Home / Numerology / Recently, I often see the numbers 999

Recently, I often see the numbers 999

Attributes of number 9

* Learning * Healing * Humanism * Mind power * Judgment * Rationality * Experience * Shine * Compassion * Protection * Responsibility * Inner wisdom * Loyalty * Devotion * Forgiveness * Ability to see the essence * Intellectual * Ability to understand * Congenital talents * Self-analysis * Integrity * Unity * truth * ethics * universal protection * social relations * "universal brotherhood" * intuition * strength of character * self-love * selfishness (ability to say "no") * humanities * creativity * sensitivity * fidelity * Salat * "talented in everything" * artist * old soul * old age (in general) * actor * prudence * eternity * generosity * artistic genius * connections * influence * charity * debt * calling * mission * commitments * mysticism * faith * divine wisdom * selflessness * karma * enlightenment * lofty ideals * extrasensory abilities * tolerance * humility * altruism * goodwill * long trips * travel *

The number 9 is the number of completion, graduation and symbolizes the principles of leadership, humanism and service to others.

Repeatedly repeated in your life nine is a reminder that your goal of life also provides help to people through your natural skills, talents, interests and hobbies. The number 9 indicates that it's time to complete a certain phase in life or relationships - neither of these serve you better. Do not be afraid of "losses", because after this new opportunities will enter your life. You have a lot of work ahead of you, and now you need to prepare for the upcoming events. When this happens, know that there is nothing terrible, and you should not be afraid to open a new chapter in your life. The faster you turn this page, the faster you will move toward your destination.

The sequence 99 calls you to follow the desire of your heart, especially if it at the same time becomes help to others, helps others and is useful to others. Become an example for the rest, show that you can live harmoniously and successfully. You must start thinking of yourself as a leader, remember that you are a teacher and an enlightened soul. Become Prometheus. It is your spiritual and humanitarian duty, you must help others on their spiritual path, and you are asked to be strong so that your knowledge and guidance will help others.

The sequence 999 says that it is now time to understand and use your potential. Without hesitation and procrastination, proceed to your sacred mission. Realize your true light, apply it to practice in life. You are asked to be taught by others - show that you can live exaltedly. You carry a torch for other people, and angels ask that you live and realize your potential for the benefit of all. Do not miss this sign!

Sequence 9999 is a message to all "lightworkers". It's like support - keep carrying your bright light to people.

In any case, the appearance of sequences of nines indicates a positive change in your life and you should not underestimate this message!

  The number 999 is the energy of a tripled nine. In its meaning, the number 999 is the same as the figure 9, but its influence is many times greater. The demonized nine personifies the inner forces of nature and man, completion, spiritual development. It reminds us that everything in this life ends, but when it dies, it reborn again. In all occult and esoteric sciences this figure has a favorable significance. But in some cases it can have the opposite effect.

The value of the number 999 in numerology

The number 999 in numerology means a transition to another level. It is associated with the energy of the cosmos, spiritual development and the completion of life.
If you analyze 999 from the point of view of the numerological layout, having combined all three nines, you will end up with a nine in the end. The sum of the digits is 27 = 2 + 7 = 9. This calculation shows the main meaning of the number 999 - everything returns to normal, after death there will be a new rebirth.
  Three nines also symbolize leadership, intuition, prophecy and the spiritual realm of life. This is not a material number, it does not attract any money or career, but it gives inner peace, spiritual strength, wisdom and clairvoyance.
  Numbers 9, 99, 999 and 9999 have the same meaning in numerology. The only thing they differ is their range of effects on the fate of a person.
  Number 9 - the sign of completion, service to society. It indicates the need for change, calls for risk and activity in all matters. This is the number of revolution in the inner world of man, new ideas and grandiose plans.
  The number 99 calls to follow the dictates of your heart, listen to your intuition and read the signs of your angel. Also, two nines embody teaching activities. This is the number of teachers whose mission is to bring knowledge to the masses.
  The number 999 calls to reveal its potential and begin to act actively. This is a sign that it's time to change and change everything around you. This number embodies Prometheus, which brings light to people.
  The number 9999 - the support of higher forces. This number indicates that the forces of the universe are on your side. You have chosen the right path.

The value of 999 in Feng Shui

In the Chinese teachings of feng shui, three nines represent divine powers, wisdom, longevity, good health, a connection with higher powers. This number helps to achieve harmony, to know your inner self, to realize your destiny in life.
  Meditation with nines gives peace of mind, inner balance of energy, protection of the guardian angel. All that is associated with this number, helps a person reach his higher destiny. The direction of the number 999 in Feng Shui is south. Element - Fire. This is a strong male energy yang.
  Three nines in a car, apartment or telephone number attract health, luck, prosperity, wealth. Develop in person   wisdom, the ability to foresee the future, to think clearly.
  Fussy and active people this number will help to come to inner harmony, put thoughts in your head on the shelves, get rid of negative emotions. For more quiet people, the number 999 will present achievement of the set goals, channel energy into the right direction and tell you how to act in a difficult situation.

Numerology of Angels

In addition to the classical numerology of Pythagoras, there is also an angelic numerology, authored by philosopher and writer Dorin Verche. According to her, the numbers that we often see in everyday life, the numbers that haunt us everywhere are nothing but the signs of the Guardian Angel.
  If you constantly see the number 999 (in the numbers of cars, on tickets and price tags and other common things), then this is a warning from the heavenly defender that it's time for you to say goodbye to your past life.

What exactly does the number 999 mean

  • the need for change;
  • future fateful events;
  • call for spiritual development;
  • warning about a new stage of life;
  • the demand to get rid of oppressive thoughts as soon as possible;
  • a sign of rebirth and personal change.
  • The number 999 in angelic numerology is a favorable sign. If you often meet three nines in everyday life, then most likely, in the near future there will be dramatic changes. Do not worry - they will be positive.

    Probably, you will have to part with a person whose relationship with you has not brought you joy and benefit for a long time. There may also be changes in the work - you will change the professional field of activity and take care of what you really like. In other words - find your true destiny.
    In addition, the number 999 may be an appeal to get rid of the burden of the past. In this case, the Guardian Angel advises you to let go of all the insults, forget about long-standing failures, unpleasant people and those who caused you suffering. This is the number of cleansing, and it requires the renewal of your personal energy. Try to cross the border of the past and the future, start everything from scratch.

    A corroded nine can indicate that you are not completing the business started. That is why life has come to a standstill: nothing new is happening, the career is on the ground, in the personal life, a crisis has come. This sign should be perceived as a call for action - you need to immediately activate all your internal resources, start to change something in your life.
      Begin with the cases to which you once started, but because of personal factors or external circumstances are not finished. Follow these promises, cleanse your brain of unnecessary thoughts, free yourself from the judgments and stereotypes that limit you.

    Number 999 on the clock

    In numerology, Dorin Verche talks about the angelic signs that our heavenly patrons send us through time on an electronic clock. If you often look at the clock, when they show time 09:09, this phenomenon predicts changes that will soon turn your whole life around.
      It is believed that such a sign is seen by people in whose life a difficult period has come. Nines pursuing these people foreshadow a rapid change in affairs, but at the same time, advise to be more cautious in decisions and deeds. Trust your intuition, rely only on your inner feelings.

    Figures 999 in tattoos

    Tattoo lovers and tattoo artists refer to figures on the body as a way to change destiny, attract luck in money, career and love, enhance positive character qualities and neutralize negative traits. Tattoos in the form of nines symbolize longevity, strong health and vital energy.
      Nine is called a universal number, as it attracts luck in all spheres of life. Usually it is pierced on the ground, hidden from prying eyes - on the neck, on the wrist, on the shoulder blade or thigh.
      The main thing is that the image is hidden by clothes. It is not worth drawing this tattoo on the prominent parts of the body, since the nines are a sign of protection and good luck, and showing it to everyone means attracting the attention of detractors.
      Tattooing with nines is recommended to puncture people who need the support of higher forces and those who develop in the spiritual sense. Materialists, whose values ​​are only money and property, it is not worth puncturing this sign.

    Date of birth and number 999

    According to numerology, fate in many ways can depend on the date of birth of a person. Nine in the date of birth is not always a favorable sign. Alas, but in some cases this number can adversely affect the nature and events in life.
      The more nines you have in the date of birth, the more this number affects your fate. For example, such dates as 09/09/1999 or 19/09/1997 indicate that many milestones in a person's life are affected by the vibrations of the number 9.

    What qualities of character and abilities does this date of birth give?

  • insight;
  • wisdom;
  • hard work;
  • high degree of concentration in practice;
  • oratorical skills;
  • leadership skills;
  • the desire for knowledge and the search for truth;
  • creative talents and abilities for exact sciences.
  • Positive influence

    People, in the date of birth of which three or more nines, came to this world   with a certain spiritual mission. They have a special purpose, after which they will attain harmony and peace of mind.
      It is believed that their main task is to bring humanity knowledge and share experience. As a rule, these people are very intelligent, well-read, are interesting interlocutors and talented teachers.
      In addition, nature has awarded them the ability to see the future. The future events are in dreams, in thoughts and fantasies. Their words are often prophetic.

    Negative influence

    Despite the positive character traits with which the ninth has endowed, a person with such a birth date often has a difficult destiny full of obstacles and struggles. His ideas are often not accepted by society.
      The aspiration of such a person to justice and the fulfillment of his duty confronts him with people whose main goal is personal gain, profit and money. People, in the date of birth of which several nines, are called to carry good and light to mankind, however this way turns out to be a debt and thorny.
      Another negative influence of the nine is loneliness, solitude and seclusion. Such people often have pronounced introverts, which are difficult to interact with society.
      However, they can turn this minus into a plus if they direct their energy to practical work, study of sciences or creativity. Their ability to concentrate, patience, attention to detail and perseverance help to achieve the tops in science and art.

    If a person does not struggle with the negative influence of the nine, it becomes closed and unsociable. All his thoughts are only about himself and his inner world. And this begins to contradict his highest destiny. He can practice spiritual practices, but his spiritual knowledge goes nowhere, because he does not share them with others.

    Numerologists believe that the dates in which most of the ninth figures are particularly significant in destiny total   humanity. For example, such dates as 09/09/1999, September 29, 1990, September 15, 1999 and others, will mark a new stage in the life of society. In such days an event may occur that will turn all the old foundations and rules.
      At such dates it is recommended to conduct meditations, rituals and ceremonies for finding a new life, getting rid of diseases, fears, failures. Nine symbolizes the completion, the end and the beginning of a new stage of life. It gives a chance to get rid of the past negativity and to fill your life with new, bright energy.

    The number 999 consists of vibrations of the number 9, repeated three times, which further strengthens its already strong influence. The signs and energies of the number 999 are the inner strength, the end of the process or cycle, humility and humanity, leadership and positive example, intuition and understanding, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, selfless service, karmic laws.

    The mystical meaning of the number 999

    The number 999 is a total commitment and an ascent to a completely different level of understanding. The number 999 is the number of unconditional love, without which our life would be like the life of a soulless robot. In fact, unconditional love, this is life itself, everything else is just an existence, therefore the number 999 is sometimes also called the number of divine love.

    If your life often starts with the number 999, it can be a signal from your angels that some important stage of your life is already close to your end and you need to get ready for a new cycle.

    Do not look for this reason - the number 999, associated with cosmic energies, speaks of karmic laws, so you will understand the reasons already in the very near future. Repeating the number 999 is a very strong signal that you need to focus all your efforts on fulfilling the mission that is laid out for your life. It is possible that you are waiting for something completely new and wonderful, so you should not succumb to fear.

    Positive features of the number 999

    People born under the number 999 should know that they have a great, but difficult mission in their lives. In fact, the number 999 in the basic life-set of a person indicates that his soul has reached the highest level of his development, his vocation is to carry the torch ahead of others and show them the way.

    Such a mission requires not only physical, but also spiritual strength, the ability to find the road, and if necessary, and lay it yourself. Often, the number 999 gives its holder the gift of foresight, clairvoyance and other powerful psychic abilities. However, if they are used for evil by another, then the gift will be lost, and the offender will receive a karmic retribution.

    Negative features of the number 999

    Those who have a number of 999 in their basic life set, often become hermits, they can be pronounced introverts and non-humans, they are quite difficult to communicate with. Quite often the number 999 leads to the fact that a person goes into monks or plunges into other spiritual practices. Actually, this is wrong, since the number 999 requires that you not only acquire spiritual and other knowledge, but also generously share them with others.

    Every time you receive any documents, open bank accounts, buy a car or real estate, see dates in newspapers, the Internet or hear them on TV, radio and, finally, when you put dates on documents or look at the clock, you feed them energy.
      Billions of people around the world use numbers every day. During the existence of numbers, their energy grew incredibly.

    Numbers are a universal system of symbols, it is used by everyone and everyone, in contrast, for example, from alphabets, which there are many ... Numbers - this is what unites all. This is the basis, and therefore it is the most powerful force created by collective thinking.
    Numbers 666 and 999
      In the interpretation of the symbolic meanings of numbers, there are a number of misconceptions. One of them is associated with the number 666, which is called the number of the devil, the beast, etc. Let us turn to the original source. The Bible says:
      "Here is wisdom. He who has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this is a human number;
      his number is six hundred and sixty-six. "Revelation 13.18.
      To begin with, it should be noted that the Arabic numerals appeared later than the writing of the Revelation, therefore there are no figures in the text itself, but there is their letter expression. Therefore, we are talking, not about numbers, but about the meaning of the concept of "beast".
      In itself, the number 666 does not carry any threat, quite the contrary expresses the idea of ​​harmonious relations in a society built on love and sympathy for one's neighbor. The sum of all digits of the number 666 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18 = 1 + 8) is 9. In this context, it may be that the person possessing this code can "cleanse" or "pollute" the society. In this sense, it is already possible to talk about a certain force that operates at the level of society, but it also comes from society, and not from an individual.
      Each person at the time of birth receives his numerological code. This code consists of two parts and contains information about developed qualities and potential. The basis of the code is three base numbers and three potential ones. The first digit of the base number is considered simple - by adding all the digits of the date of birth to an elementary number, the rest are calculated according to special tables.
      This predetermined range shows the main directions for the development of the personality. There are also additional figures that specify the information. Thus, according to numerology, each has its own basic three-digit code. Usually, the code contains different numbers, less frequently pairs, even less often the same triples. And that's interesting - a person with the base code 666 can never be born. It does not exist in principle! According to the calculation method, such a combination is impossible in the base code, so there is no person with such a basic code, and there can not be.
      The combination of 666 is possible only in the potential code, which, first, still needs to be achieved. Secondly, the combination itself does not pose a danger. Thirdly, there are still additional digits in the potential code, so the sum of all the numbers can not be 9. Hence, the one who is called a "beast" can not be a child.
    This is not a person. Then what is it?
    What is called the devil, "beast", etc. is the fruit of the imagination of people, a collective illusion. He is not in nature. The Creator of the world did not create it, and this is not his opposite, as some believe. It was created by people! and it exists only in the imagination of those who believe in it or are afraid of it. "Beast", the devil personifies the evil that people commit towards one another. And it will exist, until people cause pain and suffering to each other. Therefore, it is said: "this is a human figure", created by people. Code 666 is given as proof of an artificial! the nature of the origin of the "beast".
      I would also like to draw the attention of those who are interested in symbolism to the date codes. According to numerology, you can add only the full date. For example, a lot of noise caused the dates 06.06.06 and 07.07.07. The first as the number of the devil, the second as nemerenoe happiness and luck. Both are the result of human fantasies and delusions.
      06.06.06 - this is actually 06/06/2006, so this is 6 + 6 + 8 = 20 = 2
      07/07/07 is 07/07/2007 and therefore 7 + 7 + 9 = 23 = 5
      Of course, everyone can fantasize, but this has nothing to do with reality. It's just an advertising move and nothing more than an advertising campaign remake of the famous movie "Omen."
      Let's return to people ... A person with the base code 666 does not exist, but there are people with other interesting combinations. For example, 999. The combination itself means "cleansing" at all levels. The sum of the digits 9 + 9 + 9 = 27 = 2 + 9 is also 9 here. It can be said that this means "cleansing" at all levels of "pollution".
      For example, Lance Armstrong has this code. Very interesting personality. Known for being sevenfold! winner of the cycling race "Tour de France" and not only this, he has many other sports achievements. But before that he was cured of cancer. Here you can see the "cleansing" of "dirt", the manifestation of his life program associated with the number 9. Cancer, by the way, is considered a karmic disease and it is not so easy to cope with it physically and psychologically. He was then 26 years old. Further, he described this experience of overcoming and returning to life in his book. Next year, as far as I know, there is a film on this book.
      Here is an illustration of what a "complex experience", associated with the purifying power of number 9, can be,
      and what he can give ...
    Natalia Arnaud

    The divine harmony of the world is reflected in the most uncomplicated things, for example, in figures. Each has its own meaning and place in the way of the perfection of the universe. It is believed that the number 999, whose meaning is love, completes the next development cycle. It shows the top of the stage, followed by a new round of an infinite path to the ideal. Let's consider what the value of the number 999 in numerology, Christianity and the life of a particular person is.

    General description and meaning

    There is chaos and harmony, their reflection we find everywhere in the signs. These include the digital series. He, as you know, starts from zero and ends with a nine. The series reflects an unfinished cycle, and a stage on the way of development. Nine is always the ending, the achievement of harmony, the structuring of chaos. And the highest divine love, to which all things are directed, means the number 999. Its meaning is both positive and destructive, however strange it may sound. The universe has a goal - to come to God, in his energy. But our Lord is, from the point of view of the physical world, an emptiness. Everything is enclosed in it, but it is not manifested. On the other hand, the world is created for development, the birth of new forms and meanings. Stimulates or generates such a process of chaos. He pushes everything to achieve harmony. The universe is constantly striving to emerge from a chaotic state, to streamline processes. This goal symbolically expresses the number 999, the meaning of which is the highest light or divine love. We can say that the essence of this combination consists in the goal-setting of all things. The latter means nature in all its manifestations, including man.

    but on the other hand

    Let's a little touch our philosophizing. Words about the divine nature of phenomena are often not perceived by an ordinary person immersed in the solution of their own problems. There is another argument. At the subconscious level, everyone feels that such a number is 999. Its value back to the devil's code is 666. Look at the spelling. This is an inverted reflection of a combination of numbers. Therefore, 666 is chaos, destabilizing the universe, and 999 is harmony and an unattainable goal simultaneously. It seems that these are opposing symbols. In fact, they are God's tools for building and perfecting the universe, inseparable from each other. One complements the other, being an opponent and ally. Together they form certain processes. For understanding, you can give an example. Submit a contest with a serious prize fund. He will get only to the winner, who was able to formulate the most valuable and useful idea. Each of the applicants is trying to become the best, for this in the course are the trick and intrigue (chaos) and own talent (harmony). And the prize, in this case, the reflection of the divinity of this piece of the world, in fact, all the same, since it is self-sufficient.

    999: the value of the number for the person

    But back from heaven to earth. Personality passes its earthly path in the same paradigm that the universe is developing. Each person has his own goal, expressed by the combination of numbers being studied. For the most part people tend to love, at first carnal, and then, with gaining experience and wisdom, spiritual. Help pass this path of passion, which is a reflection of the universal chaos. This scheme, although primitive, but applicable to every fate. Only people develop in different ways. In some, life develops smoothly, others constantly suffer, they struggle with troubles. This is laid even before birth. And to understand what is going to each of us, you can, including exploring the date of birth. As you know, it consists of numbers. Each individually and in conjunction with the rest affects the personality, to some extent draws the boundaries of fate. In addition, we are constantly confronted with numbers and numbers. If you carefully analyze the events, you can see a special meaning in each sign.

    How the "999" prompt is deciphered

    If there are three nines in the date of your birth, then there is a lot of work to be done. It is a sign of talent, of any abilities. On their own they will not open. Gift is not good, but a test for the person. It should be opened and developed to realize. So it's not easy to decipher three nines for a person (999). The meaning of the number: the angels stand side by side, guard and require development, a manifestation of the desire for harmony. A different meaning is laid in constantly emerging nines, for example, on houses, cars, price tags in stores, ciphers on goods and so on. If your attention regularly fixes this combination, be sure of the correctness of the chosen path, planned project or dream. The number consisting of three nines, speaks of support from above, no matter what a person does. He follows the path of his destiny, fulfills the tasks of the soul, does not sin, and so on.

    The number 999: the meaning in Christianity

    Divine love is a strict kindness to the creation, to which independence is granted. We in life go through all the stages that allow, with the right analysis, to understand this phenomenon. A mother gives birth to a child and prepares him for life. She takes care of and protects her child, naturally, perceiving parental concerns. This is one side. The other is the duty to continue the race, to pass on the legacy of the ancestors (in the broadest sense). That is, give birth to children and give them an understanding of development and duty. These are the sides of divine love, from nothing that is not dependent and comprehensive. Let the example be grounded again. After all, there is also religiousness, which obliges to go hand in hand with God. But for understanding it is enough to discuss the relationship between children and parents, which are small steps in the development of the universe.

    Signs of fate

    If you get into the essence of the number 999, it becomes clear that we are constantly under the supervision of the top patrons. They gently guide, podkidyvayut puzzles and suggest how to solve them. And the nines in life appear as a sign of luck or the right choice. They encourage, like a true friend, indicate direction as a beacon in the stormy sea. Use this sign is easy. We fixed attention on the number 999 - analyze what you were thinking about at that moment. It came to the head exactly what is useful for the development of the soul, and, therefore, for destiny and life. Act in the chosen direction and get happiness, probably filled with well-being.