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The line of fate goes to the middle finger. You and your hand.

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Double line of Destiny.  The double line of Destiny in the hands of a man is a sign of tremendous working ability and talent with various abilities and talents. The double line promises multilateral development in various fields of activity, and thanks to hard work and dedication foreshadows simultaneous success in these matters. A parallel line that runs close to the main line of Destiny indicates parallel employment or enthusiasm, as well as an existing tendency towards repeatability. In addition, it is a sign of elementary luck and great luck. But besides all this, the double line of Destiny also imposes a lot of responsibilities that force a person to work a lot, sometimes even for wear, to overwork or to take on too much, which is not always doable by other people. The main difficulty for such a person arises in the fact that he is given two paths by fate, each of which can equally lead him to success, so the main problem for him is to decide which way he needs to move: the traditional one, which is located closer to the Life line and acceptable to most members of our society, or more innovative and unbeaten, which is closed to the majority of people, and originates on the opposite edge of the hand.

They symbolize illness, emotional disappointment, heart, wounds, and even the death of loved ones. This is the most unfavorable sign of everything, because they give an unfavorable meaning to the qualities of the mountain where they are located. In the mountains of Apollo or the Sun, this means the impossibility to get away from this disorder, despite the struggle of man. As a rule, they represent protection from evil or danger, however, on the mountain of the moon, the area announces trips with failures, however these failures are of little seriousness.

Another good sign, because he talks about the abilities in the field of spirituality, science and art. They are a good omen, because they express joy, well-being and material benefits. The circle on Mercury warns of moderation, patience, as well as control in impulses and nervous excitability.

Since in practice there are various combinations of double lines, then this topic will consider only the main combinations of double lines of Destiny, such as: multiple lines (Figure 2.38), two parallel lines of Destiny (Figure 2.39), doubling of lines in separate sections (Figure 2.39 -1), as well as analyze the main karmic figures that can form the double lines of Destiny - Jacob's ladder (Figures 2.40 and 2.40-1) and the Pagoda (Figure 9.40-2).

This space that exists between the lines of the Heart and Head and in the horizontal sense consists of the mountain of Jupiter on the mountain of Mars; that is, from the left side to the right, being clear, it is on the left side. Width: if it is wide, that is, separate lines of the heart and head, means courage, openness.

Normal and wide: strong physical constitution and good moral meaning. Irregular layout and very wetted with thin strips: a person with a weak, unsafe and timid character. Expands only to the mountains of Mars: independent, rebellion.

Multiple Fate Lines on the palms of a person is a special karmic sign, which indicates the working off of the karmic debts left from past lives, which for a number of reasons in the past have not been realized by them. In this incarnation, such a person will need a lot of willpower, as well as determination and determination in order to overcome the obstacles arising in the course of his career, he can accomplish all that his karmic tasks require of him. A person has a special karmic purpose associated with choosing the most promising direction of his activity, in which, in order to succeed, he must concentrate on achieving one, main goal and not paying attention during its implementation to the accompanying failures. Their career is built according to the principle: closing the old door, expressed in the waste section of the Fate line, I open a new one, as evidenced by the new section of the Fate line, which very often changes the direction of all its activities. In private life, such people, as a rule, are impermanent and can both sincerely love and use close people as steps for their ascent to the top, leaving people not needed and used by him behind their backs. Since all of these people’s life is built on a career and on achieving success in their professional activities, they often miss the time to start a family life in a timely manner, and even if they have time to get their own family by this time, the spouse will soon see careerist for whom the home and family are far from the first places.

It narrows to Mars mountain: a small person, selfishness; Inability to act or decide for oneself. This means reserve, caution and hypocrisy. Under the mountains of Jupiter is skepticism, lack of faith. If he is under the summit of Saturn means mystical spirit. A cross under the top of Apollo indicates a very weak sight or blindness.

Between the mountains of Apollo and Mercury, under them, the abilities of scientific research are revealed, especially with regard to medicine. Similarly, predictive predisposition. Two or three circles below Mount Saturn indicate epilepsy. This space consists of lines of Life, Head, Mental and Hepatic, or Health. If the latter did not exist or was defective, it would have been completed by the Apollo line or the Intuition line.

Double line of Destiny (Figure 2.39) in the hands of a person can have different interpretations and indicate the strengthening of social status, doubling the material condition, say that a person has two jobs or two different types of activities, and can also have an all-consuming hobby that takes all free time. A person with such signs on his palms is prone to a constant search for the meaning of life, because of which he can change his outlook several times in his life. As a rule, this is a bright and comprehensively developed personality, who is inclined to engage in various activities, due to which success comes to her, with which she satisfies her self-esteem.

Narrow: he is a greedy man, bad and cowardly. In the space between the line of Life and the fate of Fate, it expresses disasters, catastrophes and unpleasant obstacles. In the lower part of the arm, between the mountains of Venus and the Moon, a decisive fact is announced in the existence of man, which causes a complete turn in his social and social level.

In the center of the hand indicates a tendency to disputes and battles. It does not occur very often. This is the result of crossing the lines of the head, fate and Apollo. The hand has mountains to which the planet is devoted, with astrological planetary connections, according to a relief and an arrangement of muscle projections of a hand. They tell us about the qualities of a person, he tells us about his temperament, his virtues and his flaws, his torments, his state of mind and the possibilities that he is able to develop. A good mount is an attribute that, if known, will become a quality or a defect.

But along with this, the double line of Destiny may indicate spraying of efforts, inability to adequately concentrate forces, especially with fuzzy, shallow and torn lines.

Doubling the Fate Line in Selected Plots, as shown in Figure 2.39-1, indicates the strengthening of the main line of Destiny during the period of doubling of the line, improving the social, professional and financial situation of a person, while alleviating difficult life circumstances. In practice, this combination of lines is met at the hands of people who have opened their business and are investing their whole soul in the development of this business.

The lines cross the mountains of the hand and describe the history of the person along the way. Inside of them, symbols are formed that increase or weaken the quality they represent. The mountain that dominates the left hand is the gift with which it was born; on the other hand, the mountain that dominates the right hand is what we have gained; And the best is the balance in both hands, that is, to develop the gift with which we were born.

Mountains of hands provide information about the nature of each. Each mountain is a reservoir of energy, in its form and design, offers a person’s strengths and weaknesses, as if it were a landscape, where each mountain represents an aspect of character.

Jacob's Ladder  formed by a series of short unidirectional transverse strokes connecting the main line of Destiny with its sister line, as shown in Figures 2.40 and 2.40-1. From the figures it is clear that the sign visually resembles a staircase, thanks to which a person who has it on his hands is able to reach great heights in his spiritual self-improvement and self-development. It is noticed that Jacob’s ladder on the palms indicates a rational person who is able to heed the rational advice of other people and thereby prevent future mistakes and troubles in his fate. Moreover, the owner of a hand with such a sign will constantly grow internally, climbing higher and higher along the steps of the spiritual ladder and practicing his karmic tasks along this movement. Instead of disappointment or bitterness from every negative event, he will be able to learn the lessons of Destiny, which day after day, birth after birth bring him closer to God.

In order to read the mountains of the hands, we must put it at eye level and imagine the landscape of the hills, and each hill represents a mountain of a hand, seeing that mountain that stands out in relation to the others. When identification, which is the most dominant, shows us, which is the predominant trait of a person’s character, has a lot of energy or interest in the aspect that represents that mountain, the least important one, shows us what aspect that this person’s personality is missing.

Forests develop throughout life depending on the evolution of a person’s character, reorientation, balance, increase or decrease in size, etc. Each mount can represent three characteristics: very visible, normal and sunken. If there are excessive protrusions, then the qualities that give this planet a significant increase tend to exaggerate in a person, becoming defects. If the mountain is normal, then the astral influences will be favorable and more or less harmonious.

The ladder of Jacob also marked the palms of seekers and self-taught, who are able to find their own path and walk along it, no matter what, without looking around and without fear of the unknown. Such people are constantly in search and movement, set real goals, conquer unexplored peaks, without bending under the blows of fate. Some personalities go to their goal through, with increased zeal and aggression, removing all life obstacles in their path. Therefore, to have the ladder of Jacob on his hands is a great success, which, through overcoming the obstacles arising in his life, causes a person to learn and improve his spiritual development, which ultimately translates a person from the mode of passion to the mode of goodness, and at to the Most High.

When, on the contrary, it seems that sank, suppressed, this mountain in this case gives a series of very negative faces. On the other hand, poorly drawn lines that are confusing indicate poor health in the mountains. At the bottom of the index is the hill of Jupiter; In the middle finger, the mountain of Saturn, and immediately below the little finger, the mountain of Mercury and slightly below the mountain of Mars; Finally, under one of Mars, the mountain of the Moon, almost as big as Venus. It is located at the base of the thumb. It is believed that its combination with the quality and location of other parts of the body provides a wealth of data on the character and fate of a person.

Sign Pagoda  (Figure 2.40-2) looks like Jacob’s ladder, with the only difference that the lines of Destiny are not parallel in it, but directed towards each other, approaching in the upper part of the palm. In addition, the number of transverse strokes in the configuration of this sign is somewhat less.

Venus and its mountain are associated with the kidneys and genitals. In general, it is said that if the height of Venus is highly developed, this indicates a passion and libido and a rather refined character, on the contrary, poor development is a sign of fine health. If he is well rounded, it indicates a good heart and a cheerful person. This reflects the enthusiasm for life, and its development is associated with strength and vitality. Health, strength, sexual desire and joy of life are assessed according to their shape and elasticity, they are more noticeable than others.

As you know, the pagoda is a Chinese architectural structure with a hipped roof of unique shape. Such roofs were usually built around shrines and temples in which enlightened people conducted their spiritual practices and many hours of meditation. Therefore, the karmic palm sign Pagoda, like the above described Jacob's ladder, also symbolizes spiritual growth, which can only be comprehended through faith in God and immersion in a particular religion. In addition to the ability to self-improvement of the soul, people with this sign are good teachers who are able to convey their invaluable knowledge to the mind and heart of other people, and are able to give advice not only from the field of spiritual knowledge, but also based on the realities of fate.

A line of Life passes around him. He is an emotional person, sensitive, good feelings, love, creativity, aesthetic sense, love for home. This means selfishness, sterility. It represents a little vitality and creativity. Little sensuality, coldness, hypocrisy, lack of spontaneity.

The mountain is very developed and bulky. Too much energy in love, sometimes tyrannical, vanity. Narrow, that is, the line of Life, which limits the mountain closest to the thumb. It represents infertility, hardness of the heart. Equally, it looks good; Indicates that a person will have only one love in his life, an intense character.

Signs on the line of Destiny. Signs on the Destiny line are quite rare and have a short effect, but they always require increased attention and close examination. The rules for analyzing signs on the Fate line are reduced to the study of the consequences of their action, in which it is necessary to look at the continuation of the Fate line and marks on other main lines. The presence of two different signs does not mean that one excludes or weakens the action of the other, but on the contrary, in a complex, together with the ruptures of the Fate line or its intersection with comets, the signs always strengthen their action, weakening the Fate line.

This indicates the death of a loved one, although this omen is not always decisive. The grid, the strips crossing vertically and horizontally, expresses a materialistic sense, a tendency to physical pleasures, as a rule. The face of the mountain indicates love or affection that will always exist.

From time to time excessive force and cruelty. The degree of their development is believed to indicate the degree of man’s courage, courage and endurance, although it is believed that over-development is a sign of a choleric and cruel nature. Mars and the mountain are associated with bile.

Negative signs on the line or next to it warn about possible failures or troubles that should force a person to take a critical look at his behavior and his environment, pushing him on the path of change in order to avoid impending danger. Favorable signs that strengthen the line of Destiny foreshadow good changes in life and give hope to a person for a good future, but only on the condition that he will not wait for gifts from fate, but will begin to actively implement his plans.

There are two mounds of Mars in hand. It is located where the thumb is born. When the appearance is normal, it is a person with great energy, with a noticeable, but good character, very optimistic. If you are drowned, you are a person of strong character, and you must be careful because they are prone to aggression. If he is swollen, he is a cruel, very aggressive creature, he is not afraid of anything.

It is located between the mountains of Mercury and the Moon, represents integrity, moral resistance and value in relation to its own beliefs, reveals the ability to resist and the ability to cope with pressure. He is a brave, but controlled, sincere person.

Cross on the line of Destiny, shown in figure 2.41, indicates a period of a turning point in a person’s life. During the period of the cross, a sharp change of profession, monetary losses, as well as failure or grief is possible. A correct cross on the line of Destiny should be formed only by separate minor lines, as shown in the figure. To determine the effects of a cross on a person, the state of the line after the mark should be examined, which will indicate how the person copes with the challenges he has experienced. If the cross is at the beginning of the line of Destiny, then it indicates a difficult and difficult beginning of adult life, or testifies to the tests at the beginning of work. If the line of Destiny ends in a cross, then this sign extends to all career activities of a person and indicates permanent setbacks, as well as poverty and loneliness in old age.

He is a cruel, cruel and cowardly man. Impulses are dangerous thoughtlessness; Animal reactions. Very noticeable and developed. He allows himself to be carried away by violent outbursts in which he can commit a crime. Tendency to respiratory diseases. It reflects a gentle man with a great resignation.

This indicates the ability and great triumphs in military life. Attached to Mars - plain or plane of Mars; Which is the expansion that we have from Mars itself to the center of the arm. If there are many lines of hair around this plain, they indicate a greater ability to fight in life.

Star on the line of Destiny,  Fortunately, a very rarely seen mark on the line, which indicates the time when a person is pursued by constant failures or sharp blows of fate. This is the most fatal sign on the line, which is beyond correction and given by fate in order to atone for the karmic debts of the past. Changes in the life of a person with this sign always occur against his will, and the consequences, as a rule, are negative and deplorable.

It is located at the root of the index finger. It is believed that the degree of its development indicates the degree of ambition, strength, vitality and pride that characterize a person, as well as their tendency to fall precipitation and superstition. It represents a sense of authority and self-worth. With a gently rounded shape, a person with self-confidence; If it is common, it is a sociable and generous person; If spread to other mountains, is ambitious and very authoritarian.

Jupiter and its mountain are associated with the liver. Character of pleasant, noble ambitions, successes achieved by oneself, striving for comfort and wealth. In general, good luck in sentimental relations, optimism. Apathy, selfishness, lack of religious spirit, self-love, laziness, vulgar nature.

The triangle on the line of Destiny,  shown in figure 2.42, indicates a period of successful career advancement thanks to our own efforts and the right approach to solving problems. During the period of the triangle, material ascension is also possible, which is a consequence of the fact that during this period a person actively begins to build his career and will move up the career ladder.

An excessive desire for power and honor. A person who does not pay much attention to how he wants to get what he wants. Moving to the mountain Saturn. It reflects a confident and confident person. This is a sign of marriage; The better the cross, the happier the union will be.

He represents celebrity, prestige, as long as the mental line is straight and long. A star means reaching your desired goals quickly; is a brilliant destination. Rising from life to Mount Jupiter, this is a sign of success; If there are two or more, they still give greater strength.

The quadrilateral (square) on the line of Destiny,  shown in Figure 2.43, according to tradition, is considered a security sign that protects a person from all sorts of disasters, adversities and material losses. As you already know, the square protects against problems and losses, but does not cancel their occurrence. Therefore, it is always necessary to pay special attention to the direction in which the quadrangle is shifted. If the square is shifted towards the line of Life or one of its faces is formed by the line of Destiny and it seems that the square is drawn to the line of Life, then such a combination of the sign portends material losses from close people or relatives. If the square is shifted in the opposite direction, then the material losses will be the result of a confluence of external circumstances. Since a person is under protection during this period, the problems will be educational in nature and will cost without causing serious material losses to the person.

This is a bankruptcy statement, an economic disaster. Expresses great difficulties and obstacles to achieving all that is required; This is actually a disappointment. It is located at the root of the middle finger. He points to the inner aspects of personality. It is believed that the degree of his development indicates the degree of seriousness, prudence and patience that characterize a person, as well as his tendency to shyness, depression, sadness and loneliness. This is due to a sense of responsibility. It is advisable that he develops poorly, because, if he is known, he points to a depressed person; on the contrary, if he is insignificant or small, it indicates a person with common sense and a love of philosophy.

Island on the line of Destiny,  shown in Figure 2.44, has many meanings, but its meaning is always the same, and it is always negative. A generalized interpretation of the mark is reduced to serious material losses and material damage, as well as the loss of social status. The mark can also carry with it the destruction of a marriage and the death of a loved one, theft of property or the inability to pay a debt debt. When violations of the system of self-preservation, expressed in the breaks of the line of Life or negative signs on it, the island on the line of Destiny “participates” in robberies with traumatic consequences for the body of the owner of this sign. In poor health, a sign indicates a loss of job or financial condition as a result of illness.

It is also necessary to identify a number of features of this sign. First, the island on the main vertical line indicates that the series of adverse events is beyond the control of the person’s will, since the events are strictly determined. It is almost impossible to avoid them, especially with a clearly defined and large island formation: these are karmic lessons of Destiny. Secondly, the presence of an island on the line of Destiny indicates that the owner of the mark will be hard on the blows of fate and will be very hurt by what is happening, morally suppressed and broken by the spirit. Such people, as a rule, fall into the most severe long-term depression, continuing until they are "inside the sign." When a person leaves the island, he regains the strength to live, win and realize himself.

The island can be located in any time interval of the Fate line, therefore, in order to calculate the period of difficulties from Fate, it is necessary to apply the dating to its initial and final point. In our example, shown in Figure 2.44, a person’s difficulties begin at 28 and end at 35 years of age.

Point on the line of Destiny  - is an indicator of a temporary and unexpected obstacles in life. A person at this age must be very careful due to the fact that there is a very high probability of getting into difficult and complicated situations that will not bring anything good for the owner of the mark. When analyzing the point, it is necessary to assess the further course of the Fate line, which will indicate how this obstacle will affect the person’s near future.

Trident on the line of destiny,  shown in figures 2.45 and 2.45-1, testifies to the great success and success of a person in his professional activities, as well as to the achievement of all his goals. The sign also says that fate “leads” such a person, tracking and subordinating all life circumstances to achieve goals, and a person, how many tasks he would not set for himself, will be able to solve them successfully. A trident in the ending of the Destiny line (figure 2.45-1) is a sign of recognition, a successful career end and a happy secured old age.

An example of the analysis of career activities in the area of ​​Destiny. As an example to consider the professional activity of a person, we take one of the most interesting and very rarely encountered types of hands - a hand with multiple lines of Destiny. The hands of this girl are difficult for chirological analysis both from the standpoint of going through the whole life of a person, and from the standpoint of searching and practicing karmic destinations, but, nevertheless, they most clearly demonstrate to us the development of karmic debts and the influence of past life on the fate of a girl. As can be seen from the photographs and drawings, on the active arm there are 6 Saturn lines in different time periods (Figures 2.46), and only 2 lines on the passive (Figures 2.47). Such a difference in the number of lines on the hands indicates a particular way for a person: the way of working out karma, where fate itself will force a girl in this incarnation to work out much more of her karmic tasks and debts than other people, therefore fate draws more lines of Saturn on active hand than on the passive, so that the girl, as soon as possible was able to realize their special way of life. This fact will undoubtedly require from the girl the development of additional character traits necessary for the fulfillment of the program given by the Higher Forces, and at the same time will impose on her the necessary duties, with the nonfulfillment of which the blows from fate will be stronger and more palpable. If you summarize everything previously stated and say in simple language, then the girl in her life will have to work out previously missed karmic tasks in a rhythm in which other people would need more than one rebirth to accomplish the same tasks.

And now we will proceed directly to the consideration of the career activity itself on the example of the hands of a thirty-year-old girl, shown in Figures 2.46 and 2.47. Figures 2.46-1 and 2.47-1 show the main points of the combinations of lines and signs that need attention during the analysis of the hand.

The girl was under the influence of her parents for a long time, so the specialty for admission to the university was determined and imposed on her by her parents (the Headline starts from Lower Mars and the initial part of the Destiny line is drawn to the Life Line). At the age of 17, after graduating from school, by enrolling in a psychology teacher, she tries to get out of the custody of her parents and gain material and psychological independence, therefore, in addition to her studies at the university, she starts working as a sales assistant in 18 years ( years on both hands indicates a person’s entry into the material world, i.e. from that moment she begins to build her own career independently). The girl, although she began to build her own destiny on her own, but in her heart she was not yet accustomed to fully take responsibility for herself and her actions, due to the fact that in childhood and youth all the main decisions were made by her parents (there is no initial part of the line Destiny on a passive arm). Since the combination of work and study took a lot of time and effort, and also interfered with studies, then at 20 years of age, studying in the last year of the institute, changes jobs to a freer, but at the same time more promising (the initial portion of the Fate line has a compensated gap 20 years old, shifted towards Apollo. But due to the fact that the new section of the Fate line is stronger and deeper than the initial part and directed into the interdigital gap of the hills of Saturn and Jupiter, this line of activity will be more promising and monetary). After graduation, the girl has a choice of how to dispose of her education: go to work as a teacher for a small salary, or stay in the field of activity in which she currently works. Ultimately, after long and painful deliberation, she makes a choice in favor of the second line of activity (the initial segment of the Fate line, which is drawn to the Life line, makes a fork, and from that moment the portion of the Fate line from the Moon hill on the active arm is amplified. Such a combination indicates that the education imposed by parents will not be used in later life to build a career in this specialty, and its professional activities will begin to be built with the help of outsiders who will judge would appear in her life).

At 21, a person is finally determined for himself in the correctness of the chosen direction of activity and remains to work as a sales assistant, while skillfully applying the received education of a psychologist (the line of decisions at 21 on a passive arm, after which the line of Destiny is strengthened and strengthened). At 22 and 23, the girl changes her job again, going to work in other organizations for approximately equal positions (the decision line cuts the line of Fate at 22 years on the passive arm; at the active branch of the cross, it cuts the line of Fate. At 23, on the active hand line of solutions in the middle of the palm cuts the line of Saturn). The age of 23.5 years becomes a landmark and turning point for her, which will determine the whole further path in her career. At this age, her professional skills and excellent communication skills are noticed by representatives of a large company and make her a job offer, to which she agrees without a lot of thought (crosses on the main and auxiliary lines of Destiny indicate a turning point in a person’s life. From the same moment the line of Destiny, which goes to the hill of Saturn, begins to accompany the minor weak lines, since on the active arm there is a compensated gap shifted to Apollo, at which the Destiny line changes its direction to Jupiter hill, it testifies to the occupation for the soul, but with an increase in the material and social status). At 25, the girl receives a new proposal from the director of the company to occupy a new, more paid and promising position related to the control of dealerships (the comet comes from Upper Mars and cuts through all the lines of Destiny on hand in active and passive hands, indicating the significance of the event, which will take place with the help of a woman. The line of Fate does not move under the action of a comet, which indicates that she will remain working in the same company that she worked in before. The fact that the event will not bear a negative hue, etelstvuet line efforts with the line of life, directed to Jupiter Hills on the active hand that points to the satisfaction of ambition and material recovery. On the passive hand, this event is reflected on the fate of a branch line in the direction of Jupiter). At the age of 27, the girl’s high professional skills are again noted by the leadership and they are promoted to deputy director (a cross on the line of Destiny and a line of effort from the Life line to Jupiter on the active one and the decision line on the passive arm). In 29 years, the girl will have easy trouble in her career, which will come from strangers to her, with the forced confluence of external circumstances. Trouble will be associated with the need to combine work in two cities at the same time, which will affect its psychological state (the cross on the active arm adjoins the main line of Destiny, where adjacent ends of the cross mark a time period of 6 months. On the passive arm, the decision line crosses the Destiny line). At the age of 30, a girl will become pregnant and go on maternity leave to care for a child (an offshoot from the Fate line to the Head line). The situation with pregnancy and further maternity leave will be very acute, resulting in a choice that will also determine the future path of career development (the hard choice from the Fate line to the Head line, which connects with it. Headline is above the main line of Mind, this indicates a desire to be in the center of events in public life, rather than accepting restrictions related to the birth of a child. At the same age, additional lines end supporting the main line of Saturn, which indicates that ultimately the choice will be made in favor of the child). At 31, the girl will come back to work, as her parents will take responsibility for raising her grandson (a comet from the hill of Venus, cutting the line of Destiny). In the future, the girl at 33 years old will change her place of work (the line of decisions on the line of Fate of the active hand), and at 34 she will have a question about changing the direction of her activity (“T-junction” to the line of Fate).

Further, I want to draw your attention to the age of a girl from 41 to 59 years old in which she will need financial stability and security (an island on the line of Destiny on a passive arm, and the line of Life falls into service to the line of Destiny at this age interval on active arm). The financial problem is likely to be far-fetched, since she will have enough money for life, but due to the fact that the girl will be in this time period - “in the island”, the circumstances will be stronger than her, forcing him to work even more to meet their needs (in parallel with the island on the line of Destiny is a supporting line, which means a new activity in the field of business). From the age of 59 all troubles in life will end, the business will begin to generate income that will satisfy its ambition and bring both moral and material satisfaction from what has been achieved in life (the Fate line changes its direction to Jupiter, with a compensated break in the line).

In conclusion of the analysis of the career activities of this girl, I want to dwell on two significant moments in a person’s biography. First, on both hands, it can be seen that the line of Destiny connects to the line of Life at different times, but leaves it at the same age at 27 years of age. Since this line, in our example, is an auxiliary line of Destiny, because it does not reach the hill of Saturn, it indicates a great affection for one of the parents and his psychological and moral support and support during these age periods. . The release of the line of Destiny from the line of Life at the age of 27 demonstrates the complete independence of the girl and material independence, which in our case coincides with the increase to the deputy director. Due to the fact that the Fate line connects with the Life line on a long time interval, in this situation a double counting of time is applied to these two lines. Therefore, when reporting age through the Life line, we give the age of a girl from 41 to 59 years of active hands, which also coincides with the island on the line of the Fate of the passive hand, and indicates more likely moral and psychological, rather than real financial problems, due to the fact that this line is auxiliary, and not the main one.

Secondly, on the active arm it is clear that all the auxiliary lines of Saturn end at the age of 29.5-30 years, which indicates the influence of karmic debts of past lives on a person, which were described in detail in the second section of the book.

And finally, when considering a person’s career activity, it is necessary to remember that not the entire time period from the beginning of independent life to old age is analyzed, but the time from the present age of a person is 3–5 years ahead and no more. This is due to the fact that the Fate line most quickly and sharply responds to all changes in the nature of a person and his decisions in the course of his activity. For a longer period, 10–15 years, only the prospects for career development are analyzed, with the current behavior of the person. With any change in character, especially those qualities that directly affect professional activity, the changes planned earlier by Destiny break up, and instead of them new changes will appear, in exact correspondence to the new behavior of the personality and newly developed character traits.

The Line of Fate is the line on the hand that shows the Fate of a person in palmistry, along the line of the “life of Fate” you can see how a person will progress along the lifefull path of the bone, since she will have to go through the field of life struggle, then we will be able to follow all failures, all the ways and directions in which the subject will assert itself. A good line of fate is a rather informative line in many ways, it will also indicate love relationships and attempts to create long-lasting relationships or marriage. A successful line of fate should be flat, of one depth and one color, the line should go through the whole hand to the base of Saturn's finger, and remain free from damage.

A peculiar difference in the line of fate from other lines of the hand is that the line of Destiny can be displayed in the plural, and at the same time there can be 2 lines of Destiny on the hand, or three, so the number of lines on the hand can reach four. In appearance of the line, and there may be several, as mentioned above, you can get various additional information, from financial status to hobbies and even childbirth, and depending on combinations of human qualities, you can see what will be the life and fate of an individual, easy or difficult and hard, and asking other lines on the hand and signs, thus comparing, we can make the right conclusion.

Usually, all the lines on the hand have their starting point, then the line of fate, unlike them, may have several points of its origin, which again shows its peculiarity in front of other lines on the hand. But aspire to the line, always due to the tubercle of the finger of Saturn, from which it received such a name. Often the line of fate changes its direction, aspiring to a certain area of ​​the hand, and on a fracture looking where the line goes, one can look at the fate-changing changes of life.
  During periods when the line is strong, smooth and clear, this is a successful line of Fate, and it means that a person feels confident, he is full of strength and luck, everything works out for him, this line indicates progress in life, seeing the goal set before him (Fate on his side).

Vital energy entering a person, as palmistry states, comes through the fingers of his hand, mixes with the essence of the personality, with all its qualities obtained at birth, and the resulting “mixture”, that is, character, goes back as an active force that makes a person go life, conquering new horizons, thus cutting through the line of fate, the exit channel. The direction and bias of the line of fate towards a certain part of the hand gives a hint to the “reader” in which area the person realizes the needs and builds a career. Approximately if the line of Saturn in some area is broken in the direction of the fingers of intellectual activity, it means that at that time a person builds a career with the help of his “mind”, if the direction of the line tends more towards active fingers, that is, constantly participating in the work, then the personality will make a living by doing physical work. The abilities of intellectual possibilities can be traced along the line of the mind; the line will indicate the structure of the structure of the human intellect.
  It often happens that the line having passed the fifty-year period gradually disappears and becomes almost invisible - it can talk about achieving complete stability and constancy in life - this is without caring old age, provided that the favorable factors one of which should be a positive hillock of Saturn.

Variants of the beginning of the line of Destiny on the hand

When the line of destiny originates in the center of the palm of a rosette (No. 1), and passing through the plain of Mars, it reaches the bow of the middle finger, remaining even, whole and without intersections and damage, of equal depth and width - it means you will be happy, it determines a happy future, This is a successful line of Destiny. She also says that a person began to build a life on her own, and achieves everything himself, without anyone's help.

But when the line of Destiny originates from the hill of the Moon (No.-2), it is a person who begins his life career with the help of other people and mostly people of the opposite sex, and is constantly dependent on someone. The line emanating from the hill of the moon (the hill of fantasy and caprice) can not fail to draw the qualities inherent in it, therefore such people will go through life with them. For such people, the opinion of others is important, these are mainly sensitive people working in small groups, in the service sector, who want to be always in sight.

Different lines of influence and events that can change the course of events worsening it or, on the contrary, improve it become supportive. If a branch comes from the life and joins the line of Saturn (No. 4), this alignment tells us about the help from relatives.
  And if the line then becomes stronger, then help has significantly improved and made life easier for the person. The time of such an event is calculated along the line of fate, that is, at the point where the lines merge.

If the line starts from the hill of Venus (No. 3), if we talk about the help of relatives at the start of a person’s career, basically such people are given everything ready in hand, this may mean that the person will continue the family business or will receive a protege of kinship , there may be many options.
  In any case, we will see dependence on the family, and the longer the line of Saturn is adhered to and is near the line of life, the longer the influence of the relatives affects.

The intervention of relatives, as is usually the case in life, grows on the palm of your hand in the form of a secant stress line that cuts the life line and the line of fate.
  The state after crossing the line of Saturn will tell us about the consequences of the influence exerted by the relatives, if it has not changed, it has only managed to be a nervous shock, if the line is interrupted or changes direction, and there are cases that shift, then the consequences have significantly changed the course of human life. (So ​​could something take back).

Dating time by Destiny

Saturn dating or event time has its own distinctive features compared to other lines. If on the other main lines, every millimeter has the meaning of about a year of life, depending on the parameters of the palm, then on the line of Destiny everything happens quite differently.
  The feeling of the duration of time, familiar to all of us, especially in youth, will not make you think for a long time why the dating of time along a line is not evenly distributed; the time of events along the line of fate has such differences.
  Considering the fact that mental and real time in relation to each other stretch in different ways, just as it can be traced on the arm. We all remember when we went to school, how long it lasted, sometimes a single lesson could last seemingly forever, and how quickly the summer did not noticeably run through.

The long-awaited prom night, and the independent life of all this, we wanted to feel, to experience, but the time has inexorably dragged on for so long.
  Having matured, we experience and notice a lack of time quite often, time flies by so quickly that you don’t have time to notice, and the older you get, the faster it goes, although the clock pokes all the time equally. In exactly the same way, time is displayed and recorded along the line of Destiny.

The line of Destiny reaching the headline determines the life span of thirty-five years, reaching the end of which, in principle, a person must achieve certain goals, establish his life priorities, acquire a profession, start a family, and become aware of his focus on life, build on the “mind” that and says the climb up the steps of the life ladder, to the line of the head.
  Further already with the acquired experience, move in the chosen direction. When the line of destiny reaches the heart line, time on the hand will mark a period of 49-50 years. If the line furrows the tubercle continuing its journey along the arm further, and has a clear and deep continuation after crossing the line of the Heart thus reaching the bow of the Fate (Saturn) then in old age a person will be active, discovering new activities for himself, and feeling happy. Such a line of fate, in combination with a long and good life line, indirectly itself implies and is, in palmistry, signs indicating longevity of a luxurious existence.

Line of Destiny Split

The Line of Fate forks when the line of fate forks as a fork or burden with branches extending to the sides, this means a gradual transition of a person to a higher standard of living. Each branch is ascending upward, indicating a step of ascent and improvement of existence. The bifurcated line, and the process from the line that has become disconnected, with its direction to a specific tubercle of the finger, will indicate the scope of activity in which the person will realize the directed aspirations.

It is important to pay attention to the condition and quality of the split line, that is, whether the main branch of the line of destiny loses its strength. To trace the movement of the appendix on the subject of fracture and intersection by other random lines, signs present on the line of fate, if damage is observed, it means that there will be problems in the process of implementation in certain directions.

As practice shows, often there is a line of fate, which stops reaching the line of the head or heart, and at the end of the line of fate a bifurcation, like a fork, such an ending of the line indicates that the subject at a certain time, depending on where the line expands, will become large - a problem that is significant for his life - or rather, not a problem, but will be a choice. The problem of choice itself can be associated with any areas of life, the interpretation and meaning of the forked line depends on the place of origin of such a sign and in many ways depends on the other factors on the arm.

If, for example, the line of fate rests on the head (mind) line, then the person will most likely have to make an important decision related to work, relocation or something else, but necessarily a vital matter. However, if such a fork in the heart “supports”, then the choice will be in the nature of matters related to heart matters, a large confirmation of this fact may be an island on the line of Destiny, that is, “movements” are possible in the sensual-emotional sphere related to marriage relationships or in some cases, misunderstandings with children. The creation of the Saturn line at the end, and subsequently the parallel passage of the appendix next to the main line, indicates the choice of an additional occupation in a person’s life. This can be like a second job, and as a person’s entertainment or hobby, but always taking a long time, which becomes and equals in importance to the main occupation in destiny.

Line of Destiny Island

The island on the line of Destiny — the island, the island on the line of fate in palmistry, has long been interpreted by the ancient chiromantics as the low moral unsustainability of a person associated with marital infidelity and in most cases entails consequences of all the ensuing troubles, thus the island’s significance is unfavorable.

  First of all, it should be noted that the island at the beginning of the line of fate cannot, due to the youth of a person, mean such a development of events, because the beginning of the line of fate mainly falls on youthful years, and the island on the line can be most quickly associated with problems in financial and material terms. parents of the hand The island is at the beginning of the line of fate, it can drastically affect the course of a person’s fate, and most likely it will be so if the island expresses fairly, which indicates that the sign “works” even now, and affects the construction of a person’s destiny.

Additional proof of the problems that the island can bring on the line may be stress lines having a direction to the island from the hill of Venus.
  Every transverse line cutting or blocking the course of the line of Saturn, is an obstacle and difficulties in the life of a person with whom he will meet, with the result that an island on the line may arise.

An island on the line of destiny can in some cases indicate either ruin or financial hardship of a person, and the possible use of persons of the opposite sex in building a career, but if an island on a line is formed in mature years, it is interpetted with betrayal, adultery, often one can observe in such people a heaving end of the line of the mind, which reveals the introverted person.

As the line of fate after the island, we will be able to trace the consequences of actions, and if it can be seen that the line of fate has strengthened, then the person’s career has become noticeably more stable in all respects, the strength and clarity of the line will indicate improvement.
  When we met the line of fate with the island, sexual interconnection was always confirmed, that is, the islands reveal the cause or starting point of subsequent events, which can be further analyzed using signs on the line of Destiny and the value of the line as a whole.

And, accordingly, the same island with additional signs, can completely destroy the destiny of a person, especially if after it there is an opening on the line of fate, a line torn into pieces, or other distortions or defects of the line are present.
It is also worth remembering that, depending on the depravity of the hand, the island can carry information only about the difficult financial situation in the life of the subject, so you should not be in a hurry with quick conclusions.

Line of Destiny Signs

Signs on the Fate Line — characteristic signs on the Saturn line, of great importance, are not only the signs directly on the line, but the actual assessment of the shape and position of the line in general on the arm. According to the observations of researchers in this field of knowledge, when the line of fate of “Saturn” begins its journey from the hill of the Moon, this indicates the inconsistent person by the general meaning of the line, and the property that the owner receives from the line affects almost all aspects of human life.

Inconsistency will find a place both in work and in personal life, which is of particular importance when choosing a partner, the line indicates the fate that depends on third-party people, reveals the often capricious and picky personality, which itself is a bad sign. Such lines are most susceptible to various kinds of defects, a person practically does not build his own destiny himself, but is under the control of other people.

If the line of destiny "starts" from the hillock of the Moon and reaches the finger of Saturn, such a sign means happiness, built on the basis of patronage or, to put it more simply, through our sponsorship of a man or woman, depending on the gender of the hand holder. Many people often ask the question: what is the successful line of fate ?, or what is a good line of fate ?.
  An unequivocal answer can only be the line that passes through all the vicissitudes of life, passes its mark along the arm, passing the whole palm reaches its goal, whole and unharmed, slim and strong, traveling the Saturn's untouched transverse lines, this will be a good sign.