Home / Love spells / The plot on the hair that can not be removed. Strong spell on hair that can not be removed

The plot on the hair that can not be removed. Strong spell on hair that can not be removed

It is believed that huge energy is concentrated in the hair, which is associated with a person. It is important to note that even if they are cut off, the strength in them remains. That is why rituals and plots with hair are considered very powerful and effective. You should not use magic if there is even a slight doubt about its effectiveness.

Plot on the hair of the beloved

It is believed that the love spell with the use of hair gives one hundred percent result. To get the hair of the object of adoration, you can inspect his clothes, because there may be hairs. You can also use his comb. To perform the ritual, you should light a candle at midnight and pick up your beloved and your own hair. Twist the hair together and tell the plot on the hair:

"From now on we are one with you,

no force is inseparable.

Like smoke with fire, like frost with ice,

like grass with earth, so are we. "

Burn the hair over the flame of a candle. During this, it is necessary to present contact with the beloved, as he embraces, kisses, etc.

Conspiracy on hair

Using human hair, you can give the owner different energy. We will hold a ceremony to improve health and give a person luck. Go to church and buy seven church candles. Proceed directly to the ritual should be exactly at midnight. Put the candles in a circle and put the hair inside, which is recommended to be cut when the person is sleeping. Light the candles and, looking at the flames, make the hair holder happy and healthy. After this, you should read the plot on the human hair:

“I'll steal over to you at night,

I'll steal some of your hair.

I'll take them down to the fire that burns from the candles,

I will keep them with my love.

Let no trouble come to you

And the sickness will fly away from the soul forever.

Good luck in business let you not leave

And in the heart love never cools.

Let the evil tricks you do not touch,

They will be back through the land.

Now I have your light strand,

I need her to protect you.

As soon as all the candles fade away in the darkness,

I will bury them with the dust in the ground.

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Words repeat seven times. Candles leave completely to burn out, and wrap the cinder in the sheet on which it is written. It should be burned on a regular saucer. Bury the remaining ashes in a deserted place. Put your hair in a matchbox and hide it in a secret place. Repeat the ritual after a while. It is important not to tell anyone about his conduct, because it will not work and may even harm.

Love spells with the use of hair have been known for centuries, they can be found in many cultures, and even in the modern world they are quite popular. Is there a love spell on the hair - which cannot be removed, how to conduct the ceremony correctly in order to get the expected result and is it possible for everyone to have such influence on the fate of a person? We will try to answer these and many other questions below.

Spell on hair refers to the number of rituals with the use of biological components. Why does this work? Hair, nails and blood have a strong energy bond and with their owner, these artifacts are involved in many rituals and have been used successfully for more than one century.

In gypsy magic, hair is used not only for a love spell, but also to reduce the defensive reactions of the psyche, blocking the critical functions of consciousness and suggestion.

Lovely rituals with hair


To spend a love spell on a guy with the help of hair, you need the same "biomaterial". Get a few hairs is easy, they can be removed from the comb or clothing of the victim. It does not matter how long they were stored and how they got it.

Before the immediate procedure, cleanse your own organism and consciousness from the negative, fill it with clean energies and forces. Simple practice will not only make the spell stronger, but also bring you personal benefit.

Note! A cemetery love spell and a plot on hair and blood belong to black magic, the terrible consequences of which always overtake the magician.

From the necessary attributes will need a few more of your hairs. The most suitable time will be the period of the growing month. If carried out correctly, the results are not long in coming and appear the very next day.

Conduct a love spell on the hair

Set a red candle in the morning

Sit in front of her flame and look at the photo of the beloved (lover). Imagine clearly what emotions and feelings your elect should feel towards you. Connect this thought with your feelings and direct it to the photo.

Take your hair and your chosen hairs and begin to weave them together.

In the process of weaving repeat the words:

“I do not connect hairs, weave feelings.

You, my love, always be with me,

Think, feel, hurry, do not shun me.

To desire only me, away from others,

To me forever bewitch.

My word is the strongest.

So be it.

For centuries".

On the final words of the plot, you should already weave the hairs together. You can spend and re-read the text, but you must necessarily represent the end result and goal, translated into reality.

Wrap a photograph with a kerchief and seal with a wax of a red candle, so you will fix the spell with your own hands.

That ended a small action to attract love, but the fun is just beginning. Manipulations with hair give almost 100% results and in this version are absolutely harmless.

If the question “How to remove what you have done?” Visits you once, simply burn the hidden photo together with the kerchief, while repeating “Letting go” three times.

Tip! If you simply suffer from excessive curiosity, or take the chosen person lightly, give up the idea once and for all.
  To get rid of a man who fell in love, as they say, a person’s ears are not easy and you may need the help of love magic professionals.

Charm your favorite hair

Of course, men use rituals much less frequently than women, but there are proven methods to attract female love.

The love spell for the wife on hair is also carried out in a new moon, however only freshly cut curls that have been stored no more than a day are suitable for its realization. Store the "material" in a plastic bag, so it does not lose its energy strength and information about the carrier.

At night, light a church candle and tie your hair (three hairs are enough) with the lady's curls, while saying “Like these hairs are tied, so are the lives of God's slaves (names) are now woven together. That the servant of God (the name) was neither drunk and without a servant of God (the name), without me. Whatever she did, she still remembered me. Amen!".

Having spoken the words, imagine your life together or meeting. It is important that these thoughts do not carry negative, because it is likely that the love spell will be executed exactly the opposite and your beloved will turn away from you forever.
  Ritual to attract strong love

This instruction is only suitable if you are familiar with the object of your lust or have previously lived together.

Bury five hairs under a young tree at sunrise.
  In the process, repeat the words “I bury the hair strands, calm and calm the servant of God (name). So that I missed, tormented, I could not find a place for myself. To listen and please me. Be everything as I ordered and not otherwise. Amen!".
  On the way home, do not talk to anyone and do not give anything to anyone for 3 days.

Video ritual love spell


A strong love spell on hair can be both a safe ritual, and an action that carries negative energy and a lot of misfortunes in people's destinies.

Follow the rules, control your thoughts and never do anything with malicious intent or for the sake of revenge. Let's hope that the video we prepared in this article will answer all the questions and save you from mistakes.

Different countries and different magic schools have their own unique traditions of performing love spell rituals. Love spells in general, there are a great many, as weak, white love spells, and very strong impact - black love spell.

Now I will tell you about a popular love spell ritual. This spell relates to the type of biological love spells, i.e. made with the use of some biological material belonging to both bewitching and bewitching. I note that there are variations of the biological love spell, in which only one component is taken, for example, bewitching blood or bewitching hair.

Your story will be about the love spell on the hair. As you understand, you will need to get three hairs of your lover. Even if you do not have a relationship now, you can meet under some extraneous and neutral pretext. For example, think up a situation in which your loved one can help you. For a conversation, or if he goes somewhere, leaving his things, remove the strips from his clothes or from his head - dial a little more, which would be enough for you to carry out a love spell on your hair.

Of course, it should be noted that the biological love spell and love spell, as an example of such effects, is strong and tough, because the influence on a person is very strong due to the use of organic materials. Spell on hair - as a precision weapon that hits right on target.

Love your hair

Having found the necessary materials for the love spell, you can begin to magical effects. All the rituals of the spell should be performed with the growing moon, at midnight.

You will need a thin church candle. Take it in your hands and hold it for a while, let the wax warm up a little with your warmth. At the same time, imagine how your strong feeling, love fills the candle, how the candle absorbs this positive energy.

Now take the three hairs of your lover and your three hairs are the same length. Intertwine with each other, saying the words of the conspiracy: “Weave not hairs, but we twist destinies (the name of a loved one) and (your name). Amen".

Repeat the words of the plot while you weave the hairs. Then take the candle and wind the resulting pigtail spirally around it. The candle is already saturated with the energy of your love, and the woven hairs are the symbol of your intertwined destinies.

Now you need to put a candle on the table and light it. While the candle is burning, sit beside it and imagine what you want. What do you want from a relationship, how should a love spell appear? Let your imagination, your desire become as strong as possible. Imagine how everything should be bright and accurate, down to the specific actions and actions of your loved one.

When the candle is completely burned, your desire and intention will be released and will change the world, the feelings and thoughts of your lover.

This love spell ritual is suitable not only for a woman who wants to bewitch a man, but also vice versa.

Burning hair for a love spell

In addition to the above ritual, there is also a variation of it, when everything is also done, the hair is intertwined, but only after that they need to be put on a glass plate and lit from the match. At the same time they say: “Burn, burn, it is clear that love (the name of the bewitched) to (name of the bewitching) would flare up, burn with passion and never go out. Let it be so".

Make sure that the hairs are completely burned, only ash is left. With this ash on a platter, go to the open window and, blowing on it, imagine how your influence goes, and the wind brings it to the bewitched.

Love spell

In this ritual you will need the comb of the person you wish to bewitch. On the comb should remain his hairs. Best of all, this ritual is suitable for the love spell of a girl, because women often have many hairs on the comb.

Do everything the same way as before - at midnight light a candle on the growing Moon, relax, imagine what you want to achieve with a love spell. Then take a comb and remove hair from it, twisting and twisting them into a ball. There also add a few of your hairs. Speak a conspiracy: “As these hairs twisted and intertwined, so life and fate (the name of the beloved) with (your name) twisted and intertwined. Do not untangle the lid. Let it be so". These hairs you need to put in a small bag of natural fabric and carry.

“Comb, comb, hair (the name of the beloved) friend.
  You, comb, help me, bring me my beloved (your name).
  In my arms, push and feelings of love in him.
  The languor and the attraction of his heart drink
  Let only me fiercely misses
  Without me, happiness does not see
  From thinking on my head loses.
  Let it be so".

After the ritual, the comb should be given to your loved one, it will hold the power of your love and transfer it to your heart, igniting passion and attraction to you. And the woven hairs that you keep in yourself will serve as a guiding talisman for your beloved and will direct his feelings towards you.

These three love spells for hair are simple and effective. But they belong to not very strong impacts, this is not a black love spell or black magic. Therefore, you can repeat the effects several times and do not despair if from the first time something does not work out the way you want.

Broken heart or unrequited love? Sometimes resentment pushes people to the most rash acts. It is not for nothing that the pain of unrequited love can be compared only with the sensations of loss when someone near and dear dies. Magic is considered to be one of the very popular methods of dealing with unrequited feelings.

To charm the hair of a loved one who does not reciprocate is an ancient and effective way. The hair contains a large amount of human energy.

In this article you will learn how to manage them! Before you make a love spell - Think! Since the love spell is a serious thing, so it is worth weighing everything before you decide to take this step.

Magic hairpins

The spell on the hair of the beloved was often used by girls in magical practice and never remained disappointed in the results of the ceremony. In this form, such rituals have survived to this day, while maintaining their effectiveness and efficiency. Such properties of a strong love spell on the hair are explained by the fact that the human curls are a treasure trove of information about their owner:

  • any biological material
  • whether blood or nails
  • able to several times strengthen the magical binding of a person
  • this statement fully applies to the hair.

However, for the same reason, the ritual should be carried out with special attention: the power of this rite can easily turn against you and bring consequences.

If you are sure that the hair was only dropped from the head of a person, and you have no other way to get new material, then you can spend a love spell on such a lock.

The enchantment on the hair implies the mystery of what is happening, otherwise the magic effect may not succeed at all or will bring with it negative consequences.

  • Therefore, it is necessary to cut or collect the necessary curls in complete secrecy from their owner.
  • Once you have managed to get the desired curl, it must be placed in a sealed package: the best is a regular small packing bag on the clasp. This is done so that the hair before the ritual does not lose its human energy.

With careful observance of all these rules, we will surely manage to conduct a powerful and effective love spell on hair.


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Love spell at the genetic level

At all times there was a special attitude to hair. From the old days, the tradition has come to keep the first cropped curl of the baby, and the warriors in the long marches took curls of their loved ones. The enchantment on the hair was used by ancient magicians.

Features of the rite with hair

A love spell on hair is considered to be a very effective effect if all the conditions of a particular rite are met. It is possible to increase the power of the love energy message, if the ritual is performed on the new moon, if nothing else is said in the recommendations for the rite.

It is better to use freshly cut hair in the ritual, but freshly armored ones will also work.

Any love spell on hair will be successful if it has been respected. mystery  rite of passage.

  • In no case can not share with anyone the plans that you are going to bewitch the guy you like.
  • Also, you should not talk about the fact that you performed the ceremony.

It is important to understand that a love spell with the use of hair is a very strong magical effect.

That is why you should prepare yourself for the fact that there will be a negative setback.

But if the ceremony is conducted out of sincere motives against the background of strong love on the part of the performer, then no catastrophic negative consequences should be expected. It is possible that the general state of health will deteriorate within a few days, which will subsequently recover quickly.

Any love spell on the hair begins to act very quickly.

  1. If within a few days nothing happened in terms of establishing relations with the chosen one, therefore, the impact failed.
  2. After some time you can repeat it again or use another love spell.

Snapping favorite

Self-love spell at home, as a rule, always successful. It allows you to firmly bind to your chosen one or darling. But, as with any other magical rituals, this rite should be taken responsibly.

Remember that with the wrong use of magic tools, you can cause a strong harm not only to the person to whom the impact is directed, but also to yourself.

In order to perform the ceremony independently, one should first of all have the hair of a loved one.

The easiest way is to try to find the hair on his clothes or ask him for a comb. But in all cases you need to really make sure that the hair belongs to the right person.

The sequence of actions when the spell is as follows:

  • At midnight, a candle is lit.
  • The hair of a loved one and your own is taken in the hand of the same length.
  • The hair is intertwined with the words of the plot:

“From now on, we are one with you, beloved, inseparable by any external force. Like fire with smoke, like ice with frost, like earth with grass, so are we. ”

  • The correct attitude is very important during this ritual.
  • During the burning of hairs should be presented as brightly as possible pictures of intimacy with the chosen one and a happy future life together.

The fact is that when burning hair, huge energy is released, which thus needs to be given the right direction in order to bring it to the maximum amount to the object.

Love spell

There is a strong love spell on hair, in which you will only need to use your own long strand. And it should be, necessarily, cut off with scissors or a knife. For the ceremony, it is necessary to fasten a thread from one end and braid the braid, securing the second end.

In the period of the full moon late at night you need to go to the house where the person you are planning to bewitch lives. Braided locks should be placed directly at the door of your loved one.

In this whisper clearly need to say these magic words:

“My hairs are family, help me. Do not allow other women to approach it. Let only me be the mistress of his heart. We will live in love and harmony for a long time. I do not connect hairs, weave feelings. My word is the strongest. So be it. For centuries".

  • After that, very quickly and without looking back, you need to go home.
  • On the way, you can not talk to anyone.
  • After such a ceremony, you will need to be with your chosen one as often as possible.

Rite to strengthen relationships

This ceremony is suitable for girls who, meeting with a guy, seek to strengthen mutual feelings. Also with the help of this ritual, you can ignite the passion, which is extinguished due to long-term relationships. For the ceremony will need to take five freshly cut hair of his chosen one.

  • In the new moon period, early in the morning, before sunrise, you need to go to the nearby forest.
  • Find a beautiful young tree and with the first rays of the sun bury the hair brought with it under it.

During this action you need to say the following words:

“Strands of hair from the head of my beloved, I will bury you here and this will deprive God's Slave of rest (the name of a loved one). So that he is always without me, the Slaves of God (his own name) was tormenting and yearning, so that he would not find a place in life if I was not around. So that he listens to me and appreciates me, and tried to do everything to please me. My words are strong, so it will be as said. Amen!"

After that, you need to go back home, and on the road with no one should not talk. From this day you will feel that your relationship with the chosen one is strengthened day by day.

Hairbrush plot

Also very often used spell to comb. To do this, you need to take a comb from a loved one and accidentally forget to give it away. At midnight you need to read a conspiracy over her. And over the hairbrush can be read any prayer or conspiracy. The main thing is that the text expressed a desire to attract the attention of a loved one.


“Comb, comb, help, my beloved (name of the chosen one) bring me (own name) to me. Push him into my arms, and tell me about my love. Let him miss me, and his happiness only represents me. Let it be so."

After that, you need to return the comb to the owner with an apology and wait for the result that will come soon! You should know that the love spell on the hair will be successful only with the sincerity of the feelings of the person who conducts the ceremony.

Christmas love spell on a wooden comb

As it is known, Christmas time is a fairy-tale period in which all wishes come true. And it is on one of the Christmas nights you can spend a very effective love spell to comb.

  • This rite does not make a strong binding and is absolutely safe.
  • It is an appropriate way to attract the attention of a loved one and can be the starting point for building strong relationships.

For the rite should:

  1. take a new wooden comb and sit in front of the mirror.
  2. Peering at the mirror surface and thinking about a loved one
  3. Smooth movements comb your own hair.

In the process, you should pronounce these magic words:

“I will carefully comb my hair, I will put each hair to the hair, and my dear, God's Slave (name of the chosen one) to me, God's Slave (own name). Amen."

This plot should be repeated 9 times. And every time, every word needs to be filled with its desire to be close to your loved one.

After that you need:

  1. Go to sleep, and put the comb in the rite under the pillow. Waking up early in the morning, you need to remove your own hair from a comb and burn it in a candle flame.
  2. Ash should be collected and at the first opportunity to add to the drink or food your chosen one.


Rite with blood

The following rite is considered very dangerous and strong. Since it uses two types of genetic material, the efficiency is very high. However, in order to minimize the consequences, one should follow all the recommendations when performing the ceremony and in no case do not make a love spell on hair and blood out of curiosity and revenge. The bond that appears after the ceremony is unbreakable, so be careful about the choice of the man.

  • Only strong love and the desire to connect life with this person can be reasons for using the love spell.
  • A few lover's hairs need to be soaked with your blood taken from the little finger of your left hand. Making a ceremony, think positively.
  • Introduce you together, happy and contented. Next, the hair should be wrapped in cloth to make a small bundle.
  • You should put this bundle under your pillow and keep it there for seven days.
  • After this period, you need to bury the bundle in the place where the beloved will surely step over him. The way home or to work is a great option.
  • The use of such a rite is a guarantee of the necessary result.


Love spell on your own - preparation

Here I will not talk about the use of hair in the cemetery love spell or love spell. This refers to black magic, for which the consequences of an unprepared magician are surely overtaken. No, my desire, to help you do a simple spell on your hair yourself, without negative consequences.

  1. What you need is to stock up on your loved one's hair.
  2. It is not necessary to tear out a whole tuft of hair from him.
  3. For the ritual, just a few hairs will fit, which you can tear out by running your hand over his head, or simply take him off his clothes when he sleeps.
  4. But watch carefully that you take exactly his hair, and not strangers, so as not to accidentally charm his friend or acquaintance.

What else is needed for a love spell?

  • You need some more of your hair.
  • As well as the right time, which falls just for the period of the rising moon.

If you do everything right, then positive results can manifest immediately, on the same day. This love spell on the hair refers to such magic, which does not need to wait long.

Hair Rite - Recipe

Well, here is the love spell ritual itself.

  • Take a red candle, and light it at night, at one o'clock.
  • Sit down, put his picture in front of you.
  • Try to present your feelings and everything that he should feel for you.
  • Love, sexual attraction, thoughts of you - well, whatever you decide and want.
  • Then take his hair and yours and begin to weave them.

Twisting hair, say:

“I do not weave hair, I twist my feelings. You, my love, be always with me, Feel, think, hurry, and do not keep me. Wish only me, away from everyone else, To me forever preoccupied. My word is strong. Let it be so. Forever and ever".

  • By the end of the conspiracy reading, you should already to bind  hairs.
  • You can read the plot a few more times, but always imagine what the results should be, what kind of behavior your lover should have, how he should offer you a hand and heart, how to talk to you about your endless and boundless love, how to behave and how .d

Energize your action with energy, ignite his feelings with your sensual. Feel that he simply has no more opportunities, except how to do everything you want and how you decide.

  • Then attach a kerchief to the photo and drip wax with a candle. By this you will fix the spell on your beloved.
  • And put the finished photo with hairs in an envelope and seal it. It is also possible to strengthen the seal with wax from the candle, saying: “What I sealed, never to destroy. Forever and ever".

That's all the love spell - you see, nothing complicated, but how effective!

This love spell on your hair gives you almost 100% guarantee of augmenting feelings on the part of your loved one, and you will immediately feel the results on yourself - in his look, in his seemingly insignificant gestures and signs of attention.

It happens that a person himself does not understand that his magic draws and pulls more and more towards a person. He goes to the slaughter, even in himself not believing, not understanding what he does and what attracts him. But it does not matter, because you know everything and remember everything. And you know what you did and why.

Well, then, over time, if you want to let go, burn the envelope, saying "let go." Just do not bring him to true love, because if he really falls in love with you once and for all, it will not be easy to get rid of his beloved. It will take more powerful love magic. Do not make a spell if you just want to lose feelings.


Simple hair rites

In order to make a love spell on the hair itself, it is necessary, first of all, to get the hair of a loved one.

  • The safest way is to inspect his outer clothing, because the owner's hair often remains on her.
  • You can also ask him for a comb, and see if there are any hairs left on it, or vice versa - invite him to use your comb.

In all these cases, you need to check whether the hairs actually got belong to your beloved one. You can try to quietly cut off a strand from him during sleep, or you can directly ask him by wrapping it in a joke. Both of these methods are good because there is a chance to get a whole strand, however, it is likely that you will not succeed, but also cause your loved one to be suspicious of insidious designs and he will take protective measures against your love spell.

Tested method

If you already got a strand or, at least, a hair of a loved one, you can make a love spell on your hair by yourself in the old proven way. To do this, light a candle at midnight and pick up his hair and his own strand of the same length.

Bind them together, saying:

“From now on, we are one with you, inseparable by any force. Like smoke with fire, like frost with ice, like grass with earth, so are we. ”

  • Burn twisted hairs in a candle flame.
  • At the same time, imagine as brightly as possible the pictures of intimacy with your loved one, his caress and your future happiness together.
  • When you burn hair during the rite, there is tremendous energy, which you will thus give the desired direction to.

On unfamiliar man

Also, a simple rite with a candle can attract the attention of a man you like with whom you barely know.

As the magic attributes will need to use:

  • Three hairs chosen;
  • Three own hairs;
  • Church candle.

The love spell on hair is carried out at night in a separate room. It is necessary to light a candle and tie all the hair together in a bundle.

Then the hair should be set on fire from the flame of a candle and say the following words:

“As the hairs of the Slave of God (the name of the chosen one) and the Slaves of God (the proper name) are tightly connected, so our lives will be inseparable and intertwined. From this moment on, the Slave of God (the name of the chosen one) only thinks of the Slave of God (his own name). Without it, he can neither eat nor drink. Always and everywhere he will remember me and dream of meeting me. Amen!"

While pronouncing the magic words, it is necessary to visualize the image of the chosen one and represent the joint future happy life with him.

Perfect way

A strong love spell on the hair is recommended in case you need to revive the relationship. After all, as you know, over time, with a long life together, the feelings of the partners dulled. Freshly cut hair should be used for this ritual. But if your chosen one is near you, it is easy to do.

At dawn, before the first rays of the sun, it is necessary to go outside and bury previously prepared hairs under a young tree.

In this case, you need to pronounce the following words:

“I will bury the hair of my beloved, the Slave of God (the name of the beloved), which will deprive him of his peace forever. To hurt, miss, miss, I didn't know a place without me. So that he listens to me, tries to please me and only sees me. It will be as it is said and not otherwise. Amen!"

After the hair is buried, you should go home and not talk to anyone for three hours. This love spell begins to act almost immediately after the performance of the ceremony.

A rather strong love spell is one's own hair, which is spoken by magic words and thrown into the clothes of a loved one.

The plot in this case sounds like this:

“My hairs will always be with you, and you will not forget me. I give my part to you, and take your heart in return. Amen!"

It should be remembered that ceremonies that use fresh hair are more effective. In addition, ceremonies are desirable to hold in the period of the new moon, if the rules of the rituals do not specify another time.


How to make a love spell on hair?

This type of love spell is very powerful - in the hair lies the incredible energy of the person who wears them. This is an accumulation of energy that can be sent in the right direction.
  The most effective will be the love spell:

  • Made on new moon. This is the most favorable period, because the lunar energy is aimed at creating, creating something new.
  • You do not need to prepare your hair in advance - it is best to use strands cut right before the ritual. They have the most energy, and therefore the spell will be more powerful
  • Since you will need hair not yours, but your chosen one, try to cut them off as imperceptibly as possible for him in order to avoid unnecessary questions.

And what to do if a man is bald or the hair on his head is too short? In this case, it is better to use other variants of love spells. But you can try to “get” the hair from his body - for example, from the chest. We can’t imagine how much effort it may cost you, but try taking a chance.

You will need:

  • Hair chosen
  • A matchbox or a small plastic bag - it will be needed for storing hair to save information and accumulate energy
  • Candle. It is better to use church wax candles, as wax is a “living” material with rather strong energy, unlike artificial paraffin wax.

You also need to learn in advance the text of the plot, so that during a magical ritual you can pronounce it exactly, correctly and without the slightest hesitation.

Important rite

Choose the right time at which you will be ready to perform all the necessary magical manipulations. It is better if it will be the night of the new moon. You will need to do the following:

  • Braid your hair in a braid, with loose curls love spell can not be done. If a girl has short hair, it is better to pinch them with clips or hairpins
  • Stand at the open window to see the moon. Light a church candle and put it on the windowsill. You can use the table installed next to the window
  • From the candle, set fire to the three hairs of your chosen one, whom you are going to bewitch.

During the burning ritual, read the plot:

“As my hair is tied, so my life and the life of a servant of God (the name of the chosen one) are woven together. Now the servant of God (the name of the chosen one) without me, the servants of God (your name) will neither eat nor drink, and during all his affairs he will constantly remember me. Amen!"

The plot must be read thrice. And be sure to mentally imagine your beloved as if he is standing right in front of you.

Tip:  before doing the love spell, you must also be filled with energy, and positive. Do not do the ritual in a state of irritation, anger - only harm yourself, and you will not achieve the result. Therefore, spend the day before the ceremony as rich and fun as possible - pamper yourself, get positive.

  • Remove all items used for the love spell in a secluded place where no one will find them.
  • They need to be stored until the spell comes into effect.
  • Be patient - you will have to wait before the bewitched person begins to gradually give you signs of attention.

What could be the consequences

Almost everybody knows that love spell is a ritual with extremely negative consequences. But this does not stop the unjustly in love of young ladies, who do not represent life without the object of their passion. We will still tell you how such a rite can be dangerous - and you think about whether to do it.

For the one who charmed

Charmed men - they seem a little out of their mind. The conflict of consciousness with the unconscious begins - in his mind he does not want you, and the soul stretches with all the fibers. Because of this, a person is not happy: he can start drinking, using drugs, becoming addicted to addictions. There were cases that the bewitched went to suicide, not controlling themselves.

For the one who charmed

A man who is with a woman not on his own initiative, sooner or later will begin to take revenge on her.

  • And not on purpose - it happens unconsciously.
  • He can become a tyrant, raise a hand on you, steal money from home.
  • Stop working and start living for you. All his actions will poison your life.

It is noteworthy that such " revenge"Occurs as a result of not only a love spell but any women's initiative and manipulation. So try not to achieve the man you like by all means, but to choose someone who sought your attention as your life partner. Then the relationship will be happy and painless for both.


The bioprivations in the spell are used in some plots for the longing of a guy.

Before you read love spells or even begin any magical work with a person, it is recommended to clean his aura ceremonially. For example, if a man has a big resentment against you, then the home may not give a result, or the reaction of the lover will not be the one you need.

  • By itself, the melancholy will not remove the insult, it must be removed as a block.
  • For this good runes and wax castings.
  • Only after cleaning and weakening the man, you can make a love spell on your hair at home.
  • Newbies in love magic often either simply do not know about this rule, or ignore it.
  • The result is an inadequate result, or no result at all.

I'm not talking about the scourge of all unskillful magicians - return flows and kickbacks after a love spell on a guy, when they themselves become a target, and flies them seriously.

The best time to read the text of a conspiracy on the love of a man is the evening or morning dawn, when the sun appears on the horizon or goes beyond its edge. Morning and afternoon conspiracy on her lover should be directed toward the sun. In the evening you should turn to face west, to the setting light. And now an example of a love spell of a husband, which can be done using your hair and blood.

The most powerful way to tie - husband's love spell on hair and blood

This is the first part of her husband's love spell for hair and blood completed.

At midnight at midnight, get the vodka, pour it into a clay cup, bow low, and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Beelzebub of old, give me a ring-key to open the door where a terrible beast lies. Call him longing. I will release him and send to (name). Let the beast on its heels for (name) walks, grievously torments it. Beelzebub horned, you are the chief Satan, power is given to you. I will bow to you my relics, ask for your help, give me your heart (name). Amen".

Candles when reading the text of the plot for a love spell on the full moon hair are not used.

Do everything you need in the moonlight. After that, vodka should be carefully poured into the bottle and removed in a dark place for 40 days. After this period, vodka can be given to a person who dares to bewitch -

  • whether her husband
  • lover
  • either candidate lovers.

The victim must drink vodka 3 times 50 gr., With an interval of 1-2 days.

  • If the vodka is still left, it can not be poured.
  • Conspiracy liquids should not be poured at all; they should be used as directed to the drop.
  • Vodka can be gradually soldered to the bewitched man.
  • This proven love spell on hair begins its impact on the lover pretty quickly.

The term of the love spell for a guy is about a year without a repetition; if it is right to do a black rite, no negative consequences should be expected.

There is another version of the old-time love spell “Beelzebub”, which is also well known to practicing magicians. You can choose either of the two. Of course, this is not a white love spell of a guy through his hair and nails, but only the black magic technique. Although love rituals conspiratorial drink practiced and white magicians.

How to make a love spell on love on the hair - a magic ritual to drink with blood

The words conspiracy to the love of her husband with the help of hair in this version of the love spell may sound different:

“Beelzebub is ancient, give me a ring of keys to open the door where a terrible beast lives, his name is Tosca. Angry angst, toils, rushes at the door, breaks off the chains, waits for his victim. I will put your ring on your finger, let the longing from the chains get rid of, I will open the door and let the longing beast, cruel to (name). Let the longing on his heels goes after him, thinking about me (the name) hassled him. Eats into him, bites, pushes him in the back, directs me. His soul is tormented by torment, forcing me to bow down, breaks his will. Beelzebub horned, you are the chief Satan, The power to do evil is given to you. I will bow to you my relics, I will ask for your help, give me my heart and soul (name) to endless slavery. Let it be so".

You can read a conspiracy on red wine, but instead of hair, nails and blood from a finger, use 13 drops of monthly blood. The blood is mixed with a small amount of wine, three times read the call of the Force, and water the object with this wine. If such an opportunity is not presented, then a mixture of wine and blood can be dripped into pieces of sugar and put them in his coffee.

Performing a magical rite in this form does not last so long. The result of this magical love spell is quite impressive. On the waning moon can be made for punishment. On the growing moon it turns out one of the guy's strongest love spells for sex, along with sexual bindings on pubic hair, vaginal secretions, or sperm.

Now to the question of how to remove a love spell on hair, blood or nails.

There is simply an enormous amount of effective using the biological elements of the artist, as well as with the bindings of the person being bewitched himself. As well as in the practices of love magic there is a huge number of independent rituals aimed at getting rid of the influences of love spells made by the rival on the beloved man. We will talk about magical purges in the following materials. And now let's move on to the topic of how to do a love spell on a girl’s love for hair and photos on her own.

A strong love spell for longing women or young girls for hair and photos

This proven love spell of a woman is not tied to the lunar phases.

  • To work, you need a new small lock with keys.
  • Love for hair and wax does not apply to those that can not be removed without the help of a real magician.
  • This is a simple love spell that is done at home at a distance, and therefore its influence can be extinguished with the help of simple cleansing or shifting, which can be done independently.

So, for the home spell:

  1. Take a photo of your girlfriend and any binding, for example, her hair.
  2. Burn and rub this ash carefully over the candle to be used in the work.
  3. On the candle to write the full name of the woman, as well as her middle name and last name.
  4. In the upper third of the candle stick a large needle, and hang the key on it.
  5. Light a candle, and read a conspiracy on the love of a girl to a guy until the key falls.
  6. This is a good, acting love spell through hair and photos, with which you can influence not only the mistress, but also the wife.

“As this candle burns, so the heart (name) about me (name) hurts. I send on him longing, fire river. Fight, longing, mousy, spin over (name) over your head, walk on your heels, lead him to me. As the candle burns, burns, so the heart (name) burns. I ate, I didn’t bother melancholy, I drank, I didn’t drink melancholy, with whom, no matter where I was, I would have thought everything about me and yearned. As the wax does not happen in the fire, so (the name) wear it out for me. I take the key from the heart (the name) to myself, I lock it in my heart. Gnaw at him, longing, burn him, mataya and whip with your thoughts, don't let go of free life without me. As long as the key is with me, (name) is on fire, it melts and melts, it will not get rid of melancholy. Amen".

As soon as the candle burns out, close the lock with the key. Carry the key with you, and remove the lock in a safe place, after sticking the needle into the key hole. Candle candle simply throw. Whoever makes a spell on hair in this form, speak of it as a stable, well-working rite. In the reviews it is noted that the woman he loves is very actively beginning to look for any contacts.

The closer the conversation, the better the bewitched woman feels. If necessary, update and strengthen the action, heat the key on the flame of the same candle, three times reading a love plot on a girl. It works on the personal strength of the performer, the reaction of the victim is noticeable in the interval from 3 to 7 days.


Love spell

There are several ways to make a love spell on the hair, some of them stronger, others a little less. The most effective options consider below.

This love spell must be performed on Friday (the day of Venus) on the new moon or the first quarter of the moon.

  • You need to take a few of your own and loved ones's hairs, twist them together and, puncturing the little finger of your left hand with a new needle, soak them with your blood.
  • After that, the hair should be put in a white silk or linen napkin and put them under the pillow.
  • During the performance of the ceremony in the head you need to keep the image of a loved one, presenting it only in the brightest colors, you can not allow negative emotions.
  • At this convolution, you need to sleep for seven nights in a row, after which you need to bury it in a place where your lover will cross it, this condition is necessary.
  • If the spell did not work, it can be repeated, but not earlier than in three months.


  1. Take an equal amount of your loved one's hair, they should be the same length.
  2. Bind the hairs together, saying:

"Now we are together with you, like earth with grass, like water with rain, not to tear us apart, to walk hand in hand." After these hairs need to burn in the flame of a candle.

  1. Another kind of love-hairstyle with fire involves the use of 5 of their hairs and 3 hairs of their beloved. They need to bind and set on fire. All this time you need to think about your beloved and ask a higher power for your reunion. There is no definite conspiracy here, so just ask about the fulfillment of your desire, you need to turn to what you believe. Beware of naming the names of pagan gods or angels, whose character is not quite clear to you.

For a more complicated conspiracy on the hair, you need to quietly pick up a comb from your loved one, choose hair from it, roll it into a ball and carry it with you until the love spell works. On the comb you need to recite a conspiracy:

“As the comb is bored by your hair, let the sweet for me grieve. The day will pass, the night will pass, and in a week my dear will come to me. ”. After that, the comb must be again imperceptibly put a loved one.


With hair

It is believed that the love spells interest only girls, as if men are not subject to love and do not know what unrequited feelings are. In fact, it is not. Young guys often fall in love with girls who are indifferent to them and they also often turn to magic to solve a similar problem.

Fortunately for them, there are many rituals for the girl's hair, as well as universal rituals that are not demanding on the sex of the goal. One of the examples of universal love spells is the rite on the candle. To conduct this ceremony, it is necessary to take an equal amount of hair of a boy and a girl, it is desirable to make them equal in length, to twist and read the plot:

“Lord, help our hearts unite, Nothing else can divide us. We will be together like a moon with stars, like smoke with fire, Like grass with earth, like frost with ice. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This is a very strong love spell on hair, which can be used by both a girl and a man. The main thing you need to remember is that during a ritual it is important to concentrate on your feelings and you must be able to be with your loved one.

A strong love spell on hair can be both a safe ritual, and an action that carries negative energy and a lot of misfortunes in people's destinies.

Follow the rules, control your thoughts and never do anything with malicious intent or for the sake of revenge. Let's hope that the video we prepared in this article will answer all the questions and save you from mistakes.

The enchantment on the hair is a really strong rite, which is very difficult to resist. There are many varieties of love spells in which the victim's hair is necessarily used. The presence of this attribute ensures a long and strong effect from a love spell.

In the article:

The specifics of the rite on the hair

Spell the hair can be a woman and a man. The main key to success is to exactly follow all the rules of such rites. Magu should remember that the ritual is carried out only. At this time, the sorcerer will spend less of his own energy on conducting the ceremony, and the effect will be stronger. Otherwise, do not expect a positive result. The more complex the rite you decide to hold, the more significant the quantity and quality of the material you intend to use. For simple hairpieces there will be a few residual hairs removed from the comb. For capacious and dangerous rituals, you must remove the material from the victim’s head yourself. And it should be done as imperceptibly as possible. So you significantly protect yourself and will not fall under suspicion. It is best to cut the hair from the human head in the dark. Ideal interval between 3 and 6 o'clock in the morning. The material must be fresh, as long as its connection with the person is maximum. If it is not possible to take material from the head of a loved one, then you can use other material samples:

  • eyelashes;
  • body hair;
  • eyebrows.

Before you use the material, it is best to keep it sealed. This will keep the relationship between the victim and the attribute for a longer period.

Simple love spell for beginners hair

There are many ways to charm a girl through her hair, which is available for beginners. This rite is regarded as the most accessible and effective. For the ritual you will need only 3 hairs from the head of your beloved. To these should be added 5 own hairs and set it on fire. All the time while they burn, you should cast a spell:

Lord, burn this hair with fire, bind us with sacred bonds, connect our hearts, but help us to be together from this day to the end of time. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the ingredients are completely burned, the rite will be completed. If the result was weak or appears slowly enough, then the ceremony can be held again.

Will blood and hair help you find love?

A strong love spell on hair involves using your blood in a ritual. This will significantly increase the impact on the victim, and the effect will be very strong. Pre-cut from the head of a loved one a strand of hair, take 2 candles, a scarf and a needle. At midnight, sit in the middle of the room, light candles on either side of you, and begin to weave the hair of your loved one between you. They must be connected so tightly that they could not independently disperse.

When everything is ready, pierce the little finger with the needle and rub the protruding blood through the hair. Place the material in a clean handkerchief and carefully wrap. Put your handkerchief under your pillow. For 7 nights you cannot get the bundle and every night you should sleep in this bed. After the week has passed, the bundle must be buried near the victim's house. The action of the love spell will begin only when the desired person steps over the place where the bundle was buried.

How to forever tie to his beloved?

Men turn to magic a little less than girls. They also suffer from unrequited love and try in every way to bind to themselves the object of desire. The enchantment on the girl's hair, which is very popular, is very simple. It belongs to the universal, and it is not difficult to hold it. You need your hair and a lock of your favorite hair. They need to weave tightly among themselves. While you will perform this action, you must repeat:

Lord, help our hearts unite, Nothing else can divide us. We will be together like a moon with stars, like smoke with fire, Like grass with earth, like frost with ice. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When everything is ready, twisted hair should be wrapped in cloth and hidden as far as possible. The love spell can only be removed if the bundle is found. Therefore, no one should see him.

Flowers will help you to plan

To make a love spell on a loved one's hair, you need not only the main material, but also flower. Only the flower should be unusual. For the ceremony use, and the plant must be grown by you yourself. This makes the ritual much more difficult, but the effect is worth the effort. The flower must be tied with the hair of the beloved man and pour wax. While he is dripping, repeat the spell to yourself:

As the prickly cactus has bloomed, so your (the name of a man) love for me (your name) may flourish in your heart!

The flower, covered with wax, should be hidden in the house of its chosen one. This must be done in such a way that no one will notice you, but cannot find a flower.

Hair is an important attribute in witchcraft rites. With their help, you can bewitch your loved one forever. For the success of the ritual, you should perform actions at a set time, read the conspiracies correctly, without hesitation, and believe in the success of the ritual.

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