothes are far from really correct clothes, and the feature of amulets is that they must be worn constantly. Therefore, we will look for modern compromise options.

A low level of protection suggests that one or two talismans are worn on a man. Ochelie, most likely not be able to wear now permanently, the temple rings do not fit well with the office dress code, but can be replaced with earrings, and you can always wear a hrivna necklace-pendant and small bracelets.

Determined that you can wear as an amulet, see the next step.


Of course, not plastic - as a material that did not live, is not suitable for the amulet. He does not have his own energy, the ability to accumulate and give. Fortunately, even in stuffy cities, we have the opportunity to bring a small, but a piece of Nature to our heart.

The first possibility is Nauz, a woven string of natural threads - flax, cotton, wool, silk. Nauz can be with herbs - then as a pendant is hung a small bag of herbs. How to do this, and what conspiracy to pronounce, you can read on the site of the "Northern Fairy Tale" in the article "Vedic mystery naoves." A variety of nauz are woven pendants with obverse signs. Advantages nauz is that they can be made from inexpensive materials.

The second possibility - quite common and available - amulets of metals, including gold, silver and wood preserves. They, more often than not, are signs that have, fortunately, already known meanings. According to the description given by the manufacturers, you can pick up a patron and a guard with the right direction. Advantages of such talismans are their professional performance, beauty and durability.

The third possibility is an exotic bone for many people. Special properties of bone and horn products have long been known to the Slavs. In the rituals of climbing, skins and skulls of totemic animals were always used, women, if there was such a possibility, used delicate items made of bone and horns as strong amulets. In addition to some almost mystical aura, bone wares have exquisite texture, color overflows, they, like pearls, reflect the course of time, have a delicate matte shine and surprisingly combine a live weight with heat. It's a matter of taste, of course, but metal products are cold, and an ornamental dry tree is easy, like a chip. Fortunately, in the Russian North there is still a Kholmogory school of bone carving, which allows us to get this miracle right now.

Specific advice on choosing an amulet for children under 12 years old

For the baby, the main wards were embroidered clothes (and, interwoven from old maternal and father's shirts) and amulets surrounding his crib - blankets, rugs, toys. We already wrote about amulets for babies, and even showed how blankets, rugs and pictures that look like in the North Fairy tale look like.

It should be noted that, although the baby was surrounded by protective signs from all sides, he himself was never worn by the signs of the Gods, the signs of totemic animals and other protective signs. Probably to ensure that such a powerful defense does not block the development of its own immunity.

In this article, let's look at the details of wards for schoolchildren, those that can be worn on themselves. Of course, in modern conditions, given the characteristics of school clothes, it is unlikely that bracers (bracelets), temple rings, massive hryvnia and necklaces will fit.

There are earrings for girls and pendants for boys and girls. And here I want to please - the variants of pendants that look surprisingly modern, because - they are deeply archaic, enough. They like even modern boys and girls.

Here I will show metal pendants - both archaic and their modern replicas.
  Before the initiation ceremonies at the age of twelve, when the boys passed the exam to their minds, dexterity and strength, and the girls "jumped into ponevu", the amulets for children were a variety of pendants - dark animals and cult objects.

The boy is protected, as the Slavs thought, except for solar symbols,
  amulet - images of totemic animals

For a girl who even then did not wear temporal rings,

In addition to the symbols of the family, there were wood-preserving and floral ornaments:

Symbols of the earth, but different from adults, bells - bells:

And, remember that the girls before the initiation did not carry the typical for girls and women jewelry - lunnitsy.

The Malvernets amulet is the oldest defensive Slavic symbol. It was considered from the earliest times as a great gift of God of the Kind, protecting every representative of the Race of the Great Race from evil eye, evil word, conspiracy, slander, curses and tribal curses. This amulet has the ability not only to protect against harmful energy attacks, but also to redirect them to the offender. It also multiplies the power of kind words.

Malvinets is especially needed for children, young and pregnant women, since they are particularly vulnerable and weak. Only one swear word can inflict a very strong blow on them.

Obereg Ladinets - personifies the harmony of the Feminine. It is a female charm that leads the female essence to harmony. He will help to find joy and tranquility. And these pleasant sensations will certainly affect your appearance. Women who have this amulet become healthier, prettier and more attractive. Ladinets has the ability to adjust water and fat metabolism in the body, helps to remove excess weight, remove slag. It normalizes the hormonal background and helps cure various gynecological and skin diseases. It also enhances the growth of hair on the head.

Obereg The Star of Lady Goddess - Slavic amulet, symbolizing the patronage of the Goddess of Lada, who bestows and preserves Harmony, Love and Lad in the family. In this symbol, the Divine Forces and the Forces of Nature were brought together. The Lady of Lada the Virgin is suitable for women and girls for everyday wearing.

Obereg Odolen The grass is the Fern Flower in the oldest sign of the sun, denoting the greatest deity, Yarilo. This amulet has powerful healing properties, protects health, drives away any disease, including that sent by dark forces. It is believed that this symbol helps to find wealth, can indicate where the treasure is buried in the ground.

The Swar Obereg The Sunshine is the Symbol of the Kind, located in the Sun circle. This amulet has the ability to move the material life of a person from a dead end. He grants purity of deeds and thoughts. It is believed that no person who is carrying this symbol can be overcome by any power.

Obereg Dukhobor - symbolizes the original inner vital fire. This amulet is designed to help in the exile of illnesses and illnesses from the physical body. The spirit of Bohr - the name of this Slavic amulet speaks for itself - it is the path of perfection and development of the Spirit of man through struggle. In this struggle, he will become like the Great Gods. It is believed that this amulet clears the physical body of a person striving for spiritual purification, relieving him of any illnesses. He is very suitable for people who have embarked on the path of spiritual development and self-improvement.

The guardian Kolyadnik is a symbol of the God of Kolyada (God of Peace and all things), who performs renewal on earth and changes for the better. This sign symbolizes the victory of Light over darkness. This is a male charm. He gives men power. Having found this amulet, a person embarks on the path of the conqueror, under the auspices of the ancient God Kolyada.

Slavic Wardcraft Twelve-Pointed Cross

The Twelve-Pointed Cross (or Eternal Fire) - Slavic amulet, representing a cross with a crossbar on each ray. The purpose of this cross is protection from various external influences. About this symbol, many researchers say as a magical sign of the genus.

The Bird's Ward is the Symbol of Family and Love, helping to find true love and a strong family. In Slavic culture birds were considered as messengers of the Gods. These feathered messengers have always been reliable assistants to girls. When they chose their own suitors, they whispered to them advice, which should necessarily be heeded.

Slavic Ward Zaichik characterizes the renewal of the Rod during life. The bunny is typically a solar, solar, male symbol. Symbol Bunny fosters family growth and patronizes pregnant women. In addition, the symbol "Bunny" helps pregnant women during birth to produce only male children. If a pregnant woman wears a dress or belt with the image of the symbol Zaichik, then most likely she will have a boy, the successor and the keeper of his Family. If we talk about male children, we can not fail to mention their future fathers. They symbol Zaychik helps to sow the male seed with the genes of the future boy. This symbol is patronized by all the Gods and all the Goddesses of fertility.

Grozovik belongs to the Slavic symbols, through which a person becomes attached to the divine essence and has the opportunity to manage unpredictable weather behavior. The symbol of the storm can affect the natural elements of weather, control rain and hail, snow and lightning. The Swarovski symbol "Grozovik" also has a protective significance: it protects human habitation and temple structures from the manifestations of bad weather. Our Ancestors always installed this symbol-sign above the entrance to their home to protect themselves from lightning strikes. The symbol of Grozovik is under the auspices of the warlike God Perun, and therefore he protects the human dwelling not only from the negative effects of weather anomalies, but also from human envy, theft and hostile attacks. Sorcerers use the symbol of Stormwind as a magical sign in their conspiracies. As a talisman, the symbol of Grozovik fits all warlike men who worship their mentor and patron to the Mighty God Perun.

How to clean and charge the Slavic amulet?

Traditions of the ancient Slavs include making a variety of ornaments that have a sacred meaning. Ornaments made of gold, silver, stone, bone and wood served not only as a status symbol, but also protected the owner from various misfortunes and misfortunes, gave strength, wisdom and patronage of the Gods.

Making an amulet is a real ritual that everyone who knows how to make amulets man does in his own way. To protect effectively protect the owner you need to clear the amulet and charge it. The Slavs had their own traditions and rituals, with the help of which they defended themselves and their loved ones, and some of them have survived to this day. For example, to entrust making an amulet for yourself can only be for people in charge, to give an amulet to a native person is the best way to protect it from misfortunes. Also, rituals for cleaning and charging amulets have come down to us from distant ancestors who understood the magical effects of the elements and knew how to purify themselves and purify the charms.

Purification of the amulet.

How to clean Slavic amulets and charge them with new forces? This is available to everyone, and this must be done regularly, so that new forces have a beneficial effect on energy.

The simplest method, known since ancient times, is cleaning in running water. It is necessary to substitute the Slavic amulet for running water, and the water from the creek works best. It has long been known that water has properties to take away bad energy, and running water has a particularly positive effect. The only requirement for such cleaning is the absence of negative thoughts. The only thing you need to think about while cleaning the amulet is that the water ishes away the misfortunes and misfortunes that are absorbed by your amulet. Mentally or aloud, ask the water to take out all the negative influences that have absorbed the amulet. If the material from which the amulet is made does not like water (for example, your amulet is made of wood), you can spray it with droplets of melt or rainwater, since such water has clean energy. After you have cleared the amulet, you need to wipe it with a cloth and leave it under the sun's rays - this will help to charge the amulet.

The ancient Slavs knew the power of fire and often used it in their rituals. Everyone knows jumping over the fire on Ivan Kupala, when the flame helped to clear. Those who quickly jumped over the fire, were provided with good health, and lovers - a strong alliance. In order to clear the flame with a flame, it is necessary to carry it over the candle flame from right to left, and then in the opposite direction. At this time, it is necessary to imagine how bad energy burns in a flame and turns into smoke. You can mentally say the words that all the misfortunes and misfortunes turn into smoke, disappear. Remember that it's not the language that matters, but the mood. Only sincere faith and serious attitude will help you to purify the amulet. After you have cleared the amulet, the candle must be discarded. After cleaning, it is recommended to charge the Slavic amulet from silver, gold or other materials in the sun.

In order to clean the amulet with earth, it is necessary to bury it in dry soil and leave it there for one night. The Earth will absorb the bad energy of your amulet, and after that you can charge it in any convenient way. You can also just leave the thing on the surface of the earth, and if you surround the place with stones, the purification will be even more effective. Also for cleaning amulets salt is often used, it is absorbing bad energy. Three days the amulet must be in salt, after which, it must be discarded. If you prefer incense, you should choose sage or cedar - they perfectly clean the energy of the room and can serve as additional help in cleaning the amulet, as well as preparing for the ritual of purification. How do I know when my guard is cleared? No one will tell you this, except your sensations. When the magical item is cleared, you will feel the strength and confidence that metal gives. If the sensation does not arise, the guard must be cleared again.

How to charge the Slavic amulet?

After the magical protection is cleared, I start charging it. The most suitable time for this is the growing moon. The ritual of charging contains all the elements: fire, air, water, earth and ether. You need to choose a place in nature, wherever you are guaranteed not to interfere with other people. The bank of the river or other natural reservoir, where it is possible to build a fire, is best suited. You need to take off your shoes, take off all metal objects, and dissolve your hair. Slavic amulet of gold is charged with the help of hymns to the gods (ether), then sprinkled with a handful of native land, immersed in running water and dried over the flame. Every time the amulet touches a certain element, ask it to give the magical thing the right qualities. If you can not get out on the nature, you can charge the amulet at home, but then you need to try to have all the elements present. In any case, the main thing is to sincerely believe in the ritual, be honest with yourself and with the world, then the charm gives you strength, wisdom and happiness.

Ancient mythology, a special theme in the world of practical magic. In former times Slavic amulets were widely used in everyday life among our ancestors. In those days, people believed that they could not do without the help of higher beings and the forces of nature. After all, each guardian, is clocked as a symbol, a sign, of the mythical Slavic Godhead. It is worth recalling that before the advent of Christianity on the territory of the Slavic land ancestors worshiped not one particular deity, but the whole Divine Pantheon. The Slavic Pantheon is numerous, and it is problematic to talk about all its branches. Therefore, let's talk about those Gods of Slavic mythology, which are mentioned more often, take a direct part in the lives and destinies of people, and the symbols of which are used by magicians for certain rituals. The meaning of each symbol is especially important if a person wishes to devote himself to the gods of antiquity.

Each amulet is clocked as a symbol, a sign, of the mythical Slavic Deity


Rod - The ancestor, in Slavic mythology The dominant Spirit, the creator of everything on earth, the progenitor and head of the Pantheon. This is the forefather of the Gods and their power depends on the closeness of kinship with Him. In a nutshell, it can be said that humanity depends on the will of the Kind, Divinity and Power. In Slavic mythology, this is not only the most powerful, but also the most good deity. It is to Rod that all the basic good of the deed is attributed:

  • Creation of the Pantheon of the Gods;
  • Creating all that exists;
  • Gift to the people of the Earth;
  • A gift to the people of Heaven;
  • Creation of Heavenly Lights;
  • The introduction of the soul;
  • Immortality of the human soul;
  • The possibility of a person's degeneration into another hypostasis (from man to animal, from animal to tree, plant, from plant by nature, from nature again to man).

It should be specially pointed out that all the deities of the Slavic Pantheon, all mythical incarnations  all the forces of nature directly depend on the Will of the Kind. That is, do not help, do no harm, people, animals, land and nature of the deity can not, if not for the will of the Family.

The symbol or sign of the Supreme Deity of the Kind has four finite stars, the rays of which bend in a direction against the movement of the sun. At the ends of the rays are fixed circles, which represent a closed movement, rebirth is infinite and constant (that very change of incarnations of the human soul into various hypostases).

Symbolism of the Rod is adorned with almost everything. This is the personification of the Beginning of the Beginning. His talismans are used in the rituals of the calling of the harvest year, these signs adorn the clothes of men, women and children. Amulet amulets with the sign of the Rod are widely used and now as mere adornments and as especially effective amulets. This amulet strengthens and intensifies at times the action of amulets and talismans with the symbols of other gods of the Slavic Pantheon. Most often talismans with the sign of the Genus were made with silver, less often with gold, the Deity is not distinguished by vanity. You can wear the signs of the Family, both under clothes and as an external decoration.

Symbolism of the Rod is adorned with almost all


Svarog belongs to the category of the Supreme Divine Spirits, and is a direct descendant of the Family. But, in spite of this, the symbolism of the cross with bifurcated rays was never used by the Slavs as a single amulet. The thing is that our ancestors feared his Force, but even more, his anger, and tried not to bother the Deity with his presence. Svarog patron of arms, war, and warriors. But, just as this deity protects blacksmith's deeds. Our ancestors believed that the smithy is the temple of Svarog, the anvil and the forge hammer its symbols. But, it is worth remembering that Oberegs with the symbols of Svarog were not made from metal, because the force contained in the hardest material threatened with terrible consequences. Most often his signs were decorated with the warrior's underwear, sometimes carved symbols on wooden handles. Mothers were assigned to cut amulets with the symbol of Svarog and put on these mascots and their sons and sons before going to battle or war. Such drawings were adorned with walls of the forge, and they were applied to all tools of blacksmithing. Even on the doors of the smithy, as a sign, the symbol of the god Svarog was painted. Slavs honor this Deity on the night of the 13th to the 14th of December. In his honor are burning ovens in all smithies, and blacksmiths present their best products before him. Recently, there is an opinion that the symbols still embodied in iron, but they made amulets strictly of silver, and wore them hiding from other people's eyes.

Svarog patron of arms, war, and warriors


The God of Perun is also the Supreme God and direct descendant of the Family. In his power, Thunder, Lightning and War. Slavic mythology says that Perun possessed super strength, unprecedented power, but at the same time, kindness and responsiveness. In honor of Perun, an eternal fire was burned on the temples and generous gifts were brought to him. Some sources point to the fact that Perun was given gifts by captured warriors, who were burnt alive at the stake. But there is no confirmation of this, this deity was not distinguished by vampirism, his defense was patronage of the soldiers and their support.

It is worth noting that the signs of this God have several symbols, and each of them is enclosed in a much finite star. The most powerful amulet for the warrior was the symbol of the Sword of Perun, Perun's Hammer, and Sekira Perun, made of pure silver. Today, it is extremely rare to find such amulet in free sale, since its symbolism is primarily a matter of war, albeit victorious. Perun's charms are made of all kinds of metal, including amulets made of silver pendants, carved from wood as ornaments around the neck and embroidered on outer clothing. The importance of such amulets and their functions in protecting the warrior from accidental injury. The wives were supposed to make ornaments and embroideries on the clothes of men and sons before the war. It was believed that when working women should sing praise songs to Perun and wet the cloth with their clean tears, making from simple matter impenetrable spiritual protection for husbands and sons. The meaning of this is in the power of love and the request for mercy.

Read the feast of Perun on July 20, from the first rays of the light day, and until midnight people glorify this deity, drink wine from glasses from silver in his honor. In his honor, sing songs, light bonfires and arrange demonstration battles with the obligatory honor of the winner. In some areas, the winner was given a lot of gold and silver, and gave the opportunity to choose a virgin from the village for himself and make her his wife. But, these mentions have no actual confirmation, since in those days women were honored and respected and encroachment on their freedom was severely suppressed. The description of ritual battles is preserved in ancient manuscripts.

The importance of the amulet and their function in protecting the warrior from accidental injury


God Veles is a mysterious and unique deity in the Slavic Pantheon.

  1. First, Veles is the patron of people and their well-being. He supports life and helps people in their sorrows and difficult situations.
  2. Second, Veles is honored as the patron of cattle, fauna.
  3. Third, this deity is called the patron saint of poets and songwriters.
  4. Fourth, and surprising in its history is the fact that He is the patron of the living world faithful husband of the goddess Makosh, who in Slavic mythology is the Goddess of Peace, Family, patroness of women and women's craft.

It is worth mentioning that during the transition to Christianity, this god Velez acquired several guises. So some of his features were laid on St. Vlasius, the patron saint of cattle, some went to Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George. And Veles himself was transformed into Volosyanik and carried to the demonic tribe.

But, nevertheless, admirers of pagan mythology and the Slavic Pantheon honor Velez from 1 to 6 January, during the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. The charm of Veles is an inverted letter "A" enclosed in a ring of flame. The value of this kind of talisman is to strengthen wisdom and increase wealth. They wear an amulet over clothes, thereby paying tribute to Veles's power and asking for his protection. In ancient times such talismans were made from wood, gold and silver. The significance of the talisman is that Veles gives his servants wisdom, strength of spirit and determination in making difficult life decisions. In his honor it is necessary to burn bonfires and sing songs that glorify the earth, cattle, and labor. The description of the rituals dedicated to the worship of this deity is almost never met.

The admirers of the Slavic Pantheon honor Velez from 1 to 6 January


Yarilo is a pagan god of fertility, wheat and farming. In Slavic mythology, this deity occupied an honorable place, he was worshiped, feared, and tried to please him. It was believed that a crop failure was nothing more than a result of anger. I was angry with people. At the same time, he was given the power to awaken in all life the carnal love and desire. He was considered the source of the white Light of the Kind. It was the symbol of the Sun, the significance of its heat for the good fertility of cattle, a rich harvest, and satiety.

Until now, in some regions of the Slavic countries, Yarilo is honored as the holder of people, a breadwinner and a good owner. The symbol Jarilo is a shield from silver, in the mythology the shield is the sign of the Sun, and therefore in ancient records one can find the definition of the Sun as a walk Yarilo through the celestial field. Signs and symbols Jarilo is displayed in wood, metal, embroidered, painted on fabric, and depicted with tattoos on the body. If the symbol is an ornament, then it is worn over clothing, if embroidery, then it is made on the top shirt at the neck or on the chest. The veneration of Yarilo was during the period from 21 to 22 March, that is, on the eve of the spring solstice. In part of Jarilo, cattle are slaughtered, bread is baked, and silverware is given to loved ones.

Symbol Jarilo - shield with silver, in mythology the shield of the sign of the Sun


The goddess Makosh, or as she is also called Makosho, Makosh, Makoshna, records her ancestors proclaim her a kind, and sympathetic goddess of the Pantheon. This deity, the faithful wife to his wife Veles, and the patroness of women's crafts. The goddess makos is credited with the protection of spinning, farming, raising children, and family health. She is prayed for the health of blood relatives and husbands.

This deity is the most accessible in the Slavic Pantheon, there is no malice and power in it, it tries to protect people before other gods. This is the first companion of the goddess Lada, the patroness of women in childbirth and women's intuition. In some sources, the name Makosh is translated from the Old Slavonic as "Mother" and "The lot", that is, "Mother of Fate". There is and dominates this goddess with the support of her two assistants Srechi and Nesrechi (Share and Nedola). In some sources, the strange meaning of this deity is given, this goddess is weaving threads of human destinies, and her fingers are beaten and wounded, as she chooses (from her Life thread) splinters (sins), unravels knots with her bare hands to save people.

The symbols of this deity are a sown field and the figure of a spinner made of silver. In the images she is presented as a woman with a spinning needle in her hands, and in symbols as a complex figure, combining the correct form of four squares located between the rays of an equilateral cross. Makoshi's amulets are made from all kinds of metal, more often from pure silver, and also cut from a tree, painted, embroidered on fabric. Symbolism embodied in jewelry worn under clothing. Images of Makoshi can be found as:

  • home pictures;
  • embroideries on pillows;
  • blankets;
  • curtains;
  • napkins and so on.

Read this goddess in the daytime on October 26. But, according to ancient beliefs, another day given to the Slavs of Mokosh is considered May 10, Earth Day, the Feast of Great Fertility. Description of the celebration of the sources is reduced to hymns and festivals.

The Goddess Makosh. Symbol of the Slavic Gods


The Goddess Lada is one of the most important in the Pagan Pagan Slavonic. The goddess Lada is credited with special female features - beauty, love, sexuality, the ability to give birth to healthy sons and beautiful daughters. This is the goddess of Passion, the patroness of Love and carnal relations, frivolous and at the same time a proud and unapproachable goddess in the entire Slavic Pantheon. Lada is the oldest among the goddesses of Slavic mythology, she is Rhoda's favorite daughter. In some sources, this deity is referred to as the only female hypostasis of the Rod itself. But, initially, she's Daughter. More often Lada is depicted as a White Swan, but here everything is relative. In the spring it is a girl with bright red hair and sun freckles on her cheeks, which wears a wreath from her first field grasses and young leaves, in the summer it is a young girl with golden hair and a wreath with grown wheat, green branches with ovaries and dew flours . Since autumn, Lada is presented as an incredible beauty woman, with long scattered hair on her back and falling to the ground hair of light shade, she wears a wreath with poured ears on her head, and branches of fruit trees. In winter Lada is a stately fair-haired beauty dressed in snow-white fox fur. The goddess holds a wooden sieve in her hands, from which snowflakes fly to the ground, and her kiss makes trees dress in snow-white outfits with hoarfrost and snow.

Lada patronizes women in labor and women with needlewomen, strengthens family ties and teaches women obedience with the preservation of wisdom and pride. The Symbolism of Lada is the amulet of Ladinets, a lot of the end star whose rays are directed against the movement of the sun. Symbolism is carved from a tree, smelted in metal, embroidered on women's clothing, painted on the body, used as a talisman talisman. Wear on bracelets on the wrists of your hands, or as a pendant on a chain.

Honor Lada on March 30 from the first moments and until midnight. This is a women's festival, on this day women can admit to love for a man, accept offers of the hand and heart, conceive and baptize children. You can not destroy families to commit adultery and sin against your female nature. The significance of Lada in Slavic history and mythology is described in many sources of ancient teachings about the power of nature.

Lada protects women who are in labor and women's handicrafts


Alive, originally represented in the Slavic Pantheon, as the goddess patroness of childbirth, daughter of Lada and her right hand. She is a sister to other daughters of Lada - Leli, Lali, and Mora. Despite the fact that this deity bears the beginning of life, the birth of the soul, her son is one of the most cruel gods. Peklenets is the master of the underworld, in the present religion the Devil himself. Alive, personifies spring, love, youth, beauty, prosperity of the world, and the dawn of nature. In ancient times, Zhivu was endowed with the image of cuckoo, and believed that if the Cuckoo was forging it, Zhiva appeared from the very Iriya (pagan Paradise) to count the dead and the born.

Alive, in essence, is the sister of Morana, the goddess of Death, but is waging an eternal, irreconcilable war with her for each person and for the earth as a whole.

In human form, the Goddess Zhiva is a beautiful woman who has moisture in one hand, a source of life water, and in another grain, bread, the main food of mankind.

Description of the amulet and symbolism of the goddess Alive is a complex letter "F", a tangle of colors and waves. Often the symbol of Zhiva becomes a butterfly, as a repetition of the features of the image of the amulet. It does not matter which material is used and how the symbol is printed, the main repetition of the "Butterfly" lines. It is necessary to wear a guard forever, but it is better to hide it under clothes from other people's eyes.

Alive, embodies spring, love, youth, beauty


The goddess Morena with Slavic mythology is represented in a variety of names:

  • Morana;
  • Mora;
  • Moraine;
  • Morzena;
  • Morochka;
  • Fainting;
  • The Dark Mother of God.

Morena is a cruel and inexorable goddess. It feeds on human diseases, pain, fear and death. This deity in the Pantheon is represented as a punishing Spirit. But, the sources point to the fact that before the wars and fights they glorified Morena, asking for deliverance. And this, the truth, because in case of severe wounds, the warriors, in their sufferings, appealed to Death as a deliverer of pain. Morene prayed for the terrible incurable diseases of old age, calling for deliverance from suffering. The attitude towards this deity among the Slavs is twofold, on the one hand, it is the destroyer of the human race, but on the other hand, the deliverer of suffering. Morena was respected and feared, and her symbolism was applied to clothing and bed linen of deadly patients with the purpose of attracting the attention of death and ending the suffering of a person.

The symbolism of the Morena is a cross with rays broken at the ends. There is a belief that a mortally wounded warrior, in order to summon the goddess of Death, should have painted on his clothes with his blood the symbol of Morena and invoke the deity with a prayer for his own completion of the earthly path. The Goddess of Death did not deny the suffering and generously granted her mercy of death to all comers.

This goddess is honored on March 1, starting with the evening dawn and ending with the first rays of the dawning dawn on March 2nd. It is worth mentioning that they are not satisfied with the celebrations on this day, but on the contrary it is the night of the Tribulation, the time to mourn the fallen soldiers and deceased relatives.

Morena is a cruel and inexorable goddess


God the Baptist in the Slavic Pantheon is the son of Zhiva, and the faithful nephew of Morena. This is one of the most mysterious figures in Slavic mythology. They portrayed the deity in the form of a flame, he ate human sins, welcomed murder, violence and theft. But this deity later in Christianity is represented as the Devil himself was considered the most generous among the gods. In ancient times, the elders and landowners were accused of detachment from the Rod and the higher Gods and were suspected in connection with the Peklents. As mythology said, this deity is two-faced and mean. Giving wealth and glory to people in Hell, he thrust fire flames into them again and again condemning the souls to eternal suffering.

In history there is little information about this deity. The symbolism of this god is covered with darkness, since his signs could not serve as a charm or an amulet. There are reports that his symbol is a knife and a spear in the fire, but this is not proved by the facts. Devotees of Demonic Magic are honored by this deity on the night of 12 to 13 August. He is sacrificed to newborn babies, and they drink their blood. All rituals take place immediately after the entry of the 13th day into force.

The symbols and signs of the gods of the Slavic Pantheon carry a strong energy, and therefore before choosing for themselves the amulet with this or that image, one or another form is worth asking what in reality means this symbol. Better Slavic charm amulets are the symbols of Rod, Yarilo, Veles, Zhiva, Svarog, Perun or Lada. Their intercession will help to overcome life's hardships and cope with the complexities of human existence.

The word "talisman" is more than just a beautiful souvenir. For man it is a guardian, which carries an important meaning, drives away evil power from the human soul. Our great-grandfathers did not do without symbols of protection in many endeavors, traditional rituals. What does it mean and how to choose a charm for yourself?

History of origin of amulets

The charms of the ancient Slavs are an interpretation of a completely different perception of the surrounding world, rather than in modern times. All the usual things for our ancestors were wrapped in mystery, magic, knowledge, strong magic power. Pagan traditions were very strong in perception, people were afraid of great mysterious forces, their influence on life, current events. Slavic amulets went from paganism, in which people did not cease to believe, even after the adoption of Orthodox Christianity.

Worship of the elements of nature served to turn them into talismans. Signed natural phenomena have become symbols of protection. For example, the field, sown in the form of a diamond, was a symbol of fertility, and wavy lines, a cross obliquely, a star with six rays were listed as symbols of water, fire, thunder. Each sign was interpreted in its own way, applied in different situations.

What are the properties of the charms of the ancient Slavs

Varieties of amulets are very many, therefore ancient Slavic symbols can be conditionally divided into:

  • personal Old Slavic amulets (various ornaments - pendants, pendants, belts, earrings, rings);
  • protective symbols for the house (ward for housing from all kinds of disasters);
  • amulets for luck;
  • slavic symbols of love;
  • amulet-patterns, photos or tattoos.

How strong are the charms of the Slavs and their significance, is explained by the process of their manufacture. The strongest were those items that were manufactured by the future owner on their own. In this process, the force, the energy of the soul, invested in its work, participates. Ancestors never sat down to make amulets for themselves in a bad mood, believing that the emotional background is transmitted to the amulet.

Now very few people make amulets independently. The charms of the Slavs and their significance for the ancestors were colossal, many details were taken into account. If a person acquires a ready-made object for himself, it is important to know exactly what kind of meaning, power he has. Decoration can not be chosen at random, expect only too much from him. It is necessary to believe in the power of the Slavic amulet, and it will preserve all the energetic positive forces of man, protecting it from the negative impact of others.

What does the Slavic symbolism mean?

The charms of the Slavs are endowed with their individual values ​​and properties:

  1. Altarnik - means the unity of the people.
  2. Svarozhich - Slavic protection of human life from evil, death.
  3. The Goddess is the personification of infinite power for honest people.
  4. Agni - a symbol of comfort, protection of buildings from fires, endowment with the wisdom of man.
  5. Znich is longevity, a source of strength, endless energy.
  6. Ratiborets - a symbol of courage, courage, fire.
  7. Rysich - protection of religious constructions, patrimonial amulet.
  8. Wedding Wedding - protection of newlyweds from anger, resentment, family charm.
  9. Dunia - the unity of the family, child protection.
  10. Kolovrat - protection from higher forces, protection from evil.
  11. The heavenly boar is the power of wisdom, the connection of past and future life.
  12. A candle is an assistant in revealing the essence of being.
  13. Svitovit - amulet and help in the birth of strong children.
  14. Swastika is a symbol of the renewal of the world.
  15. Solard - fertility and generosity of the Earth.
  16. Vseslavets - the preservation of the home from fire, and the family - from war.
  17. Volot - the arrival of man power.
  18. The saint is a symbol of enlightenment and purity at the same time.
  19. Perunitsa - the promise of victory.
  20. The black sun is a spiritual connection of a person with ancestors and descendants.
  21. Star of Lada - faith, decency, justice.
  22. Ognevitsa is a female guardian from the evil eye, alien enmity, conspiracy.
  23. Cross Svarog - a welding symbol, as a worship of God.

The most popular Slavic wards and their meaning

There are many variants of symbols, but the Slavs' charms and their individual meaning are somewhat similar. Absolutely all of them protect a person from evil, bad deeds, thoughts. In the whole classification a special group of popular, significant symbols is singled out. These icons are recognizable, used to create ornaments, embroideries, special drawings for buildings, rooms, interior items.


A female talisman that keeps all the energy, heat required for the preservation of good relations in the family. Suitable mature, family female representatives who honor traditions, respect their family ties. Makosh symbolizes happiness, prosperity, abundance in the family hearth.


A very powerful amulet, which consisted of female happiness, health. A sign for pregnant women is useful, foreshadows a happy childbirth, the birth of a strong, healthy child. Getting the generic beginning occurred through Lunnitsu, which symbolically means fertility, flowering.


Eight-pointed star with curved limbs was supposed for girls from three years old. It is believed that for a woman this sign bears a good intuition, a sensitive attitude, useful for relieving pain, diseases of female organs, dumping excess weight.


The origins of the appearance of the sign are unknown, but the Slavs knew - this sign is the best defense against evil thoughts, words, human slander. The charms of Molnovets Slavs and their significance indicate that the sign protects the whole family.


Honesty, peace, justice of actions, actions - a description of this slightly aggressive symbol. The discovery of such a sign by a man provided him with strength, wisdom and understanding in resolving conflict issues. Such a charm was given to soldiers.

Star of Russia

The intertwining of the female and the masculine has become the meaning of this amulet. The harmony of the present, past and future was protected by a magic sign. The Slavs saw in it wisdom, understanding of the world.

Symbol of the genus

A universal amulet with the power of the Sun itself. To those who honor their family, kind, this amulet brought wisdom, warmth in the home circle and understanding.

Overcome the grass

The Odonen plant healed the diseases of the Slavs, and therefore became the prototype of the amulet. For a man who wore such a sign, there was in him a kind of protection from evil spirits.

What are the strongest amulets for home?

  1. Faces - Icons from solid material, created to attract patrons.
  2. Churas are stone or wooden figurines for the glorification of the family.
  3. Panno - embroidered with ornaments, signs, with artifacts, decorated with horseshoes.
  4. Amulet - clothes for households and pets. It is made of clay, wood, thread.
  5. Embroidered pictures, images and stories of the Gods.
  6. Dolls - you can use the bright magical "God's Eye", "Bird of Happiness" from the tree of cedar, spruce, fir.
  7. Weathervane in the form of a rooster or a horse.
  8. Symbols of the Sun on the shutters and clypees.

How to choose for yourself amulet

Consider the important points in the choice of jewelry:

  1. Immediately determine who needs the amulet: a person's sex, age, family status, experience.
  2. Choose which function of your symbol, in what form it is better to implement, to wear daily. You can just buy a ready-made amulet with an instruction in an online store or order in a workshop (in Moscow, St. Petersburg).
  3. Study carefully what the pagan icon of the future amulet means.
  4. The strongest protection in ornaments that protect the area of ​​the head and heart.
  5. To make amulets is better from natural materials - thread, wood, grain crops, dried herbs, bone material, silver.

Video: what is the Slavic runes and their meaning