Home / Numerology / What do the same numbers on the clock mean. Angelic numerology: what is encrypted in numbers on the clock

What do the same numbers on the clock mean. Angelic numerology: what is encrypted in numbers on the clock

What people did not invent to know the future. Invented more than a dozen different ways of divination. The most varied, sometimes unexpected items can serve as improvised means for it. The dial of an ordinary watch was no exception. The same numbers on the clock are interpreted as a prediction of an event.


The basis for this prediction was numerology. It is defined as a system of esoteric beliefs that there is a mystical connection between the meaning of a number and certain physical objects, the life of people, their consciousness. The relationship is considered so strong that it definitely affects them.

Unlike mathematics, where numbers have a quantitative meaning, they acquire a qualitative definition in numerology. It is impossible to say exactly when numerology originated. Her father is considered to be Pythagoras. It was he who developed its main provisions, combining the mathematical systems of different cultures (Druids, Arabs, Egyptians, Phoenicians) with the natural sciences of man. Later, this teaching was used to interpret the value of the same numbers on the clock.

Watch numerology

Although the origin of numerology is rather ancient, it gained its current popularity relatively recently. The impulse was served by an electronic clock on which figures are perfectly visible. Although this fortune telling was practiced earlier in the usual hours.

In watch numerology, it is not only the numbers on the clock that matter, but also the mirror numbers, often repeated numbers. Their interpretation may be somewhat different, but the meaning is one - it is not just that.

Repeating numbers in various combinations may signal upcoming events, advise you to change your behavior or push for certain actions.

Value numbers

Developed a whole system that determines the value of certain signs. In different cultures, they can be interpreted in different ways. But there are common definitions for everyone when the same numbers on a watch often come across:

  • Units denote energy. It is worth paying attention to your own person or, on the contrary, to listen to the opinions of other people.
  • The twos call for emotional moderation in relationships. You should look for compromises in solving urgent problems.
  • Troika advise you to think about your life. Analysis of past years will help determine the main guidelines for the future.
  • Fours warn about possible health problems. For the Chinese, the value of the same numbers on the clock in the form of fours (04:04) can promise unhappiness.
  • Fives can be a warning to risky people. Perhaps they are waiting for a serious loss. It should be more cautious about their own lives.
  • Sixes call for open and honest relationships. It is also a symbol of reconciliation and peace.
  • Sevens in many nations are associated with luck. Seeing sevens is a good sign.
  • The eights symbolize infinity. Make you focus on the upcoming changes.
  • Nines mean development. This can be a warning about the obstacles in his fate, which must be eliminated in order to move on.


According to the advice of magicians, one should guess at the clock only on certain days of the week - on Tuesday and Thursday. It is impossible to bend time to see the same numbers on the clock of the desired combination. Such a prediction simply does not work.

Until now, the controversy over the fortune-telling on the clock does not stop. Some consider this a mere coincidence, others unconditionally believe in help from above.

It is believed that seeing the same numbers on the clock means receiving a message from your guardian angel. And the person will see them until he pays attention to this and takes any action. Thus, the angel protects his ward and gives him the necessary information.

Mirror numbers

On the displays of electronic watches perfectly visible combination of numbers. If, when looking at a normal dial, you need some time to evaluate what you see, then the bright flickering numbers instantly cause a person's reaction. Immediately visible and the same numbers and their mirror arrangement or some other order of them.

If the clock shows the same numbers, mirrored or repetitive, they should especially pay attention. According to numerology, it is possible not only to predict them, but also to change your destiny by making a wish in time.

Here are some examples of interpretation when the same numbers on a clock come across:

  • exactly at midnight 00:00 you need to make a wish;
  • time 06:06 promises a quick wedding;
  • the dial shows 13:31, so the cherished dream will come true soon;
  • warning of trouble when the clock 14:41;
  • advice to go to the doctor give a clock with readings 23:32;
  • 04:04 calls to change my opinion on the currently controversial issue;
  • family scandal threatens, if the clock is 20:20.

For each pair of numbers there is a must-have explanation.

Point of view

Not everyone shares an unconditional faith in predictions (fortune-telling) by the hour. Modern scientists, especially psychologists, have their own point of view on this.

They believe that each person lives according to his personal biological time. It is quite natural to assume that at a certain time he looks at his watch, wakes up at a specific hour, sometimes a couple of minutes before the alarm bell. Naturally, he sees, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the same figures. No mystery, just pure biology.

According to the theory of some physicists outside of our Universe, such a dimension as time may not exist. So, theoretically, time in one instant is both the present and the past and the future. That is why it is completely senseless to believe in the prediction of some event, which, according to the laws of time, has already happened.

With a great desire, each of us can find for himself a specific number or figure that accompanies him throughout his life. It can be a date of birth, numbers of anything: a house, an apartment, a car, a place in a bus or a cinema. Mystically inclined people will see signs of fate in this, others simply will not pay attention.

Binding to the number can give a negative result. Uncertain people can hope too much for the hint of magic numbers and fail to make a vital decision in time. Everything is good in moderation, to take into account certain signs, but at the same time soberly assess the situation.


Time is the dimension of space, without which modern life is unthinkable. Our ancestors had enough sun to determine the time. In our world, where the count can go on for a split second, electronic time counters are indispensable.

Modern phones, computers, smartphones, tablets, even televisions - all equipped with a clock. Unnecessarily conspicuous combinations of numbers. It is not difficult to guess why the same numbers on the clock cause such interest. The desire to know the future has not been canceled. Only everyone decides for himself - to trust the little prompts or not to pay attention to them.

Angelic numerology tells about the meaning of the numbers that repeat in your life: on the clock, on the numbers of cars, anywhere. The easiest way to understand what numbers have the greatest impact on your life, precisely by the hour - during the day a person often looks at the dial. Pay attention to what time you see there most often.

What will the numerology of angels tell?

The discovery of angelic numerology is attributed to the famous English mystic John Dee. The author of the theory believed that the world of spirits or angels greatly influences the human world. During a seance, John Dee tried to communicate with the angels, but could not understand their language. However, over time, he managed to decipher the angelic messages.

These spiritual, invisible entities are always invisibly present in a person’s life, trying to direct him along the right path and sending clues. But the angelic language is inaccessible to human perception, so the angels "invented" to transmit their messages, encoding them in numbers.

Angelic numerology is very different from the traditional school of this science. To decipher the predictions and messages of Fate, you will not need to carry out complex calculations. Just memorize the numbers that you see most often, and then look for their meaning in a special interpreter.

How to search for clues of heaven?

Numbers surround us everywhere. But the easiest way to use for the angelic divination is the clock with an electronic dial.

Important rules:

  • Only mirror or identical numbers on the clock - this is the message of the angels. If you accidentally looked at the dial and saw the time there with different numbers (for example, 14:57), you should not look for a secret meaning
  • Do not try to deceive the Angels and specifically look at the clock in "favorable" time. In this case, the prediction will not only fail, but it may also turn something negative for you.
  • The more often you notice the same numbers, the stronger the prediction will be.

Tip:  If you see an angelic combination of numbers on the clock, immediately make a note in the notebook. Develop the habit of recording all the signs of angels during the day, in the evening to go to the interpreter and decipher the prediction.

Deciphering angelic messages

Look for a suitable angelic message in the list and see its meaning:

  • 00:00 - you are extremely overestimated the importance of some of his desire. Try to mentally “let go” the dream and imagine that it has already come true. Only then is there a chance that the wish will come true.
  • 01:01 - wait for good news from a loved one.
  • 01:10 - Complete old business before starting new business. Do not try to burden yourself too much.
  • 01:11 - today is a very good day. Everything you do will end favorably and beneficially for you.
  • 02:02 - a long-awaited meeting with a loved one is coming after a long separation.
  • 02:20 is a dangerous and unfavorable day. Someone conceived the bad, you better not leave the house.
  • 02:22 - the secret should not be revealed. Keep your mouth shut and do not chat in vain.
  • 03:03 - your loneliness will end soon. Look around - your chosen one has been around for a long time.
  • 03:30 - your partner is a dishonest, greedy person with whom there will never be true love.
  • 03:33 - stop feeling sad, think positive, and the black bar will end.
  • 04:04 - A useful advice that you urgently needed, will give a stranger.
  • 05:05 - someone is plotting something bad about you, be careful.
  • 05:50 - be careful with fire, there is a risk of burn
  • 06:06 - make a pleasant and useful acquaintance. Perhaps a new person will eventually become a close friend.
  • 07:07 - help in a difficult situation will come from an unexpected side from an unfamiliar person.
  • 08:08 - career growth is not far off.
  • 09:09 - be careful with finances, there is a risk of losing money
  • 10:10 - the time has come for cardinal changes, start changing your life - no one will do this for you.
  • 10:01 - Meet a foreigner who later becomes an important person in your life.
  • 11:01 - health problems arise, take care of yourself.
  • 11:11 - a close friend will be a traitor.
  • 11:21 - Do not hang your nose, difficulties are temporary.
  • 12:12 - the next week events will develop extremely well, take advantage of favorable circumstances.
  • 12.21 - ask for help from a friend.
  • 13:13 - Enemy wiles trudge against you.
  • 13:31 - abstract from imposed goals: you need to understand what you are dreaming about.
  • 14:11 - your health is at risk, go to the doctor immediately if you want to live.
  • 14:14 true love comes into your life.
  • 14:41 - conflict and discord in relations with the chosen one.
  • 15:15 - listen to the opinions of others.
  • 15:51 - your life lacks creativity.
  • 16:16 - go on a trip, you need it.
  • 17:17 - lose valuable jewelry.
  • 18:18 - try not to drive a car or public transport, it is dangerous for you today.
  • 19:19 - changes, which at first glance are negative, will eventually turn to the best
  • 20:02 - you are under threat of dismissal and financial problems.
  • 20:20 - parting with a close friend.
  • 21:11 - the day will be extremely successful
  • 21:21 on the clock promises a vivid sexual adventure.
  • 22:22 - it's time to let go of the relationship, they will make you happy and never make you happy.
  • 23:23 - a sudden profit. Perhaps you will find a large amount of money.
  • 23:32 - danger threatens your loved ones.

Pay attention to the encrypted messages of the Angels, but do not forget that these are not predictions, but warnings. You can always change the course of events and direct it in the right direction.

Many believe that the coincidence of numbers on the clock is not accidental, if at that very moment your eyes fell on the dial. Esoteric claim that this is a warning of the guardian angel. Numerologists are guessing and predicting the fate of such signs. And everyone believes that the glance of a man, accidentally thrown on his watch at such a moment, is led by a higher power. Certain properties are attributed to each digit. Let's take a closer look at what 22:22 means on the clock.

What can mean four "two" on the clock?

In numerology, each number is considered to be associated with a specific physical object. "Two" - a pronounced feminine principle and everything connected with it: feeding, tenderness, intuition, intimacy, support, trust, compromise. Accordingly, “one” is the masculine principle, therefore the numbers are always nearby.

But we are talking about a combination of four “twos” at once, and this also means a lot! Predictors interpret such a combination as the news of the possibility of the appearance in the life of a new person. Although this is a twofold statement: the birth of a child is also the appearance of a new person, but no! This refers to a person who will become either a support or something unknown and will change the fate of a woman.

Interpretations of two

There are those who believe that if the number two is written by a person is somehow pretentious, with curlicues, this indicates spiritual throwing, if they are depicted with an inclination to the left, they are evidence of weakness of character, and inclined to the right means humility. If a person, being in a state of hesitation, unconsciously displays the number "2" on a piece of paper, he is faced with a choice.

Be careful!

However, there are fortune-tellers who believe that 22:22 is a dangerous prediction of your watch. Especially magically this number looks on the screen of an electronic clock. “Accidentally” after seeing him, for several days you should be extremely careful and not get involved in affairs that will require a great deal of responsibility from you, do not lend money, and avoid proposals that are in doubt. This is especially true for those who look at watches with such indicators of time for several days in a row.

Digital table

In the table of digital values ​​of average fortune tellers opposite the number “2” it says: “accident” and “unrequited love”. Why is the same figure interpreted ambiguously? These interpretations do not diverge so much! Many fortune-tellers are aware of the case when a man had four “twos” in different interpretations for several days in a row, and when he woke up twice at that moment, his watch had a fatal 22:22 on the dial. Soon he really had a choice, and could not figure out how to make the right decision. Science fiction Ray Bradbury used this story in his story “And Thunder Has Been Boiled”, somewhat modifying the situation.

Another interpretation of four twos: do not overestimate your strength. Be consistent and take the time to make serious decisions. To believe or not to believe in numerology is a personal matter, but, in any case, it looks unusual and sometimes makes you wonder.