Home / Palmistry / Star under the index finger of the right hand. Hands of famous people - palmistry. Triangle sign on hand value.

Star under the index finger of the right hand. Hands of famous people - palmistry. Triangle sign on hand value.

The star on the palm is considered an unfavorable sign. It always means a sudden event in a person’s life, mostly bad. The sign looks like a few, intersecting branches. Its location are hills, lines.

There is also a special type of sign - the five-pointed star on the palm. It is extremely rare. Belongs to people comprehensively gifted, often with extrasensory abilities, a penchant for the occult sciences. In the photo the sign is difficult to notice, it is better to consider it in reality.

These are usually signs of danger, catastrophe, a serious or fatal accident, but the star on the Jepiter Hill announces unforeseen success, social ascent and even a great spiritual elevation. Usually they announce the loss of strength, strength. Usually they are affective diseases and antipathies. An island on Mount Moon is clairvoyance. They symbolize illness, emotional disappointment, heart, wounds and even the death of loved ones.

This is the most unfavorable sign of all, because they give an unfavorable meaning to the qualities of the mountain where they are located. The lattice on Mount Saturn means a strong disappointment and even suicidal tendency. In the mountains of Apollo or the Sun, this means the inability to get away from this disorder, despite the struggle of man.

The total value of the star on the palm

People marked by a star, waiting in the life of unexpected events. They are destined to fate, they can not be changed. By will and reason, the purpose can be mitigated, sent from the negative to the positive direction. Especially in those cases when the symbol is on the right and not on the left hand. To do this, it is necessary to know at what period of life it will occur, what is its danger. Often the answer to the questions is given only by an experienced specialist, for whom palmistry has become a profession and science.

As a rule, they represent protection from evil or danger, but on the mountain of the moon the square announces traveling with setbacks, however these setbacks are not very serious. Another good sign, because he talks about the abilities in the field of spirituality, science and art.

They are a good omen, because they express joy, prosperity and material gain. The circle on Mercury is a warning about moderation, patience, and also about controlling impulses and nervous irritability. According to the dictionary: Pentagram is a star figure consisting of 5 lines and having 5 points. Also means a 5-letter word. The music has 5 parallel lines that make up the score.

The star in the palm, in most cases, means a bad event. The meaning of the sign is similar to a cross, but its strength is much greater. If the influence of the cross is corrected, the value of the star on the palm remains unchanged. The symbol marked the hills, lines, and even fingers. Palmistry advises its owners to be attentive to their lives, pay attention to warning signs, but do not obey fate. Even inevitable, negative predictions can be turned to their advantage, at least partially.

One can imagine two forms: pentagonal or stellar, the pentagram has several symbols, but always on the basis of the number five, the union of unequal, the union of the feminine principle, with the male principle, and, thus, the idea of ​​the microcosm. It symbolizes androgyny and the synthesis of additional forces.

For the Pythagoreans, it was a symbol of health and knowledge, which for them was a form of mutual recognition. This is one of the keys of Higher Science: it opens the way to mystery. The numbers of the staves were used for wizards to exercise their power in various ways: using the base of a five-point stellar figure based on their secrets and rituals. It symbolizes marriage, happiness, satisfaction.

Stars on the hills

Hills are marked with a star sign. The clarity of the sign is different, for each elevation it has its own meaning. So, most often stars are found on:

  • Jupiter's Hill
  • The Hill of Saturn
  • Sun Rises
  • Knoll of Mercury
  • Tubercles of mars
  • Moon hill
  • Bugre Venus.

Jupiter's Hill

The star on Jupiter's mound is the only place of the hand where it brings happiness. The sign portends career advancement, self-ambition satisfaction. A man is waiting for a sudden increase, as well as an incredibly happy love. If he makes a little effort and effort, he will smile double luck.

Considered by the ancients as a symbol of the idea of ​​perfection. In the science of pentacle star itself, there is an interesting diagram depicting various mathematical laws: it is as a representative in logarithms, in the Fibonacci sequence, a logarithmic spiral and, therefore, also in fractals, etc.

The star-shaped pentagram was called the “Burning Star” in the Masonic tradition. Boucher quotes, albeit with reservations, such an interpretation of Ragon: It was among the Egyptians, the son of Isis and the image of the sun, the author of the seasons and the emblem of the movement; From this Horus, the symbol of this first question, the inexhaustible source of life, this spark of sacred fire, the universal seed of all beings. It is, for the masons, the emblem of Genius, which elevates the soul to great things.

Saturn's Hill

The symbol of the star on the mound of Saturn is an extremely unfavorable sign. He foreshadows a life full of anxieties, dangers and misfortunes. If the symbol is located near the finger, it predicts a sudden death, from illness or violence. People marked with such a sign often become poorly known because of their misfortunes.

The Pentagram as a representation of Man in relation to the Universe, as in Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, symbolizes the domination of the divine soul of man over elements, being at each end a representation of elements crowned with spirit, which symbolizes the domination of man over His world, a man executing his True Will.

An inverted pentagram or bottom to bottom likewise represents a Person conquered by four elements surmounted by his worldly sacrifices. With Eliphas Levi, the pentagram for the first time, through an illustration, was associated with the concept of good and evil. It illustrates the microcosmic pentagram next to the inverted pentagram.

Solar elevation

The asterisk on the hill of Apollo is not such a bad symbol. It testifies to fame, recognition of talent, but only if it is located on a smooth knob.

Palmistry. Stars and snowflakes on the palm, signs on hands

What do the snowflakes and stars on the hand, depending

His connection with the satanic sects was delayed, and this is at the first moment a break with the ideas promoted by the clerics. In one of the oldest values ​​of the pentagram, the Hebrews were designated as the Truth for the five books of the Pentateuch. The American charismatic movements of the Gospel view the symbols of the Great Seal as encrypted signs of the presence of “Satan and his demonic court” in this country through the mysterious “Order of the Illuminati” that secretly dominates the World, among other painful theories that reveal obvious mental obstacles revolving between the puritanical and the naive .

Key signs on the lodoni star

A brief description of the main signs on the palm of a person.

When the star is on the line of the Sun, it speaks of insurmountable obstacles to the self-realization of the holder of the hand. If it goes down to the Neptune's bump, then the person has a strong patron, or at a certain stage of life appears.

Big seal of characters occurs in Freemasonry through these illustrious freemasons, who helped to outline it, not having anything sinister or evil in contrast to the attempts to pollute the national symbol, which some of them tried to impose. This halo of glory expresses the Great Architect of the Universe, blessing and protecting the United States, and this is so that a hexagonal or six-pointed star can be ideally addressed to the location of the stars, the geometric symbol pointing to the Highest Divinity, which helps all nations and religions, regardless of the name given his.

Knoll of Mercury

The bump of Mercury, marked by a star, belongs to the gifted person, but its talents are in the illegal sphere. Often sign marked scammers, rogues, deceivers and thieves. The palmists claim that sooner or later, these people receive retribution for their actions.

Marshes of Mars

The star symbol that marks the hills of Mars carries catastrophic power. Misfortunes pursue the owner, their scale and consequences are terrible. The time of bad events is determined by the place where the line of Venus crosses the life line.

The tax in the center of the eagle is a shield of thirteen pieces, alternately silver and red, with the main group of blue. This is an allegorical repetition of thirteen original states, materialized on Earth after projecting from the stars of the sky. For this reason, the imperial eagle is not only a symbol of the ancient Roman empire, but also especially the Kadosh individuals or “perfect” in Hebrew, the true spiritual illuminati, which the ancient Kabbalistic traditions, represented by the eagle, symbolize the sun. and the right one with the olive branch expresses the world of the Righteous who participate in the Essence of God to the Promised Land, Eden, where Luz de Gloria manifests and the World of Immortality.

Hill moon

The star on the hill of the moon is a sign of painful imagination. People are amenable to delusions, their mind is significantly inferior to fantasy. Often they are false and hypocritical. The owner of the mark on the mound of the moon, especially in its center, lays the danger in the water, he has an increased risk of diseases of the urogenital area.

On the reverse side of the Great Seal is a pyramid, whose zenith is cut to form a triangle with the Eye of Divine Providence in the center, surrounded by the aura of its golden color. The symbol of strength and multi-year pyramid evokes the Egyptian origin of the Western Initiative tradition, as well as the Mount of Initiation, which the Initiate must gradually or gradually rise to meet God at the zenith or crest of it and unite to Him, marked in the Triangle with the Eye of God.

The Christian symbol inherited by the primitive Christians of Alexandria from the Eye of Horus of Ancient Egypt, it is known that North American masons were originally Catholics, Lutherans or Calvinists associated with the Anglican Church, and that cultural and religious influence that they knew and internalized Christian symbols, including the precious The Eye of Divine Providence is in the center of the figurative Triangle of the Holy Trinity, thus revealing the one-triune God, Alone as an Entity and Three as Hypostases or "Persons" His manifestation.

Venus Hillock

When the star is marked with the hillock of Venus, it foretells the loss of close people, blood relatives, financial difficulties. Its owners are tied to the family, painfully experiencing the death of their relatives, she can completely knock down their lives. When there is such a sign on your hand, you should be afraid of betrayal from family members.

This Jewish phrase is familiar to all the masons of the rite of York or the Royal Arch, which is usually called the American rite. Its value also belongs to the correct noun Hiram Abif, the architect of the Temple of Solomon and the protagonist of the legend relating to the Degree of the Master Mason. To achieve it, Washington hired a famous architect and civil engineer of the French civilized American Pierre Charles L'Enfant, who was also an outstanding bricklayer.

The conspiracy speculation associated with the charismatic Gospel radicalism greatly weakened the original meaning of the original symbols present in Washington DC. In the geometric scheme of this stand out the hexagram and pentagram, compass, square, ruler of measurements and the ideal delta.

Star no lines

Dangerous sign can be located on any line segment of the hand. Depending on his location, he points to one or another turn of fate. Here are the places where the star is most often found:

  • Life line
  • Line of fate
  • Head line
  • Heart line
  • Apollo line

Life line

A star on the life line is a precursor to an event threatening death, possibly suicide. It negatively affects the entire path of its owner. Such people are conservative, eager to achieve goals, regardless of the interests of others. If the sign is located on the inside of the trait, near the hill of Venus, the danger awaits from relatives.

Looking at the map of the city, it is noted that the Capitol is arranged in the form of a circle, representing the upper part of the compass, which was originally circular. Pennsylvania Avenue, running from the Capitol to the White House, is one leg of the compass. Maryland Avenue, which runs from the Capitol to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, is the second leg of the compass. But here you need to use a ruler to draw a solid line to get the full effect, since Maryland is not entirely straightforward, but nevertheless you can see that the general direction is directed to the Jefferson Memorial.

Line of fate

A star on the line of fate is a loss. If the sign is located at the beginning, the person will survive the difficulties, perhaps material, in his young and young years. A symbol close to the hill of Venus means the loss of relatives. If the trait ends with a star, it foreshadows a sudden death, illness, or financial collapse in adult years.

In this Masonic compass. Masonic Square begins on Union Square, with Louisiana Avenue forming one hand, and Washington Avenue making up the other. Again, you need to use a ruler to draw lines across Louisiana and Washington Avenues to see the square formed as Louisiana ends on Pennsylvania Avenue and Washington Avenue ends in Maryland without a 90-degree angle.

The measurement rule is clearly visible when a straight line is traced from north to south from the center of the White House to the base of the Washington Monument, and then straight east to the Capitol. Thus, the three sacred symbols of Initiative Freemasonry are presented in a model of the streets of Washington.

Head line

The symbol on the branch of the mind warns of a dangerous head injury and even insanity. If the center is a point, then a person is threatened with brain disease. When the star connects the lines of the woman’s head and health, a difficult childbirth or sterility awaits her. Branching branches of the mind with a star - this is a difficult decision, which determines the fate.

The Initiating Pentagram lines are drawn on a map from Longan Circle, where two Rhode Island and Vermont Avenues depart to connect Dupont Circle, where Massachusetts and Connecticut Avenue begins, the horizontal line is drawn below K Street, remaining the top of the pentagram where the White House is located.

The lines of the illustrative hexagram are drawn from the Du Pont circle, where they fake Massachusetts Avenue and 19th Street, contacting Longan Circle, where they start Rhode Island Avenue and 13th Street. Those who have Pennsylvania Avenue and New York Avenue, form two intertwined triangles, that is, a hexagram, leaving the White House exactly at the lowest point of intersection of the triangles.

Heart line

This symbol speaks of a sudden heart attack, which can lead to death, heart disease, blood vessels. There is a danger of suicide from unhappy love. If it is connected to a health line, the person is waiting for blindness or insanity. Owners of such a hand often suffer from hereditary diseases of the psyche.

George Washington is legitimately considered the "Founding Father of the Nation", who was the first president of the United States after he was the victorious commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the war of independence of the United States, presiding over the convention that drafted the Constitution, the president. He was "the first in the war, the first in the world and the first in the hearts of his fellow citizens," said Henry Lee, his contemporary, at one time.

Today, it may seem strange to Americans that when George Washington assumed office, the Bible used his oath that the Masonic Lodge of St. John was New York at the time when it was exactly Alexander the Masonic Lodge, in Alexandria, Virginia, and it can rightly be argued that the Scottish Freemasonry of the York rite played an active role in the development of the country and in the development of its Great Charter, which is the guarantor of national independence, having been a prominent role, which was considered to be Om Nation ", who was a high-class mason.

Apollo line

The star on the solar line is an auspicious sign. It testifies to success and wealth, recognition of merit. If it is located directly on the hillock of Apollo, it speaks of an obstacle in the realization of talents. When the sun's line branches out and a star is located on one branch, then a person in his life will make a choice that will lead him either to misfortune or to success and glory.

Five-pointed star on hand

The five-pointed star or pentagram is a rare sign. The owners of such a hand in the old palmistry endowed with magical powers. If the pentagram is turned upwards with a sharp end, the person has a bright, positive spiritual power. A pentagram wrapped, with two ends on top, a sign of a black magician and sorcerer. The five-pointed star protects the person from misfortunes and turns of fate. This is the most famous amulet in the palm of the hand, it has special power if it is located at the beginning of the line of fate or on the hill of Venus.

When the pentagram is in the area of ​​the hill of Apollo or the sun line, it gives the person the ability to control his own life and destiny. Most character holders are well aware of their abilities. Their childhood and the period of their formation is difficult. They meet with misunderstanding on the part of parents, friends, loved ones. They can not always coordinate their abilities with the influence of the outside world. Toward thirty years, their mental equilibrium returns to normal. People marked with a five-pointed star, comprehensively gifted. They achieve success in areas such as psychology, medicine, become healers, psychics.

Looking at Hollywood stars, famous sportsmen, businessmen, public figures, world-wide politicians, we often wonder how these people managed to achieve fame, recognition, world fame. After all, such people are special, they are not at all like the rest. Their lives are watched by hundreds of thousands of fans, for many of whom it becomes a dream to see their idol live at least once.

Celebrities earn and spend millions, their lifestyle is not at all like ours. Each event in the life of a star gets loud publicity, and the question arises, is it really so beautiful to be famous? It all depends on the person.

Someone likes publicity, they do an excellent job with the glory that has befallen them. But, as we know, among the rich and famous, there are those who could not withstand such popularity and eventually fell to the very bottom.

Anyway, it is interesting for all of us to learn the secrets of the fate of famous people. And this will help us knowledge of palmistry. Having studied the lines on the palms of world stars, it becomes clear why they have become so successful and popular. They were destined to go this way.

All of them have special marks on their hands, which make these people special. In the article we will study the lines on the palms of people whom the whole world knows, and correlate these drawings with their destinies.

Victoria Beckham is a real role model. The icon of style, the wife of one of the most influential and famous football players, the mother of four children, a successful designer and fashion designer.

She was born in the UK in 1974. She began her career as a singer of the Spice Girls group, which gained popularity and recognition of millions. Her husband - David Beckham, with whom they have been married for almost 18 years. This is one of the strongest unions among the star pairs.

They bring up three sons and a charming daughter. Despite the fact that Victoria has already become a mother four times, this has not affected her appearance in any way - she always looks immaculate and is in great physical shape.

Looking at the photograph of the palm of a celebrity, one is immediately struck by the fact that she has a short line of the head, which is strongly bent on the hill under the little finger - the hill of Mercury. This is a sign that a person is very concerned about financial well-being, it is priority for him to have a lot of money. And such people achieve their goals, they are destined to live in wealth and luxury.

Victoria Beckham - palm

The hillock of the moon on the palm of Victoria is rather convex, well developed, and the line of fate originates from it. This indicates that a person has a pronounced creative ability (which is not surprising, because Victoria was a singer, and now succeeds as a fashion designer), and also that a person has an enormous amount of strength that allows you to change your destiny, influence her

In the palm of a celebrity, there is the Apollo line, which is characteristic only for successful people, who are destined to be famous. In addition, the line comes from the hillock of Venus, which enhances its influence and suggests that marriage will be fertile ground for a person to realize their potential.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a vivid example of the fact that each of us has a chance to succeed, and that all the talk that "I am from a poor family, I was not destined for this" is only an excuse for those who do not want to change anything in their lives.

Arnold was born in 1947 in an Austrian village in the family of a simple farmer. His childhood was rather difficult, he had to work a lot and obey his parents, who kept him in severe austerity. However, this temper his character, and in spite of any difficulties and hardships he was able to achieve success, admiration and recognition of millions by his own labor.

In Arnold, from the point of view of palmistry, "earthly" type of hands, which is characteristic of workers who do not neglect heavy physical labor. In the modern world, such people are less and less born now; they may seem to be old-fashioned around them. Such hands are rather rough, fingers seem to resemble work tools.

Interestingly, the celebrity's right and left hand are somewhat different - the right one is smoother, has smoother and softer outlines. And this is quite understandable, since, as is known, the left hand carries information about who the person was born, and the right hand, who he became. And if he was born a simple plowman, a farmer, now he is a successful politician. That is why Arnold's right and left hands are so different.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - palm

It is also worth paying attention to the celebrity's thumb - he is mobile and bends well, which characterizes him as a charming person who knows how to be flexible in his views, consider different points of view and, as a result, achieve much better success than those whose thumb is practically motionless.

On the palms of Arnold, the lines are wide enough and have a reddish tint. This is a sign that his health may be significantly shaken, especially for heart diseases. As you know, in fifty years, he went under the surgeon's knife because of heart problems.

In line with the fate of a celebrity can be traced and the changes that have occurred in his life. So, from a point that corresponds to thirty years, the nature and direction of the line of fate change - just at this age Arnold ends his bodybuilding career and goes into the cinema.

By the way, in those places that correspond to the age in which he was engaged in bodybuilding, the line of fate has a particularly rich red hue. This indicates that he did not spare his health during this period, exhausting himself with hard training. Arnold's palm also shows that at thirty-seven years the Life line begins, as it were, to yield to the primacy of the fate line. It is at this age that world fame and recognition comes to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch is a well-known film and theater actor, TV host, born in 1976 in London. His parents were also actors, and royal blood flows in his veins (his ancestor was King Edward III). Known most of all for his role as Sherlock Holmes, he became a real darling of the public and won the hearts of millions of fans.

By zodiac sign he is cancer. And like all representatives of the water element, he is characterized by inconsistency of feelings that he may experience and manifest. For such people it is difficult to say exactly what they really feel.

Benedict Cumberbatch - palm

If we look at the line of the heart in the palm of an actor, then we can see that its end is not directed towards the fingers, as it happens in most cases. Conversely, she is down to the line of the mind. This means that his sphere of reason prevails over the sphere of feelings, he is not inclined to commit rash actions under the influence of emotions.

Another feature of his palm is a rather extensive and clear semicircle that describes the line of life around the mound of Venus. It says that the most suitable for him is a life partner with a soft character, a real keeper of the hearth. Then he will be very attached to home comfort and his family.

Angelina Jolie is a very bright person who stands out from the background of Hollywood stars with her behavior, world view, values. Studying the shape of the hand, fingers and lines in the palm of a celebrity, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

Angelina Jolie's little finger is at some distance from other fingers, which characterizes her as a person who is not inclined to listen to the opinions of others when making decisions. She prefers to act herself and not ask for help from others.


The thumb on the thumb, which is also called the “angle of artistry” testifies to the non-standard thinking and behavior of a celebrity, well-developed creative abilities, the ability to attract everyone's attention.

The narrowed thumb in the middle says that the actress always pays attention to even small details and shows tact in relations with others. In addition, she is not inclined to overestimate her own importance and evaluates herself and her abilities objectively.

A dash crossing the head line indicates that a person suppresses his negative feelings, anger, but in relationships with close people often breaks down.

What can the hand of Hollywood handsome Brad Pitt, ex-spouse of Angelina Jolie tell about?

The first thing the palmist draws attention to is the complete inflexibility of Venus's finger, which indicates a strong character. However, sensitive fingertips indicate that he is still quite vulnerable and receptive nature.

The line of the heart is even, which means that in a love relationship he occupies a dominant position. Two clear lines of marriage on the actor’s hand indicate that there will be two strong attachments in his life.

You may notice that the line of the head and the line of life do not touch, it is often found among the actors and suggests that a person can surprise their fans with unusual actions.

Brad Pitt - palm

In the fold of the phalanges of the thumb, two lines can be discerned, indicating good karma and that a person will live in luxury and not know the need.

The line of fate stretches from the base of the palm in the middle, which indicates that a person prefers to achieve everything through his own work.

Branches extending from the hill of the moon, prove that the actor has always felt his destiny on an intuitive level, to which he sought all his life. The line of mind in his palm is straight, the hand as a whole is harmoniously built, it means that the actor is a balanced person, appreciates comfort and seeks harmony.

There is a money triangle on the hand - a sign of financial well-being.

World-famous American actress and singer Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926. The name given to her at birth is Norma Jean Baker Mortenson. Studying the palm of a world star also reveals many interesting things about her and her life.

Fingers, according to palmists, reflect the movement of thoughts. What fingers are the thoughts, aspirations of a person. Marilyn Monroe has long, delicate, beautifully shaped fingers. This suggests that she always and in everything sought to refinement, luxury. You should also pay attention to the fact that the shape of the fingers are tapered. This is a sign of emotional, easy-going people.

Little finger Marilyn Monroe, the same as all artists - long and deep set. The actress's thumb is also well developed, which means that she was very popular during her lifetime. People with a well-developed thumb have a great desire for success and are not used to giving up.


On the hill of Venus she has many lines and grooves, which speaks of the passion and sensitivity of nature. The long line of the heart indicates idealistic, affection. On the palm of a star are many lines of marriage. The lines of marriage, as we know, do not always talk about how many times a person legitimizes a relationship, they rather reveal the number of cordial affections that a person has during his life.

Marilyn Monroe is known to have survived a difficult childhood. And it is also imprinted on its palm - the line of the mind is crossed by a multitude of comets.

A triangle is very clearly drawn on the hand - in the area between the hill of Venus and the hill of the moon. This is a testament to the fact that she will succeed thanks to her unusual talents and peculiarities.

Indented lines on the moon's hill are a sign of chronic stress. A celebrity's life line goes into a travel line - vivid evidence of its restless nature.

Jackie Chan - no less legendary person. This year, the comedy film star will celebrate its 63rd anniversary.

The actor was born in a poor Chinese family and all that he achieved, he achieved solely through his efforts and his talent. Examine the palm of a celebrity and the lines on it.

The shape of Jackie Chan's palm is square, which means that he is a very active person with a large supply of vitality. The finger of Jupiter is weakly developed; its length is only slightly higher than the groove separating the nail and middle phalanges of the finger of Saturn. Typically, such an index finger is among those who were born in a dysfunctional family and from childhood itself knew what it means to fight for life. However, Jackie managed to overcome the adverse effects of his environment and managed to become successful and famous throughout the world.

People with a well-developed finger of Apollo and a hill under it are always looking for self-realization in creative activity. They often become the soul of the company thanks to their cheerful disposition.

The line of life and the head line of the actor have a joint beginning, which gives him such qualities as forethought and thoughtfulness. It is also a sign of honoring traditions - family, national, religious. The line of destiny comes from the line of life, which means that a person will succeed solely through his perseverance and work.

Michael Jackson, the idol of millions, went down in history as a cult personality. He showed his talent since early childhood.

The palm of the star has an elongated shape - its length exceeds the length of the fingers. This is evidence that a person is very sensitive, he has a great imagination, and often emotions take over the mind.

The idealism of Michael Jackson can be traced at once by several signs. Firstly, it is developed nail phalanxes, secondly, it is a deep, clearly traced line of the heart, which is towards Jupiter’s finger. A triangle is visible on the hill under the index finger, symbolizing the implementation of big goals.

The singer's line of fate moves in the middle of the palm. This indicates that a person relies in everything, first of all, on his own strength. The termination of the line of fate at its intersection with the line of the heart speaks of failures in love relationships.

Like all famous and successful personalities, Michael Jackson has the Apollo line in the palm. However, it is crossed by two deep lines - a sign of great trouble and scandals.

The shape of the fingers of a socialite is cone-shaped, which speaks of some kind of spontaneity - both the events in her life and her own spontaneity in actions. It also testifies to the emotional expression, which allows you to always be the center of attention, to be the soul of the company.

Such people are attracted by external brilliance, and also they like to express their opinions in everything. They are always attracted by new acquaintances and impressions. Women with tapered fingers want to be always admired. However, they can bring discord into the life of a man by their unpredictability and inconsistency.

The middle finger is issued along the length among the rest, which indicates that a person is serious about his professional duties. The line of the heart exfoliates under Saturn's finger and forms separate lines that intersect with the lines under the index finger, forming cruciform shapes - a sign of fatal unluckyness in personal life.

On the heart line there is an island under a ring finger, crossed by a comet, which indicates a powerful, strong-willed, masculine character. The thumb is moderately developed, so the restlessness of feelings and emotions is somewhat muffled. Many lines crossing the line of life and the line of mind speak of hysteria of character. This is confirmed by multiple comets - signs of irritability and temper.

The line of mind is heterogeneous, in some places depressed, this indicates a frequent change in mood. By old age, such people often develop neurosis.

The line of the head in the palm of a celebrity descends, which characterizes her as a person inclined to fall into illusions. Parallel to the line of life there is a line of influence that runs along the hill of Venus - this sign as if removes friends and relatives from a person, that is, there will be few people in his life who will go with him for a long time hand in hand on his life path.

The ring of the Sun, which is located under the ring finger and encircles it, predicts the glory of man. However, in combination with other signs in the palm of a star, it acquires such a meaning that a person becomes a subject of discussion in a negative light. It also warns him that his closest friends can betray him in the most difficult moment.

The first thing you notice when looking at the palm imprint of the luminaries of world science is his fingers. They can not be called short, but in relation to the length of the palm, they are shorter by almost two times. The fingers are flat, devoid of knotty. This suggests that for a person is important both the process of cognition and its result. This form of fingers also indicates the synthetic mind, the ability to combine different ideas into one, the ability to correctly apply and keep yourself in public.

Such people are completely immersed in the creative analytical process. The main planets of Einstein - Mercury, the Sun and the Moon. If the finger of Mercury and the hill under it are well developed, it is a sign of vision, business intuition, ability to manipulate people.

On the palm of Einstein, the line of Mercury clearly appears. The line of his mind is paradoxical - it does not clearly cross the palm, as one would expect in the case of studying the palm of the great scientist, but breaks down, reaching the hill of the Moon. With such a combination of lines and hills, a person is so much immersed in the imagination that he begins to ignore the realities of the material world. It is known that in his youth Albert Einstein was immersed in mysticism, he studied various theistic teachings.

Albert Einstein - palm

The ring of Saturn is clearly visible on his right hand, and the line of fate reaches him - it is a sign of sadness, melancholy and even suicidal thoughts, but thanks to a strong thumb the scientist did not allow feelings to prevail.

A good line of the Sun, coming from the line of the head, says that a person will achieve everything thanks to the efforts of the mind. But fame did not bring him happiness, since on his left hand the line of the heart descends. Love and personal life were sacrificed to science.

The line of marriage goes down along the line of Mercury, forming in the aggregate a cruciform shape, indicating a complex and confusing personal life. The features of the line of fate indicate hard work, and a good life line indicates health and longevity.

The figure on the palm shows that after 68 years the line of health seems to cut the line of life - it was then that Einstein became seriously ill. The divided beginning of the line of life and the line of the head, falling on the hill of the Moon, speaks about the bizarreness of his actions, which are not always amenable to a logical explanation, and also that the person was freedom-loving.

Too long head line indicates a strong logic, but at the same time, the lack of practicality and inability to reconsider their views.

The spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, was born in 1935. Looking at his palm, we can say that it is the hand of a practical person who does not allow himself to soar in the clouds, but his soft palm makes him sensitive and receptive to everything that happens.

The line of the heart in the palm of the Dalai Lama is long, deep and even, indicating a mild trusting character. For a spiritual leader, a good sign is considered when the line of the heart reaches the middle of the hill of Jupiter under the index finger. If he married, he would do it solely for love and would be a faithful partner.

Two lines of affection can be seen on his hand - a sign that in his life there were two potential opportunities for marriage. The crown of Venus, well and clearly traced, speaks of the receptivity and sensitivity of nature.

Along the line of fate, it can be noted that during the course of his life he was not burdened with heavy physical labor. At the age of 25, the Dalai Lama emigrates to India, which is also reflected in his palm - at the point corresponding to this age, the line of fate changes its position, and then it goes without changing, and this shows that it remains in a new place long years.

The life line is flat and does not meet any obstacles in the way, it indicates excellent health. The line of the head on the hand of the spiritual leader leans on an even, immaculate hill of the Moon - a sure sign that a person is more immersed in the world of ideas, dreamy and abstracted from gross forms of the material world. The connection of the line of life and the head reflects elevated moral values ​​and a balanced character.

Barack Obama is a man who, thanks to his own efforts and intellectual abilities, has achieved unprecedented heights. He put a lot of time and effort into becoming what he became. This is a purposeful person, sometimes prone to unpredictable behavior and always resists obedience, in whatever form.

The line of fate on the palms of Barack Obama is an exact sign of how much his life is subject to the will of fate and how difficult it is for him to influence it. He will undoubtedly become a historical figure, but future generations will condemn and criticize him for failing to overcome circumstances, as well as dependence on those who sponsor him.

The headline indicates that he is not inclined to pursue the exact sciences, in the humanitarian sphere he feels much more comfortable. Romantic nature, which he has, leads to the fact that he looks at reality through rose-colored glasses, often mistaken in self-deception.

The characteristics of the line of fate and the line of marriage on the hand of Barack Obama perfectly reflect the dramatic changes in his life that occurred after Michelle, his spouse, entered it. It is she who can greatly influence him, his opinion, make him think. And only she would be able to force him to change the fateful and fatal decisions that he would take later, and that would lead to dramatic consequences not only for him personally, but also for world history.

The drawings on the palm of the former president warned that Michelle was waiting for a deadly disease. This will be the biggest blow for him.

Continuing to reveal the secrets of the fate of world-class politicians, we can not ignore Vladimir Putin.

A strongly developed Mars hillock in his palm indicates that he is active and belligerent, has a pronounced male energy. In spite of their militancy, victories are much more preferable for him, which do not bring with them victims from any of the opposing sides.

Sufficiently flexible and mobile fingers say that he is a skillful diplomat, able to bypass sharp corners and smooth out situations when necessary. Able to calculate moves ahead.

He has a clear line of Apollo - a rare sign that guarantees success to a person. In addition, parallel to the line of Apollo, he has a celebrity line, which means that he has every chance of succeeding not only in one sphere.

Vladimir Putin's thumb is pressed to the edge of the palm, this is evidence that he is quite secretive, inclined to conceal information or any details from people, acts prudently and carefully.

About how nature domineering and strong, tell the big fingers. Politics from time immemorial was a purely male occupation, but the realities of the modern world are such that a woman occupying a high position in the sphere of politics is a phenomenon that has long been common. But such women need to have an iron will and strong character. This is typical of Yulia Tymoshenko, as evidenced by her well-developed thumb.

Her palm resembles a trapezoid in shape, and such a shape characterizes an inquisitive person who seeks to prove himself not in any one sphere, but in many. Quite massive fingers on the hands of Yulia Tymoshenko say that she is an authoritarian personality, prone to put pressure on the people around her.

Her heart line goes to the hill of Jupiter, and this is a favorable sign for those who want to devote themselves to politics.

Alexander Lukashenko was born in 1954 in a Belarusian village in a simple family and grew up without a father. He is often called the “last dictator of Europe,” but the fact that the people of Belarus trust him for a long period of his presidency makes one think about the veracity and fairness of these words.

Looking at the palm of Alexander Lukashenko, you can immediately pay attention to the features of the fingers, which carry a lot of interesting information. The considerable distance between the finger of Mercury and the finger of Apollo suggests that he is independent and independent when it comes to making certain decisions.

His will cannot be subordinated to control, and if he chose to do just that, and not otherwise, it would be very difficult to convince him. By nature, he is a conservative.

Alexander Lukashenko - photo

However, it is possible to say about him that he is very modest - the position of Jupiter’s finger and Saturn’s finger relative to each other indicates that they are constantly pressed.

Its palm is wide, in the form of a square, and the hills on it are well developed - this suggests that he is a strong and practical person.

The sign of all strong-willed people is also inherent in him - an outstanding developed thumb. The little finger and the hill beneath it, as well as the hill of the moon, are also well developed and stand out well, which indicates that it shows leadership in communication and is inclined to dominate others.

A clear deep line of the head, crossing the upper half of the palm, speaks of excellent logical thinking, its clarity and accuracy.


It cannot but be interesting to see how the palmromancy features of the hands of the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, were.

The hand of Vladimir Ilyich is of a simple terrestrial type, however, the softness of the skin inherent in it - weakens the influence of the earth and removes from the physical labor that most people with this type of palm are engaged with. However, such a middle position of the type of hand explains that he did not join either the ranks of the intelligentsia, nor the ranks of the peasants and workers.

On the fingers, as we know, palmists determine a person’s way of thinking. Wide fingers indicate that Lenin preferred to reduce everything to visible tangible things and simple schemes.

Long nail phalanxes indicate a tendency to fantasies, abstractions. Short fingers speak of scale vision, such people think globally and are not inclined to bother with small details. Short fleshy fingers also say that a person prefers authoritarian methods of management and does not tolerate liberality.

The fingers pressed together testify to inner concentration, concentration and closeness. The hills under the fingers are well developed - a sign of strong will, charisma and even some kind of magnetism.

Especially prominent hills of Mercury and the Moon say that Lenin was well acquainted with programming techniques, in particular neuro-linguistic programming, and actively applied this knowledge in practice. The index finger and the hill beneath it reveal the moral and ethical side of the personality, its desire for spiritual self-realization.

The hill of Jupiter is well developed on Lenin’s hand, but it is twisted toward the middle finger, which means that he can sacrifice his moral values ​​in the name of the ideas for which Saturn’s middle finger is responsible. Leaders with a rough finger of Saturn and a hill under it prefer to use the method of carrot and stick in relation to their subordinates.

The leader's fate line comes from the outer edge of the palm, stands far from the life line, that is, his life and fate, one might say, did not belong to him. The line of the heart is well formed - it is deep and long. This indicates the ability to attract attention and arouse confidence in others. It is also a sign of Monogamous.

The imprint of the palm of the dictator of the Third Reich, whose name is inscribed in blood in world history, can also tell about what we may not even be aware of.

Adolf Hitler has a trapezoid palm, which reflects his activity, practicality, desire, always and at all costs to put his plans into action. Long fingers on such a hand speak of the desire to dominate. The strongest hill on his hand is Rahu Hill, which covers all the positive influence of other planets.

On the hill under the index finger, one can say that it is poorly developed and has many cross lines and chaotic lines. This underdevelopment suggests that Hitler never managed to get a good education.

Looking at the imprint of his palm, we immediately notice how well developed is the middle finger and the hill under it - which indicates the strong influence of Saturn. Hitler is all the time influenced by rock - the line of fate he comes to the finger. In this position, the person is a puppet of higher powers.

The rings of Saturn in his palm cut the line of fate, foreshadowing terrible disappointment at the end of the road and the collapse of all hopes and illusions.

The ring finger and the hill of the Sun under it are also well developed, which, in combination with the strong hill of Venus, suggests that a person is endowed with talent and knows how to appreciate art. Sun Hill also speaks of the fame and popularity that Hitler eventually achieved.

The hill of Mercury is also of no small importance in the interpretation of its fate, because Mercury is one of the main planets in its horoscope. He gives him insight and efficiency.

In addition, Hitler had a feature similar to some form of hysteria, which was especially evident when speaking in public. If he spoke before a crowd, it seemed as if he would sacrifice himself now, in front of everyone. However, this strange feature had a huge effect on the public.

The strong line of Mercury comes from the line of life, reinforcing its value. The hill of Mars in the palm of Hitler is weak, and it is the hill of Rahu that compensates for this. It seems that you have a strong man, but the hill of Mars speaks of a lack of courage, nobility, strength of mind. Rahu replaces these qualities with others: instead of courage, rage, instead of nobility, aggression, instead of fortitude, cruelty. The moon's hill is well developed, it speaks of the propensity to cast mystery, mysticism on what he says, from which it seems as if a person knows all the secrets of life.

The heart line is thin and curved, indicating a passionate, but secretive nature. The line of marriage cuts the line of Mercury, foreshadowing death from poison.

The line of fate rises from the base of the palm and rests against the base of the middle finger, while it bends, indicating that a person achieves his own by any means, imaginable and unthinkable. The early beginning of the line of fate reflects his difficult childhood.

With 40 years, comes the finest hour in the life of Hitler, from this point begins his line of Apollo (success). Death at 57 is also reflected on the palm - in this place the ring of Saturn cuts the line of fate

And the last person whose hand we analyze will be not a Hollywood star or an unknown politician. This person will be the one whose name strikes the horror so far - serial killer Andrei Chikatilo.

The secret, covered with darkness, will remain why this man managed to confuse the investigation and go unpunished for such a long time. It seems that some dark force favored all his acts, thereby allowing him to fully realize his monstrous potential.

The shape of the palm of Andrei Chikatilo says that by nature he is a man with rather primitive views of things and a dull intellect.

The line of fate emanating from the line of life and going upwardly is a sign of a difficult childhood and in general an unfavorable life.

The line of the heart is very thin, indicating cruelty and callousness. Andrei Chikatilo has the Apollo line, but it is crossed out with a ring-shaped line. The ring under the finger of Apollo is always an unfavorable sign that speaks of constant humiliation and bad reputation.


The killer’s lifeline is too broad, this feature is often found in maniacs.

It is believed that the moral qualities of a person, his morality are reflected on the hill of the sun. Andrei Chikatilo drawing on this hill is completely broken, which indicates a complete moral decline of man.

The place of intersection of the line of life and the line of fate in the palm of the murderer corresponds to 42 years. This is the age when he first killed a man. From that moment on, life seemed to be split in two, and he, feeling the pleasure of causing violence, continued this monstrous way and later killed about 60 people.